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Warning: Mention of Emotional Distress and Sexual Violence

Third Person POV

"Yup! Wait what!? I mean yes!" Jimin fumbled with words at the sudden question making Yoongi smile as he got up and offered his hand to his boyfriend which Jimin took without hesitation.

"Let's go home" "Hyung? Do we have to tell the others?"

"No, it's going to be uncomfortable for me too Miniee. I've never come out as gay to anyone. I'm sure the guys would be supportive but I know we both need time, I'm too scared of their reaction. Besides doesn't dating in secret sound fun?" 

"I've always wanted to do that, and I'm also scared. It took me years to come out to Tae" said Jimin.

"That was when you guys had a small fight and you kicked him out of your room right?" guessed Yoongi "Yup, the day we got back from Busan, I told him everything. All the mental issues, my past and everything about dad" whispered Jimin.

Yoongi understood what Jimin was getting at"You don't have to tell me Miniee, I can wait until you're ready" said Yoongi softly. 

Jimin shook his head and started his story, telling Yoongi every single thing he could recall until Yoongi was hugging him to make him feel better.

"Hyung? Why didn't you ever tell anyone about being gay?" Yoongi visibly flinched which Jimin noticed "You don't have to answer that-"

"I found out I was gay in the first year of highschool, like anyone in Korea I knew how homophobic society is. For around a year I told myself I was straight, denial"

"Then I accepted it but I knew it was disgusting to others if I told someone I would get bullied at school, judged by society and definitely disowned by my parent"

" I accepted myself for who I was but I didn't love myself for it and I didn't want to get hurt so I avoided anything that could lead me to exposure. I occasionally made comments on girls and lied about having high standards in them"

"When rumours spread I dated some but only for a few days with no physical contact other than holding hands"

"I was called a playboy eventually but people liked me for it and I would have done anything for them to not know the truth" 

"Last year of high school I decided to come out to my best friend since childhood, it was the last week of school so if anything went wrong which I doubted, I thought it'd be would be tolerable. Kang Minjae, I appreciated him a lot"

"He knew everything about me, my passion for music, my parent's disapproval, heck he even let me stay at his house for weeks when my dad beat me"

"We practically acted like brothers, the inseparable duo and troublemakers at school. I told him, he was surprised but he said accepted me and even confessed he himself was gay"

"We were at school then so he said we should figure stuff out at his house that night when we'd have privacy and no one to overhear as his parents went out of town" Yoongi paused and then continued.

"I went to his house, I shouldn't have. It's the only regret in life I ever had, telling him everything. The next morning I lied to my mom about sleeping over at his, I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone what happened"

"I pretended things were normal at school and with him but it continued and happened again. I didn't, I couldn't do anything" mumbled Yoongi clearing his throat while trying to avoid tears.

"What happened Hyung, what did Minjae do?" Jimin asked, already dreading the answer he'd get which wasn't going to be good.

"He raped me. Said I should at least test out if I was gay, shouldn't complain, being a faggot. And I should be glad someone as slutty and disgusting as me was going to get any attention from even him as I was a... whore" Yoongi shuddered unpleasantly at the memory.

"R-rape?" whispered Jimin to himself in horror, yeah he had a rough past himself, gotten hit and mentally abused but rape?

That was another level of hurting he would've never let himself live through. "That's bascially why I started to have serious trust issues, insecurities. I could only do one thing, underground rapping"

"I avoided contact with people and spoke less and less building up a tough image, heck if it wasn't for Bang PD after I ran away... I don't want to think about how I would have ended up"

"Pd-nim sent me to therapy throughout the three years of my training secretly. An idol couldn't survive if he if couldn't trust his own bandmates or talk to them or any of the fans, plus Bang PD wanted me to get better" finished Yoongi 

"Hyung..." "I still remember his fucking touch and every time I recall it I feel so disgusting, even if it's the past now I can still feel it and I can't do anything about it"

Jimin remained quiet, he knew he couldn't make Yoongi feel better than he already was by being by his side, he knew his Hyung didn't want him to say anything on the topic either.

So they silently headed to the dorms eventually being forced to let go of their hands as they got nearer. 

It was around ten pm when they were done changing their clothes and sat in the lounge that the other boys came home, Taehyung being dead drunk. "Soju?" asked Jimin as SeokJin nodded and Yoongi sighed.

"You all know better than letting Tae near alcohol" SeokJin seemed to be sober being the driver, Namjoon was tipsy but sober enough to be almost carrying a half-asleep Hoseok, Jungkook was obviously kept away from alcohol by SeokJin and just given apple juice or something.

"JiMiN~~ I shaw an atien tofay!" said Taehyung excitedly as he jumped on top of Jimin who answered, "Let's talk about that while we put you to bed okay?" Taehyung considered it for a minute and nodded.

Soon enough Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok were fast asleep and Namjoon, SeokJin, Jimin and Yoongi decided to stay in the lounge and watch TV.

They were all sitting in silence and occasionally laughing at the actor's stupidity in the drama playing in front of them when chaos broke out and they all heard it from outside.

Screams and shouting.

 w.c 1062

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