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Third Person POV

The first one to wake up the next day was Jimin, he was surprised to see Yoongi next to him for he had expected it all to be nothing but a good dream. It still felt fake although the older lay right in front of him and both were still cuddled up in a back hug position with tangled legs, the older spooning the younger.

Jimin turned around to face the sleeping Yoongi, he looked like an angel. How could someone even pull off being this handsome? Jimin thought as he slowly reached his hand forward to brush it in his Hyung's mint hair. 

Yoongi thankfully did not wake up as Jimin ran his hand through his hair and smiled at its softness despite the million times they had all dyed their hair. When Yoongi slightly shifted and a grunt left his mouth, Jimin immediately pulled back his hand and pretended to be asleep.

Yoongi awoke to see his Dongsaeng's blonde hair and smiled as the memories of the previous night ran through his mind, he was glad the younger had trusted him and opened up to him and he knew it had been hard for him and how it meant a lot.

Yoongi then did the same as to what the younger had been doing sneakily. He started at Jimin and reached his hand forward before ruffling the younger's hair and kissing his forehead.

He then glanced at the clock to see it was only six am, so instead of getting up he only pulled the younger closer to him in a hug and went back to sleep. Jimin smiled slightly at this, internally wrecking and decided to also sleep in the older's warmth. 

"Jimin-ah" "Jimin~~ wake up" "Don't want to" pouted Jimin in his morning voice groggily, almost making Yoongi forget what he was doing as his heart fastened at the deep and now the even hotter voice of his Dongsaeng.

He was however brought back to his senses as Jimin whined and searched for Yoongi to pull him closer, the older smiled and spoke again "Jiminee ~~ Wake up, it's already one. You need to get some food in yourself" this made Jimin immediately jolt up with wide eyes.

"One? In the afternoon?" He asked. Yoongi nodded and Jimin immediately looked frozen "I should've been practicing since hours ago, how the hell can I waste the precious time sleeping of all things" he continued to ramble until Yoongi spoke.

"Jimin, you are not practicing today. You've already practiced a lot for the past four days and we all have these two days off with no schedule. Bang PD strictly said no one will work so we're going to listen to him and enjoy instead okay?" Jimin frowned at the thought of not practicing for two whole days and shook his head at once.

 "But I really need to practice Hyung-" "You're going to choose practicing over spending time with me?" Yoongi pouted very cutely. Min Yoongi never pouted but he didn't mind doing so when it was for Jimin, he had no idea why the younger affected him like that.

Jimin was of course unable to say no to the Hyung and could only open his mouth in shock of the blinding cuteness in front of him as no words came out. "O-okay" he mumbled quietly while fidgeting with his hands as Yoongi flashed him his gummy smile, another thing he never did too often but for Jimin, it was all worth it.

 "Perfect, now wash and dress up, we'll go eat breakfast and head out" smiled Yoongi ruffling the younger's hair before leaving the room.

He'd only done that twice in the past 12 hours and Jimin already loved it. He got up, grabbed his clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a bath. He glanced in the mirror and frowned at his hair, the dye was wearing out making it look dead.

Jimin then decided to dye it again, he'd have to anyway for the MV shoot and why not save the stylist Noona's of some trouble? Besides he didn't need bleaching so it'd only take around forty minutes.

Thus Jimin grabbed what he needed and took out the dye from his cupboard. It was lucky that the colour was exactly the one he'd need for the MV shoot in a few days. He carefully put on the dye and waited for a good half an hour before washing it off during his shower.

He then grabbed the clothes he'd selected as Yoongi had said they were going out, a blue-purple cotton shirt with an open V neck and long sleeves with closed ends to stop them from riding up and revealing the bandages.

Jimin then blow-dried his hair and set it up before grabbing some earnings and putting them on. Then he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, feeling pleased with his appearance for once.

 Then he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, feeling pleased with his appearance for once

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Jimin turned off the lights and shut the door of his bathroom and room after cleaning up his bed of the many clothes he'd taken out, he then put the used ones in the laundry basket and made his way to the kitchen.

"Afternoon everyone" the rest of the boys seemed to be surprised to see Jimin in the good mood he was in for after all the previous night they'd all heard the loud crying.

Jimin, oblivious to their behaviour grabbed the waffles that were covered with the cling wrap and to SeokJin, and the surprise of the others finished all of the five ones along with a cup of coffee. After discarding of the dishes he noticed them all staring at him, he slightly tilted his head in confusion and gave them a questioning glance "Is something wrong?" Jimin asked making them all immediately look away from him and nervously laugh.

"Of course not, you just look dressed up" lied Namjoon "Yeah and you dyed your hair suddenly so it's natural to get a reaction out of us" added Hoseok making all the others nod. "Yeah you look handsome Hyung, are you going somewhere?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah I guess, Yoongi Hyung said we were going out and told me to he'd wait for me, where is he though?" Jimin asked as he recalled the reason he was there for in the first place.

Taehyung shrugged and spoke "Maybe in his room, try looking there" and Jimin did so. He went to Yoongi's room and knocked thrice before entering, the room was empty but the bathroom door was shut "Hyung?" "Just a second Jimin-ah, I'm coming then we'll go and get the car"

Yoongi did come out of the bathroom but Jimin's eyes widened and his breath hitched at what he saw. Min Yoongi stood in front of him, half-naked from the top with a towel wrapped around his lower body. 

His mint hair wet from the shower as water droplets dripped from it and his abs and six-pack on full display. "I-I'll w-wait in the parking lot" Jimin squeaked loudly and urgently before rushing out of the room and running to the parking lot, stopping halfway to grab the car keys.

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's cute reaction which was just as he had expected it to be. He then quickly blow-dried his hair and dressed up in a black and golden glitter striped turtle neck with a bomber silk jacket that had a bird designed on the top left as well as a right side before grabbing earnings similar to Jimin's.

After he was done dressing, he grabbed a similar bomber blue and red jacket from his cupboard which had fishes designed on each side instead of birds along with a striped red and black turtle neck and jeans. 

He packed them in a small bag and headed to Jimin's room where he grabbed a grey sweater and a jean jacket along with jeans, also packing them. Once he rechecked everything he headed to the parking lot where Jimin was waiting for him while still trying to calm down his heart and not turn red.

Jimin seeing the bag in Yoongi's hand looked at him in confusion as both got inside Yoongi's car and he drove out the garage "Where are we going Hyung?" Jimin asked Yoongi replied soon

"Daegu, we're going to visit my family"

w.c 1399

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