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Third Person POV

It turned out that other then Jungkook and Taehyung, everyone had gone somewhere leaving Yoongi and Jimin together, alone. There was nothing but a note on the fridge,

✨ Hyung! I'm assuming you'll be the one to see this note~ I'm going out to meet Dawoon >

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✨ Hyung! I'm assuming you'll be the one to see this note~ I'm going out to meet Dawoon >.< Tae and Kook probably told you already about going to the arcade and it seems that Namjoon and Jin Hyung aren't home either >.< Thought I'd inform you, you and Jiminee will be alone for dinner ^.^ ✨

"He's too energetic for his own good" groaned Yoongi just feeling Hoseok's energy flow out of a mere note, Jimin chuckled "You're just lazy Hyung"

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"He's too energetic for his own good" groaned Yoongi just feeling Hoseok's energy flow out of a mere note, Jimin chuckled "You're just lazy Hyung"

"Then I guess this lazy Hyung isn't making any Ramen for you now" shrugged Yoongi "Ramen- Hyunng~~ Sorry, I take it back! I want to eat your Ramen again! You never let any of us eat more than a spoon last time either" pouted Jimin. 

"Because I made it for myself thinking I was alone until you all burst in out of no where and stole my food" argued Yoongi "Hyung~~~" "Okay, stop pouting like a duck" mumbled Yoongi, how could he not give in to an ange- pouting Jimin.

Therefore Yoongi begun his cooking while Jimin sat on the couter talking to his Hyung, the Ramen once done was taken off the stove which Yoongi was about to shut before he got distracted by Jimin's giggling and burned his hand slightly.

 "FUCK" hissed Yoongi  "Hyung! Are you fine- I'll bring the burn medicine" After a lot of panic, Yoongi's hand had medicine and a bandage applied to it before both of them sat to eat.

"Whoa! Japanese Ramen? I thought you were going to make instant ramen, I can't belive I'm eating your cooking, the other guys will be so jelous" said a excited Jimin.

"I just felt like cooking today" lied Yoongi to cover up the fact that he had went all out of the way to cook complex crap because Jimin had asked him for his cooking. 

"Wah~ this is better then Jin Hyung's cooking, you need to cook for me more Hyung" sighed Jimin, Yoongi smirked "Just for you? I definitely will" "I-I didn't mean- I mean! I d-didn't think-"

"Calm down Jiminee, I was teasing you, although I might cook more often just for you" winked Yoongi with a full on display gummy smile which helped Jimin turn redder by the second.

Anways, hours were spent chatting between the two in the lounge after eating their dinner until the arcade duo along with Namjoon and SeokJin entered the dorm.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot I left no dinner for anyone" said SeokJin the moment he saw Yoongi and Jimin "It's fine Jin Hyung, Hyung cooked Japanese Ramen for us" 

"YOONGI COOKED!?" screamed SeokJin followed by other screams from Taehyung "JAPANESE RAMEN!?" and Jungkook "THAT COMPLEX SHIT!?" "JUNGKOOK  LANGUAGE!"

"GUYS! Stop screaming! Yeah I cooked that complex Japanese Ramen shit because Jin Hyung decided to starve us for dinner while he himself went out to eat" said Yoongi "I apologized!" argued  SeokJin.

"If I didn't know how to cook we would have starved to death Hyung" said Yoongi seriously "Okay, okay. I'm sorry to have made you go through the hell that is called cooking and have wasted your energy and time when you could have used it for sleeping"

"That pretty much sums it up, I forgive you Hyung" said Yoongi as SeokJin sighed and shook his head "Where's Hobi?" asked Namjoon.

"Hyung left a note saying he was going to meet Dawoon Noona" explained Jimin "I'm tired~ Since everyone is fed I'm going to go sleep" yawned SeokJin before leaving to his room.

Yoongi said something about his mixtape to Namjoon and both left to the Genius lab, Jimin therefore followed Taehyung and Jungkook to their shared room to play video games.

"I wanted to try Yoongi Hyung's cooking too" whined Taehyung "We shouldn't have gone to the arcade" sighed Jungkook. Jimin although did not say anything and just smiled, even if it was a small gesture from his Hyung, it had made him feel special.

It was about two in the morning when the trio decided to stop playing, Jimin bid the other two goodnight and left the room to enter his own shared one with Yoongi.

The room however was empty, Jimin frowned in confusion before deciding to check the Genius Lab. The first thing he was met with was the cat with middle finger and go away doormat, he entered the code and opened the door trying to keep quiet so he wouldn't disturb his Hyung. 

Yoongi meanwhile groaned aloud while scratching out the second verse for the millionth time, crumbling the paper to ball and throwing it in the dustbin where it joined the many others.

He then ruffled his hair in frustration, grabbed the glass cup infront of him and threw it on the wall infront with a scream of frustration "FUCKING USELESS!" "H-hyung" It came out as a whisper, more quiter then Jimin had intented it to. 

Yoongi winced in suprise before turning around immediately to face the younger "Jimin. W-why aren't you sleeping?" he asked in a frozen manner. 

Y-you weren't in the room so I thought I'd check here..." Jimin trailed off "I'm okay, go and sleep Jimin~ah" "But-" "Just go" "N-no. I'm not leaving you here Hyung, you're definitely not okay. You need to rest"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" shouted Yoongi making Jimin back away "I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood. Please leave me alone Jimin"

"Hyung, you're coming with me and sleeping. You won't get anywhere with no rest. You need a break to get more ideas, please?" Yoongi sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to make the younger go away.

"Okay...Let's go to bed then" he mumbled, following Jimin downstairs to their shared room.

As both settled in the bed Jimin was the one to hug Yoongi who at first froze but then relaxed "I'm sorry if I scared you Jiminee. I didn't mean to throw that glass"

"It's okay Hyung, I was just surprised since I've never seen you that angry before" mumbled Jimin "I just can't get any ideas, nothing is good enough and I feel like I can't-" Yoongi's voice cracked at that, 

He was crying.

w.c 1062

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