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Third Person POV

The kiss was slow, passionate, soft. Rather than lust, it was feelings and emotions, love.

Both their lips parted for their foreheads to rest together for a second before Yoongi was kissing him Jimin again, this time with a bit of force, dominance, slightly less innocently. 

Yoongi bit the youngers bottom lip while sucking on the top causing the younger to gasp which allowed Yoongi to slip his tongue past the youngers and explore his mouth deeper.

Jimin was forced to moan in pleasure, satisfied Yoongi pulled back with both their lips now swollen.

"I love you" repeated Yoongi with a smile as he pecked the latter's lips. Jimin couldn't help but cry of happiness, relief, how big of an idiot had he been to think Yoongi would actually hate him back then?

Heck, he just said he loved me "I love you too Hyung" answered Jimin, his tears were wiped of by the elder.

"Cute" whispered Yoongi causing him to blush, actually, the whole deal did. The part where they had practically made out, kissed, said 'I love you' to each other and how close their faces still were.

Everything at once hit Jimin with redness all over his face, I'm a dead mochi he told himself. Yoongi suddenly chuckled "You're my dead mochi then" he promised making Jimin realize he had said it aloud, which if possible it made him more embarrassed.

Jimin looked away, but could obviously still feel his Hyung's gaze burning into him until SeokJin suddenly screamed from the kitchen "DINNER'S READY BITCHES!"

This caused both of them to be at first, startled but then for them to burst into laughter, Jimin's eye smile and Yoongi's gummy one on full display for each other. Despite what had been the mood during lunch, there was no awkwardness. 

Yoongi seemed to be doing okay, more than okay actually so there was no reason for the others to worry yet either.

Therefore, they all laughed, chatted and ate happily, at least until SeokJin cracked a lame dad joke.

"Tut tut, it's already ten pm. Bedtime kiddos" announced SeokJin, Taehyung and Jungkook whined alongside Hoseok who frowned, Namjoon yawned in response, Jimin didn't say anything and Yoongi didn't care, he needn't listen anyway.

 "I'm going to catch up on some work in my studio before that" he announced making them all turn to him "Hyung! I can tag along right?" asked Jimin, trying to make the rest look less obvious and concerned.

Yoongi just shrugged "Sure" before going upstairs "He'll be fine right?" asked Namjoon in worry from particularly no one as Jimin grabbed some potato chips from the cupboard "He will Namjoon Hyung. I talked to him and Bang PD ended up telling him to take his time or he'd even fire Hyung for overworking" explained Jimin.

"Yoongi asked Band PD?" asked SeokJin being the first to be broken out of the surprised trance "Yup, besides I'll watch Hyung and make sure he doesn't work too much. Night guys~" 

Jimin then rushed his way up to the Genius Lab, he entered the code but only for it to be wrong? Thus he rang the mini doorbell and walked in as Yoongi opened the door and close it behind him.

"I changed the passcode to today's date" Yoongi shrugged as he flopped on the sofa, laying on it horizontally.

"Today's date? Why today though- oh... OH" Jimin blushed once again as Yoongi chuckled and grabbed the younger towards him only to seat him on his lap, basically back hugging him which caused Jimin to want to die. He liked the elder so much, it hurt. 

"H-Hyung!" "Mhm?" hummed the elder teasingly, "Stop~" complained the younger while rolling to the other side of the sofa and hiding his face in Yoongi's neck since he was literally now squished between the sofa back and Yoongi sideways.

Yoongi chuckled and ran his hand through the younger's hair, Jimin shifted and they lay like that for a while. 

Jimin laying on top of Yoongi as he played with Yoongi's right hand with his own two, Yoongi's other hand meanwhile was busy playing with Jimin's hair as he hummed in approval.

Alas, all good things come to an end "You should write down what you need to Hyung~" said Jimin, Yoongi groaned "I want to stay like this" 

"I know Hyungiee~ but your inspiration could go away and you could forget your idea. Besides we can just c-cuddle in bed afterwards" said Jimin.

"That sounds tempting, deal" With that all of Yoongi's laziness and grouchy behaviour was gone as he sat on his seat and begun to work. It was around three hours later that Yoongi threw their snack wrappers away and got up from the chair. 

Jimin didn't mind watching Yoongi work, basically, none of them had seen Yoongi work that way before.

Just small glimpses as Yoongi allowed no one to be near him when he worked, not even Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Let's go cuddle and sleep now" yawned Yoongi, immediately dragging them both to bed noiselessly as they made their way downstairs and into their rooms without waking the rest up as it was around one in the morning.

Both boys fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed and enveloped in each other's warmth.

Constant knocking, that's what woke both of them up at two pm "I'm going to fucking kill whoever that is" growled Yoongi in anger.

He got up and made his way to the damned door before harshly swinging it open "What the fuck do you want Namjoon" he asked, or more like hissed as his eyes came in contact with light. 

The elder's voice held pure venom and hate, Namjoon would have easily misunderstood Yoongi as someone who despised him if he did not know the elders love for sleep.

"W-we all are heading out to the movies, you both going to join us?" "Definitely not me" said Yoongi as he turned to Jimin who was wrapped up in the blankets like a burrito and shook his head "I need more sleep" he yawned. 

"Then we'll get going, come on Joon. And you both, we won't be back before late at night so get some sunlight and eat out okay? At least take a stroll or something, I'm not cleaning any dead bodies today" said SeokJin popping out of nowhere as always, he watched the other two nod and then dragged Namjoon with him.

Yoongi shut the door and jumped back on the bed "Let's sleep for at least another hour or two then go on a date" he said. Jimin's eyes couldn't get bigger.


w.c 1095

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