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Third Person POV

Jimin frowned as he woke up midway from his sleep to see Yoongi's side of the bed empty.

He needed more sleep and he was insanely tired, yet he needed the elder's warmth therefore got up and headed to the Genius Lab.

Jimin entered the code and walked in, unnoticed by the elder who had headphones on and was nodding to beats while adjusting them. 

Yoongi finally felt a presence in the room as he felt a chin being rested onto his shoulder, his immediate reaction was for his body to stiffen before he would glare and shout at the intruder.

He however was calmed down upon hearing Jimin whine while the younger massaged his free shoulder in order to relax his posture.

"Hyung~" Jimin then moved back, allowing Yoongi to swing his chair to take in his boyfriend's presence.

The youngers hair was messy, all over the place and unattended to, his eyes were half-closed as he rubbed them with his small fist whilst his plump soft lips formed a cute pout.

Yoongi cracked a smile at seeing Jimin's tired and sleepy form before he beckoned the younger to come closer. 

Jimin didn't hesitate before climbing lazily onto the elder's lap as Yoongi kissed the younger's forehead.

"What's wrong baby?" "I can't sleep properly without you Hyung, come to bed" "I need to do this for Namjoon first Miniee"

"Can't you do it tomorrow Hyung? I need you~" the younger whined alongside a pout, adorable. Yoongi sighed as he debated "Pretty please?" 

Jimin stared at Yoongi with the most cutest and innocent look he could muster along with intense puppy eyes. Fuck it.

"Okay, let's go" said Yoongi as he pecked the younger's lips and got up while still holding him as he practically carried him to the door.

Jimin giggled as he helped Yoongi open the door to walk them out and then inside their own room.

The elder then slowly and gently lowered the younger into the bed before also getting in and letting Jimin cling to him as he snuggled his face into the crook of the elder's neck. 

Yoongi chuckled at how fast the younger fell asleep and lightly kissed his jaw "My precious baby" he then also let his eyes shut and the tiredness take over.

Jimin whimpering from the cold was what woke the other up. The younger was curled into the ball next to the elder and shivered from the lack of warmth.

Yoongi grabbed a blanket before covering him and silently getting out of the bed to go back to his studio.

He had already done the work Namjoon had asked Yoongi help with, all he needed to do now was include the finished work into Namjoon's incomplete one and compile the song together whilst Namjoon worked on another one.

It only took Yoongi another hour after which he headed to Mon studio, knocked and entered. 

Seeing Namjoon asleep while he half sat on the chair and half laid his head on the table, Yoongi moved him to a more comfortable position before leaving the USB next to the PC and leaving.

Yoongi walked downstairs to see SeokJin finishing cooking breakfast.

"Morning Hyung" "Good morning, can you wake up Jimin while I get the other boys? Also, have you seen Namjoon? He wasn't in bed this morning"

"He's passed out in his studio, I think he pulled an all-nighter to complete the last song since we only have a week to go and still everything to recheck" said Yoongi.

SeokJin nodded with a frown before heading upstairs to either check on Namjoon or chew him out. 

Yoongi as requested went to wake up Jimin "Miniee~ wake up, breakfast is ready" "No~" the younger whined lazily.

Yoongi moved closer kissing all over the younger's face with each word he spoke "You.need.to.wake.up" Both cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw, and an additional one on the lips.

"I'm going to leave you alone in here if you don't wake up baby" Jimin groaned as he opened his eyes before compiling, getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen with Yoongi.

"Where's Namjoon Hyung?" asked Jungkook. "Asleep, he had a bit too much work to do so he finished late. He'll be up by lunch" said SeokJin.

"Well... He was supposed to tell this to everyone but since he's asleep, Bang PD called about the work tour, there will be a meeting tomorrow morning at Bighit to talk about the arrangements, I don't know the exact time though" said Hoseok.

The rest nodded while continuing to eat "Can we all go to the mall today? Shop and watch a movie?" Taehyung asked hopefully, his stare was enough for everyone to cancel any plans they had.

"Of course, we can go in the afternoon if everyone's okay with that" said SeokJin "Yeah Namjoon Hyung will be awake by then too" said Jimin. 

Hoseok and Jungkook nodded while Yoongi shrugged in agreement. After breakfast, SeokJin and Hoseok stayed in the kitchen to chat while the youngest two decided to play overwatch. 

Jimin and Yoongi meanwhile went back to cuddling in bed. "Hyung, what are kinks?" Yoongi chocked on nothing.

"W-where did you hear that?" "Tae, we were talking and he said something about being kinky?"

 Yoongi sighed. "Kinks are certain activities or actions that turn you on unusually more than other things" the elder tried to explain in the most innocent way "Oh, what are they like?" Jimin asked curiously. 

Yoongi gulped "Well... there's the daddy kink, praise kink, chocking. Some people get turned on by being edged, over simulated, degraded, spanked, being denied of their orgasm. People err... tend to use toys for that stuff, cockrings, vibrators, gags, blindfolds, handcuffs, dildos, nipple clamps and such stuff"

Jimin blushed in understanding "Why would someone like to be insulted?" 

"Well... being degraded is mostly pleasure full for some. Being called a personal slut, whore, it makes one feel good and gives them a feeling of belonging I guess"

Way to go Yoongi, so much about giving a innocent explanation. Jimin almost moaned aloud at the thought of being handcuffed and blindfolded under Yoongi while the elder would overstimulate, degrade, and praise him for being his good slut. 

Jimin shook the thoughts out, fucking think about women, old grandmas, just don't get a boner. Yoongi on the other hand did the same as the younger clearing his thought awkwardly.

"Wh-why do you know so much about this stuff?" "Because I have a thing for at least half of these, I tend to know about the rest just in case" Yoongi mumbled.

"O-oh. I'd go for most of these but gags and n-nipple clamps are a bit too much. Hyung? Do you have a daddy kink?"

"No, I'm pretty sure you, moaning Hyung would turn me on ten times more" Yoongi confessed and then laughed at the younger's cherry red face.

"Hyung? Do you want to fuck?" "No" "Oh" mumbled Jimin, was it his fault? Was there something wrong with him, was it because he was a virgin? Not knowledgeable enough?

"Our first time won't be a random fuck or just sex. It will be special, making love rather than acting recklessly"

"I've been there, and although I didn't have any power I know how bad it feels to do it the wrong way. I don't want you to have any regrets or worse, somehow hurt you" Jimin kissed the others cheek.

"You won't Yoonie. I don't think you'll ever hurt me, whatever the situation" Yoongi nodded and moved closer to the younger "I don't deserve you"

"And I you Hyung, but we have both each other and we always will" This time Yoongi was the one to be embraced and curled into the younger who comforted him to sleep. Yoongi felt vulnerable.

But for once he didn't hate himself for it.

w.c 1291

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