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Third Person POV

The moment was interrupted by Yoongi's phone ringing, Jimin being his first priority, Yoongi ignored it. "H-Hyung, it's Bang PD, you should p-pick it" hiccuped Jimin releasing the elder. Yoongi obeyed.

"The police just called, the restriction order was passed so if Mr. Park comes near any of you boys or Jimin's family he'll back in jail for around two years. If he repeats the behaviour again the sentence will increase heavily, I'll keep the security tight until it's safe enough for Jimin"

"Understood, thankyou PD-nim" "It's my duty to protect my boys, how's Jimin dealing?" "Good actually" ensured Yoongi "Perfect, how's your work coming along?

"The mixtape...?" gulped Yoongi, Jimin clutched Yoongi's hand to encourage him "I might... need a bit l-longer" confessed Yoongi, nervously biting his bottom lip as he waited for his boss to shout at him for being incompetent. 

"That's fine, perfect actually. I'm glad you're finally asking this of me Yoongi. It's been almost six years and never once have you ever told me when you had a hard time so I'm honestly glad you've finally realized"

"You're a human too, we all need breaks once in a while. But do remember that I won't hesitate to fire you if you overwork and end up harming your health somehow. The artist's health is also the company's responsibility, remember the contract okay?"

"I... Yes. Thank you PD-nim, yes, I'll call you if something happens" promised Yoongi as he hung up. He was surprised, he would've never really expected that reaction.

"I told you Hyung, we all know you work hard, you deserve a break" smiled Jimin "He said he'd fire me if I overwork" repeated Yoongi to himself in surprise, Jimin chuckled "Health comes first Hyung, even with Bighit" Yoongi sighed, he needed to cut himself some slack, didn't he?

"I got a restriction order from the court, your father can't go near your family or any of us or he'll be back in jail" confessed Yoongi.

"Hyung... you didn't have to do that for me, how even- what if someone had seen you? you could've gotten in trouble" said Jimin worriedly, he was beyond moved.

"It doesn't matter, safety first right? As long as you won't get hurt rumours aren't important Jiminee" 

"Thank you, Hyung, and I'm sorry for troubling you with this"

"It wasn't troublesome actually. I did it because I wanted to, not because I had to or it was the right thing. I'm sure the guys would have done the same too. This is actually funny, isn't it? We both end up taking care of each other but we can't take care of ourselves" Jimin chuckled.

"That's true" "But you've come a long way Jimin~ah, I've noticed you're doing better and I'm proud of you for that" smiled Yoongi. 

Jimin was silent for a minute until it struck him "I've been doing better. Holy shit I've gained some weight, I haven't overworked or missed any sleep. Nor have I self-harmed or had bad thoughts in awhile. Same with anxiety issues and the panic attacks, I feel more...happy?"

"You deserve it Jiminiee, you deserve to feel proud of yourself and be happy. You never deserved how you treated yourself the past two years, slipping into that negative old life. You're treating yourself right now, that's all that matters" said Yoongi.

Jimin seemed kind of shocked though, it felt unreal almost, like too good to be true  "I deserve it...?"  "More than anyone" ensured Yoongi, then Jimin chuckled.

"This is unfair. How can it be that easy for me to slip into that negative shit and depression but for it to be so hard for me to love myself again? A few hate comments and I'd be insecure and harm myself like that. It just happened so easily and so fast yet it's so... hard to move forward from it"

"It's always easier to learn to hate yourself then learn to love yourself after all, but no deserves that. At least that's what I've learned over the years" agreed Yoongi

 "Mhm, all I ever needed was for someone to care, for anyone to say that they cared. Someone who would tell me everything was going to be fine, that I was going to be okay. Someone who would help me heal and be there by my side every step of it"

"Someone that wouldn't get tired of me and be patient with me, who'd just somehow understand me even if the situation wasn't understandable. Someone who wouldn't get tired of me and understand me rather than pressure me to stop and lose hope in me"

"Not someone who'd just worry for me and say it but show it, make me feel safe and loved, make me feel happy. And you did all of that Hyung, you had hope in me and trusted me when I myself gave up on me and couldn't do so, thank you for that Hyung. Thank you for being by my side when you could have chosen not to" smiled Jimin.

Yoongi smiled as well and wiped the tear that ran down the youngers cheek.

"I'll never give up on you Miniee, you deserved every bit of that happiness, every bit of my trust, my hope and, every moment that you had me beside you. I'll always be there for you, I love you with all my heart and I always will" said Yoongi, he ran his thumb over the youngers lips as both of them stared at each other.

Then Yoongi moved forward and kissed Jimin.

w.c 916

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