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Third Person POV

"W-what?" asked Jimin "Bang PD wants you both in his office as soon as you can get there" repeated Namjoon. Yoongi nodded and grabbed Jimin's hand and his car keys.

"Let's go" They were driving towards Bighit five minutes later "Jimin, it's going to be okay" "You don't know that Hyung"

"I don't, but we're going to figure out something, we're going to make it okay alright? It's going to fine" said Yoongi as he glanced at the younger who sighed and nodded.

While they made their way to the elevator through the lobby, every staff was looking at them which didn't help with the nerves of either of the boys.

The ride to the top of the building in the elevator was deafening on its own.

Yoongi let go of the youngers hand in front of the CEO's office and turned to him. "We'll figure out something, I promise"

Jimin nodded before the elder kissed his forehead and they entered the office.

Bang PD was on a call, probably from one of the many reporters calling in to find out the truth about the article.

"For god's sake, how many times do I have to repeat this to all of you ignorant nosy reporters?"


Jimin flinched and moved back a bit, Yoongi took a deep breath and gulped before he spoke.

"Pd-nim" "Yoongi, Jimin, finally. Do you both have any idea what you've done" he waited for them to answer.

Jimin nodded "Y-yes, I'm s-sorry" "It's a homophobic country, we're the biggest boyband, we're gay and dating each other" spoke Yoongi.

Bang PD sighed "So it's true? That you're dating each other? You both?"

"Y-yes" confirmed Jimin. "How long" "Half a year, about six months" mumbled Yoongi.

"I can't believe this, how could you both be this careless" "We don't have anything to say, we apologize" muttered Jimin. Bang PD sighed "You should've been discreet"

"Yes, we're so- wait. What are you talking about Pd-nim?" asked Yoongi.

"Your relationship getting caught of course, what are you both talking about?" asked Bang PD.

"Being gay and dating at all?" said Jimin. Bang PD sighed.

"Boys. I know both of your pasts. I basically signed contracts with you already knowing you both were gay" the CEO reminded them.

"Oh" "Oh" said both of the boys together. "So, you're not against us dating?" asked Yoongi, just to be sure.

"I've raised you both like my sons. Do you think I haven't realized what was happening? The change?"

"Yoongi, you asked me for more time with your mixtape, you had me get a restriction order for Jimin's father, you literally fought him until you got hospitalized too, you both also went to Daegu together twice, you're roommates"

"I stopped hearing about SeokJin bugging Sejin to cool with the choreography long ago for Jimin's sake"

"Jimin, you've also relaxed and stopped coming to the studio or visiting the choreographer for tips as much as you used to do"

"There's been too many changes, a lot of improvements. You both have obviously been helping each other be happy, there's no way I'd have missed it"

"I don't disapprove of you both dating, it's making things easier for the company and you both. The question is, are you both at the point to announce this to the world? Are you ready for the consequences?" asked the CEO.

Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other before turning to Bang PD and nodding. "Just a small announcement through an article if possible, nothing huge like a press conference" Bang PD nodded.

"How about teasing army a bit? We'll announce the relationship a bit late. You leave for the world tour tomorrow and the first concert is the next day, a little PDA on stage should work"

"We'll announce your relationship the same night, release a small article announcing your relationship officially with a picture of you two, send me one later"

"The day after is the next concert, army will know by then so we can see the reaction live. You both can also talk to them if you want to, about support, thank them or anything"

"The next day is off for rest so it'll help you calm down and relax after everything"

Both boys nodded "That sounds good" agreed Jimin.

 "Okay, you both can go back now, I'll handle the reporters. Tell the other boys, and this is for you two as well, do not leave the dorm"

"Everyone stays in until Sejin picks you all up to take you to the airport tomorrow. The rest of the day after your arrival is going to be for resting and jet lag, absolutely no sightseeing, you do that on your free day after the first two concerts."

The boys nodded, and after clearing out some other minor things regarding the announcement, they were finally allowed to leave.

They hurried through the lobby, and into Yoongi's car fast to avoid contact with anyone before driving home successfully with no interruptions.

The only attack they fell under was that laid by the rest of the boys jumping onto them to ask what had happened, how everything had gone and what the plan was.

It took half an hour to explain everything and relay the message by Bang PD to stay inside until tomorrow morning.

The rest of the day was spent packing for the world tour, skincare, makeup, clothes for the hotel and sightseeing, jewellery, and other small stuff.

Most of the important clothes, sponsoring jewellery, makeup and stuff were going to be taken by the stylist anyways, one of the plus of being idols.

They'd started a movie marathon for after the time they'd left once their suitcases were packed, around eight SeokJin had rushed them to bed since they'd had to get up early in the morning the next day.

The world tour was starting.

w.c 984

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