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Warning: Mention of Emotional Distress and Physical Harm

Third Person POV

"Hyung! Jin Hyung said to wake up for breakfast and take care of what we need to be done so we all can do a group dance practice once before we leave for the shoot in the afternoon" said Jungkook trying to wake up Jimin who was snuggled deep into his blankets.

It'd taken him ages to fall asleep the night before for unidentified reasons. "O-okay" yawned Jimin as the maknae repeated the same words for the millionth time. 

Once Jungkook left the room, Jimin got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower whilst grabbing random clothes. 

He decided to change into a formal outfit right after the shower so he would not have to bother later, he'd get sweaty after the practice but then there would be the recording which would get him the same way afterwards so he'd just take a bath right now and at night once they got back. 

Jimin nodded at his outfit in the mirror in approval before he headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

It seemed that most of the members too seemed ready for the practice already, there was no conversation as they all just silently ate their breakfast before deciding to go back to their rooms until they would meet in their practice room in two hours

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It seemed that most of the members too seemed ready for the practice already, there was no conversation as they all just silently ate their breakfast before deciding to go back to their rooms until they would meet in their practice room in two hours.

"Jimin-ah, can we talk about yesterday? I'm sorry for upsetting you though, I get if you don't want to talk about it" said Taehyung quietly as the rest other than SeokJin, Yoongi and Namjoon left the table.

"It's fine Tae, I told you about it so it's natural to want to know the whole story" assured Jimin although he did not feel like talking about it at all.

It was not that he did not want to tell his best friend about what had happened, he trusted him the most after all and he wanted to get it off his chest and tell anyone. It was just that he did not want to recall all those bad and bitter memories and events he had gone through.

Eventually, Jimin and Taehyung soon ended up in Jimin's room again, talking about the same topic as yesterday. Jimin took a deep breath before starting to speak: 

"It was ten years ago, in 2008. I was thirteen and in the first year of middle school when I attended 'Just Dance Academy' in Gaegeum-dong. I found out about my sexuality near the end of the first term when I realized I had a crush on a boy from an older year" 

"We both became close friends and I told him about all my secrets including being gay, he didn't really react much to it or anything but he slightly did distance himself from me when it came to touchy stuff"

"Eventually, I confessed to him on valentines day even though I knew he didn't like me, I just wanted to get the burden off my chest and thought he'd at most reject me and say he did not want to be friends anymore"

"But it turned out to be worse, he laughed at me and humiliated me. It turned out he was even recording all that ever since I had told him I wanted to talk to him, he told me talking to me and becoming my friend had been a bet from the start and I was just a measly twink and a plaything for him"

"The video ended up going viral and everyone in the neighborhood saw it, in middle school, the bullies called me a faggot and bullied me emotionally and physically. Sometimes they beat me until I blacked out"

"Other times they'd keep on bringing me back to consciousness to beat me unconscious again. Certain times I was beaten enough to have bruises everywhere, I had to buy foundation and other makeup to cover it up before going home"

"After the bullying in school rumors spread outside as well and I ended up being a victim of after-school bullying too. So I'd get beaten in school than outside school and get home late at night after hiding the bruises, my dad heard the rumors and thought I whored around which was why I usually came home late so he hit me at home a few times as well when mom and Jihyun weren't around."

"That was how I lived for three years of middle school. I got hit in school, after school, and at home. I got insulted and degraded but I made it through nevertheless"

"My mom eventually found out about all of it one time when she saw me get beaten in the alley while she was out for groceries. I ended up at the hospital and everything was revealed, all the injuries others caused me, the belt ones from my dad and my own self-harm ones"

"When I told you guys mom and dad divorced because he wasn't good for us this is what I meant, but I couldn't just say it. That's also why we ended up moving to  Geumjeong-gu for my high school years"

"My self-harm and insecurity, as well as panic, anxiety disorder, and the eating disorder, lasted until I ended up auditioning for bighit. It went away as I met you and the other members and we all became a family, I was finally happy for around three years after our debut year"

"It came back again though, two years ago due to the hate from the anti's and it's still here. Basically, it all began because I told people I was gay, that's also why I hid it. Since that day of confession that took me all my confidence I denied I was gay even though I knew I was, I told myself it was a crime and disgusting"

"It took me two years to accept I was not straight but I still didn't stand up for myself as it was just the last year of middle school and then only dad would be left which I could manage. And now I've ended up worse than those days" finished Jimin with a small chuckle.

"Jimin... I'm sorry you had to go through that" mumbled Taehyung "So am I Tae, that is why I don't want you to end up like me, it's no good. You should never hate what is a part of yourself and accept yourself for who you are"

"There is no point in denying everything and taking crap from others. You should love yourself for who you are and stand up for yourself in front of others, be proud. I wish I'd tried doing that, I wish I still could but it's too late for me so the least I can do is make sure you don't end up hating yourself like me" said Jimin with a slight smile.

"I won't disappoint you! And I hope your dad and those bullies end up in hell!" said Taehyung with a frown "Well they did end up in jail so they might as well end up in hell too" "Your dad as well?" asked Taehyung in surprise.

"Yeah, army and you all only know that my parents are divorced and where my mom and Jihyun are. My dad was imprisoned for 10 years which was the highest imprisonment charge" explained Jimin. Taehyung's eyes widened at a sudden realization as he spoke in a hurry.

"Wait ten years ago? Doesn't that mean he'll be released soon?!"

w.c 1275

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