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Third Person POV

The next few days actually went by under control. The practice was continuous and hard on the boys, but Jimin seemed to be hanging on.

Although Yoongi was proud of that, he couldn't help but worry about it all nevertheless. He knew better than to think of the insecurities as gone forever, there was always a trigger that could push you right back in.

So Yooingi stayed alert but not too obvious.

Jimin meanwhile felt that he was doing good, he was worried about his performance, of course, he didn't want anything he could control to go wrong.

But his worry wasn't to the level of overthinking, it was just as normal as that of any other person in the room.

Jimin, every now and then could feel his Hyung's gaze on him, a look of slight worry.

The younger knew the older trusted what he'd been told but couldn't help but worry a little, and Jimin didn't mind that.

In fact, he'd prove to his boyfriend and himself that he was going to do fine, he didn't have to, but he wanted to.

For the first time in years, Jimin felt the confidence in himself which had made him a dance major in the first place.

The confidence in his profession, in himself, in his dancing.

Despite the mistakes he would be making, he'd try his best to prevent only the mistakes he could, without overworking in doing so. He'd put himself first, he'd put Yoongi first.

He was going to do it for himself and the people who loved him, he wouldn't try to please the ungrateful haters anymore, they were now only motivation for him, no longer something holding him back from his true self.

No one was going to change him or control him anymore. Park Jimin was his own person, and now he realized that.

Today was the last day of the week, after six days of continuous practice, they had today off. 

After contemplating between the option of cuddling, sleeping all day and going to a date, before cuddling and sleeping.

The couple chose the latter, they had enough energy for it. And who knew how long it'd be until their next date aboard, so they went ahead dressed up.

Black hoodies, jeans, snapbacks and masks. At first, they'd gone to a cat cafe which Jimin had been eyeing.

Yoongi playing with cats was by far, in his life the cutest thing Jimin had ever seen.

So had the waitress also thought, spiling their orders on both the boys by mistake in shock of the sight in front of her.

This was how the boys ended up in some extra t-shirts from the cafe.

Happened to even be matching ones, short sleeve, grey and white stripes.

Jimin's grey snapback, light blue ripped denim jeans and greyish white shoes even matched with his shirt.

And Yoongi with the shirt, black snapback, dark blue jeans and brown shoes, couldn't have looked better.

The couple could make even the silliest of the outfits look extraordinary.

They went by a few more places, surprisingly no one spotting them.

It wasn't until Jimin got tired from running around and had no energy left, that they decided to go home. "Hyung~~ Carry me?" pouted Jimin, Yoongi chuckled.

"Are you actually tired or using this as an excuse to get a piggyback ride?" asked the elder as he knelt down with his back to Jimin, which the younger attached himself to "Both"

Either way, they were only a street away from the dorms and the area was a deserted shortcut. Yoongi was forced to stop abruptly when he felt the younger kiss his neck "Baby that tickles"

"Sorry Hyung, I wanna kiss you though" the younger said staring back at Yoongi who had turned around his head to look at the younger.

 "Then do that, my hands are tied, yours aren't" he said with a smile.

Jimin smiled back and moved one of his hands to cup the elder's face before moving their faces closer and kissing him.

They both stood there in the street and kissed until Yoongi pulled back "Time to go home"

The younger pouted but nodded "Let's go~" Jimin got of the elders back as the dorms came in view.

Thankfully no one else was home to question their matching t-shirts. Namjoon and Jin had gone on a date, Hoseok had also gone a date with Miyoung.

And if Jimin remembered correctly, Jungkook was confessing to Taehyung today.

The couple decided to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie until the rest of the boys returned home.

The youngest two holding hands, Namjoon and SeokJin bickering as usual, and Hoseok skipping inside while on cloud nine.

SeokJin made every dinner, they all chatted about their dates and lights were turned off before everyone went to bed early for the practice tomorrow.

Yoongi and Jimin were shaken awake by SeokJin in the morning "There's trouble" Both joined the rest of the boys in the lounge, having no idea what the 'trouble' was.

"What's wrong guys?" Jimin asked "Dispatch. There's an article about you two, they saw you yesterday"

"Fuck, there's nothing we can do?" asked Yoongi rubbing the younger back as he panicked.

Namjoon shook his head.

"I doubt it. It's a photo of you two kissing and you giving Jiminee a piggyback ride. The picture is clear enough and army already confirmed it isn't edited, it's already on the news too"

"The articles have spread all over the world so they can't be taken down either, it's too late. You both will need to make an official announcement"

With shaking hands, the younger grabbed his phone, opened his secret Instagram account and tapped on dispatch's profile before clicking on the article.

With shaking hands, the younger grabbed his phone, opened his secret Instagram account and tapped on dispatch's profile before clicking on the article

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"Jiminee, look at me. It's going to be fine, we'll announce it if we have to. Most of the army will support us" Yoongi ensured the younger who was almost crying.

The other boys too comforted the younger telling them how army already shipped the two together and wouldn't hate them for loving each other.

When Jimin was calmed down, he decided to also accept that their relationship had been exposed and they'd need to confirm it.

The couple had just calmed down until Namjoon's phone had a notification, which he grabbed to check.

Clicking away, five seconds later his face paled a little as he typed something before looking up and staring at Yoongi and Jimin in worry who looked back at him in confusion.

"Bang PD wants you both in his office"

w.c 1091

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