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Third Person POV

The concert was beginning in ten minutes, the theme was pretty wild for this concert.

Most of the boys, being wrapped around in tight leather pants, velvet dress shirts or leather jackets, harnesses and all types of dangerous all-black outfits.

Taehyung and Hoseok were the ones with harness clothing, SeokJin and Jungkook with leather jackets while Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi with velvet shirts and leather pants.

Jimin surprisingly didn't seem to be overthinking or being too nervous.

He felt like things would go okay, army had seemed to react positively over the internet so they wouldn't just simply change their opinions in person, would they?

Jimin hoped they wouldn't "Boys! Get in your positions, you'll be lifted on the stage in 5!" announced their manager.

 Jimin took his position next to Yoongi who reached out for the younger's hand and squeezed it "It's going to be fine"

Jimin nodded and they both ignored the squeals coming from their staff members upon seeing the two holding hands.

Finally, the lifts budged and the 7 boys were lifted to the stage and met with the usual screams from army, except they were particularly louder this time?

Oh right, Jimin and Yoongi were still holding hands, the younger giggled at army's excitement upon seeing them merely holding hands.

Yoongi stood straight with a smile as he waved at army along with the rest of the band.

Both the boys had to eventually let go of each other's hand though, so they could get into their dance positions and start the concert. 

About 5-10 songs later, they were finally done and tired as heck, giving it their all as it would be a whole year until they'd see the LA army again after their last two concerts in the city this week.

Once the songs were done, the boys all spoke to army mostly about how the concert was and if they enjoyed it. 

One by one, questions were asked and it was finally Jimin's turn "ARMY, did you have fun!?"

Screaming, a lot of screaming. He spoke a few more words before ending his short speech with "ARMY I LOVE YOU" as he formed a heart with his arms above his head.

Then it was Yoongi's turn "ARMY, what do you think about me and Jiminee dating?" Extremely loud and incoherent screaming, seemingly positive though.

A few more questions later, when Yoongi was done with teasing army, the boys all grabbed each other's hand and bowed goodbye to their fans.

 Yoongi kissing Jimin's cheek and shooting army an evil gummy smile before the stage started to lower and army screamed louder, going out of control.

"That went well, good work boys!" the manager announced.

They all bowed to the staff for their hard work before getting their makeup taken off and changing into their regular and more comfortable clothes.

Surprisingly, the boys weren't that tired yet, the adrenaline still having them energized and up for running around. Therefore, they decided to check out popular restaurants and try new foods.

 Deciding on one area took a while due to SeokJin's indecisiveness, he wanted to eat all the food he could and it was hard to decide on one kind.

They did although eventually end up at 'Buca di Beppo' an Italian Restaurant.

Once they were done with the food they headed, either home to rest or separated to explore the city and visit landmarks.

Jimin and Yoongi decided to go for a short date and visited national treasures, ranging from the Hollywood sign to the Disneyland themed park, the Santa Monica Pier and even the beach.

Unsurprisingly, it was late night when they got back to their hotel rooms and lay down.

That was when their phones group chat buzzed with Namjoon sending the pictures from their concert today, some selfies and group photos they'd taken or individual pictures the staff had taken for them of their outfits.

Yoongi couldn't help but focus on his boyfriend's dangerous clothing. Those tight leather pants and the smooth black velvet dress shirt, Jimin looked sinful in that clothing.

And oh my god, those fucking damned leather pants. Yoongi could clearly make out the younger's thick ass and his thighs.

He groaned out loud at the realization that he was hard and basically eye fucking his boyfriend through a picture.

The loud noise attracted the youngers attention, who smirked slightly as he caught the elder looking at his picture with want and lust.

"Hyung~ Why're you staring at a picture when the real deal is right here?" Wrong move.

It was definitely a wrong move to challenge the elder, Jimin realized that when Yoongi turned to him.

His tongue poking against his cheek as he tsked at the younger as a response to his daring comment. 

Jimin contemplated, if he riled up his Hyung further there was probably not going to be any going back or stopping.

Because all self-control would probably be lost by the elder and the younger wouldn't be able to stop either, he wouldn't want to.

So Jimin tilted his head teasingly, knowingly exposing his neck as he stared directly at Yoongi with a small smile and daring gaze "What's wrong Yoonie?"

Yoongi snapped, he grabbed the younger and pushed him against a wall before slamming his mouth on his, all self-control lost.

They both kissed wildly, the atmosphere full of lust until they had to break the kiss to breathe in some air.

Yoongi tried to hold himself back, silently telling the younger to get away from him before he lost control as managed to gasp out only a few words "Jiminee, I can't-" Jimin stared at him "Then don't Hyung"

One thing led to another and eventually, Yoongi had Jimin pinned down on the bed under him as he kissed his neck leaving hickeys and had the younger whimpering and moaning.

Yoongi grabbed them baby oil that Jimin would have usually used for his skin to use as lube.

"There isn't a condom Jimin-ah, we shouldn't-" Jimin heavily breathed from the make-out session as he tried to breathe.

"Th-that's fine Hyung,  I d-don't care, we're always getting tested anyways, just p-please don't stop"

And so they continued through the whole damn freaking night, one round after another.

Each second either rough or gentle but nevertheless filled with meaning and pleasure. Tears; none of the pain but those of happiness which were either way still kissed away.

There was a sense of belonging to each other, an overwhelming feeling of happiness and a night of absolute and perfect happiness.

w.c 1096

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