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Third Person POV

They stopped midway where Yoongi got off and put some things in the back of the car before getting in and driving again "Hyung, where are we going?" 

That's a surprise" "Hyung? Why are we at Bighit?" "Just follow me"

The duo entered the building with Yoongi carrying a cupboard bag and dragging the younger with him towards the elevator while they bowed to the staff around who acknowledged their presence. 

Jimin was confused to see Yoongi press the roof button, no one went to the roof.

Like ever, it was kept locked even, the only time it'd been used was when BTS had done a last-minute photoshoot-

Jimin suddenly understood why they were there as the elder entered the code for the roof door and it opened to reveal the answers to his questions.

The sight around them consisted of a mostly empty roof but a small space near one corner was occupied by a black carpet that was laid under a possibly waterproof tent decorated with fairy lights.

The inside of the open tent consisted of a small table, a few beanie bags to sit on and a small space covered with blankets for around two or three people to lay down on. 

This was the set they had taken photos on, the only difference was the missing recording equipment and the newly added mini fridge and a speaker.

Yoongi surprised the younger by pressing a button that turned on the fairy lights covering the tent which were somehow still working.

"Do you like it?" asked Yoongi nervously. He hadn't had a lot of time to plan a proper date and this had been the first place that had popped up in his mind upon thinking of possible date locations.

"I love it Hyung! This is crazy. How is this all still here?"

"Well, when we finished shooting I asked Bang PD if this all could stay here. He said I could come up here anytime I need to be alone and get away from work for a break. I've been coming up here pretty often since then."

"That was cool of Bang PD" agreed Jimin.

"Yeah, especially when the staff is strictly not allowed up here. The funny thing is, the roof passcode is our debut date, Bang PD is the one who set it and no other than him and now us knows about it"

"He said he didn't want people coming up here in case they jumped off the roof and made a scene for paparazzi" smiled Yoongi.

"That makes sense. It's so beautiful here though"

The evening was spent with both of them laying on the blankets together and watching the stars while talking about very random things and listening to some classical music on a low volume on the speaker.

It was the time to watch the sunset when they decided to sit up and eat what Yoongi had brought.

 There had even been drinks to go within the mini-fridge which they drank until it was probably time to go home since it was getting dark.

Jimin was the one to turn off the fairy lights, music and the speaker while Yoongi grabbed their empty plates and coke cans to throw later.

Once everything seemed ready to leave, the boys left the roof and headed back downstairs into the lobby before getting in Yoongi's car and heading back home. 

"Hyung, let's take a walk to the park?" asked Jimin as they got out the car they had just parked in the garage, Yoongi nodded "Sure" and offered Jimin his hand which the younger gladly took without hesitation as they walked towards the park nearby. 

They spent a few minutes sitting on the swings and watching the sky, full of stars in silence. 

"It looks like it's going to rain doesn't it?" asked Jimin "Mhm, sometime around midnight maybe"

There was silence again until Yoongi decided to speak again about what he'd been wanting to talk about with the younger for a while.

"Jiminee?" "Yes, Hyung?"

"We're going to start practicing for the world tour tomorrow onwards. And then the world tour itself is starting in about a week. I don't want you to overwork or overthink stuff. And don't hesitate in coming to me if anything happens okay? No matter how small it is"

"I promise I'll come to you Hyung, I'm going to be fine" Jimin smiled as he pecked the elder's lips.

Yoongi sighed in relief and nodded as rested his forehead together with the younger "Good. I love you Park Jimin, a lot" he promised, before holding up the younger chin and kissing him passionately for as long as he could.

"We have to go home don't we?" asked Jimin with a small pout to which Yoongi replied quietly with a sigh "Yeah...we do"

They had to go home, it didn't sound that bad at all, after all, it was where the boys were, their family was.

But it was also where their burden was, the burden of being two gay idols who were in love. Home was where there were responsibilities and duties, where there was reality.

Yoongi grabbed the youngers hand again with a small smile.

"Let's go, Jin Hyung is probably waiting for us to come home"

And indeed the second both Jimin and Yoongi had opened the door to the dorm, they had been faced with SeokJin sitting in the lounge waiting for them while watching TV.

"Oh good, you both are home, I was starting to worry. Are you boys hungry? I can fix you dinner" asked SeokJin.

Yoongi replied with shaking his head while Jimin spoke aloud for both himself and the elder.

"No, we already ate. Thank you for the offer though, Jin Hyung. Good night!" "Good night Jimin-ah, you too Yoongi" "Night Hyung"

With that, the duo headed to collapse on their bed to get some rest for the upcoming weak full of probably hard practice.

w.c 975

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