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Third Person POV

Jimin may have not told Yoongi anything about his father other than the divorce, just like what he had told the others, however, Mrs. Park may have told Yoongi about some things.

When Jimin and Yoongi had gone to Busan those few months ago, there was a part where Yoongi had been pulled aside by Jimin's mother. 

All she had said was that the divorce was because Jimin's father was not healthy for them mentally and physically, especially for Jimin. And although he had been imprisoned, ten years were almost up and he'd be released soon.

That was all Yoongi but it made some things clear, like how he certainly did not want the man near Jimin at all. 

While Jimin stood there in a daze, his eyes full of fear and his frame shaking as his grip on the tacos loosened and the bag dropped on the floor, Yoongi pulled him behind himself and immediately turned to the guards.

"Get this man away, RIGHT NOW. He better not get anywhere near any of us!" shouted Yoongi, making the guards flinch as they immediately grabbed the man in front of them who struggled and tried to get to the two members.

"So you got yourself a boyfriend you faggot? Too bad he won't be able to protect you huh? I'll RUIN YOU!" Mr. Park screamed while being thrown out of the property.

Yoongi turned to Jimin who was already crying and shaking whilst having a panic attack, "Jiminee, look at me. He's gone, it's going to be fine. Everything is okay, take a deep breath. Breath in and out slowly, calm down. He's gone" said Yoongi helping the younger through the attack. 

Which somehow calmed down for the first time ever since Jimin had ever experienced them. Right when Yoongi had thought the younger was okay, Jimin collapsed into his arms "JIMIN!" screamed Yoongi.

This caught the attention of the members inside, they came out one by one and were also immediately running to Yoongi and screaming, Taehyung and Jungkook crying already.

"Hobi, please take the bags" said SeokJin, Hoseok nodded and took the shopping bag from Yoongi and the one on the floor as Yoongi lifted up Jimin and everyone headed inside to the room.

Yoongi lay Jimin down and turned to SeokJin who said "What happened?" "I can't tell you guys anything since Jimin wouldn't want me to but, his father came to visit him after ten years and he's not a good man. I got the guards to get rid of him but we can never let that man be near Jimin" said Yoongi harshly assuring them he was dead serious. 

"Tae? What's wrong?" asked Namjoon for Taehyung was visibly pale "Mr. P-park came h-here?" asked Taehyung terrified as he looked at Yoongi who nodded.

"I'm guessing you know everything. But it'll fine Taehyung, we're not going to let him come near Jiminee" reassured Yoongi. Taehyung nodded but did not calm down, his entire frame was visibly shaking as Jungkook ended up pulling the latter into a comforting hug.

Everyone other then Yoongi eventually ended up leaving the room with their taco's as they were promised to be told when Jimin woke up.

It was decided they would pretend to think they didn't know why Jimin had passed out until he decided to tell them himself. Jimin woke around midnight with a jolt, the first thing he saw was a figure, Yoongi.

He was not on the bed next to the younger but was seated on a chair next to the bed and bent forward with his arms under his head on the bed next to Jimin. Basically, he'd fallen asleep while sitting near the younger and watching him sleep.

Yoongi soon stirred and groaned in probably pain considering the position his bent neck and back was in as he woke up 

"You're awake" he said in relief and added "Do you feel fine? Okay?" "Yes, b-but-" "Your father? He's gone, for now, I got the guards to throw him out and I'll make sure you never see him again" promised Yoongi.

"Y-you know?" asked in fear "Not much, your mom just told me he used to be in jail for hurting you and he would be out soon so I should watch out for you" confessed Yoongi.

Jimin nodded, a bit more relaxed by now. He doesn't know I'm gay, good. Yoongi moved forward and hugged Jimin.

"I promise I'll protect you, I won't let anything happen to you so don't panic or worry too much okay?" said Yoongi, Jimin quietly hummed. He wasn't too scared,

Because after all, he had Min Yoongi to protect him.

w.c 772

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