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Third Person POV

Jimin immediately knew he was doomed when the realization hit him, how was he going to hide his feelings for and from Yoongi if they were going to be living in the same room now?

Would his heart even be able to take it? Yoongi meanwhile just happened to be scanning Jimin's face, or to be exact the frown on Jimin's face. "He's not happy about it at all" mumbled Yoongi to himself in disappointment.

"What?" asked Hoseok as they all turned to Yoongi. "What? Oh, nothing. I just asked when we are going to to this moving thing." lied Yoongi "We can do it tomorrow afternoon, we have a while off until the next concert and fan meet.

Everyone can help their new roommate move into their rooms, we'll do that yeah. Let's go to bed, for now, it's already twelve pm chop-chop" said SeokJin glancing at the clock. 

The boys groaned at the motherly behaviour but knew better than to complain and headed to their room.

A few hours later it was three in the morning and Jimin was still awake moving around in his bed feeling somehow uncomfortable. It just felt like something was missing, or someone. Min Yoongi was missing.

Jimin shot up and out of his bed with eyes at the thought "I'm out of my mind" he told himself aloud cupping his face before shaking his head and getting into bed once again.

But another hour was gone and he still could not sleep therefore he sighed, grabbed his pillow and left his room. He walked to the furthest room on the right and knocked thrice, Yoongi surprisingly opened the door immediately.

"Jimin, is something wrong?" he asked immediately scanning the younger to see if he was hurt or something was wrong, but he only saw him dressed in Pajamas, hugging a pillow with his messy bed hair and a very handsome, attractive and cute- shut up Min Yoongi.

"I can't sleep" pouted Jimin, Yoongi smiled and moved aside "Come on in". Once Jimin did so, Yoongi closed the door and sat next to Jimin on the sofa "I didn't wake you up did I?" Jimin asked.

"Not at all, I was working on my mixtape and was just going to go to bed so I just changed" explained Yoongi "Mixtape? Hyung! We just got a break from our tired schedule! You shouldn't be working already, especially at four am!" argued Jimin.

"I know, I know. I just suddenly got inspiration so I had to write it down before I forgot it and I ended up getting carried away, I won't do it again" assured Yoongi.

Jimin brought up his fist with his pinky finger sticking out "Promise?" Yoongi chuckled and joined both of their fingers "Promise. Now let's get you to bed" said Yoongi grabbing the younger's hand and pulling him into the bed with him as they smuggled into each other.

They played twenty questions and were halfway done when ten minutes had passed and Yoongi's question was not answered, he turned around to find the younger asleep. Yoongi smiled before moving him closer carefully, kissing his forehead and falling asleep himself.

He was woken up the next morning by loud banging on the door which Jimin surprisingly slept through, yet they could have and they had woken up Yoongi.

He did not look happy at all as he opened the door in anger and glared at the person outside "What the fuck is so fucking important that you had to fucking wake me up at seven in the fucking morning Kim fucking Taehyung" cussed Yoongi, Taehyung moved back.

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