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Josie's POV

I hum stirring from my sleep, cuddling closer to Hope. I can't wait to wake up and nuzzle into her soft fluff- wait. I don't open my eyes, but I guide my hand and touch where Hope'd fluffy warm wolf fuzz should be but there was none. My hand touches soft warm skin. I squeak, retracting my hand, opening my eyes wide now. Fuck. Shit. Um. I touched her. And she's naked. And asleep. AND NAKED! I scramble to my feet and look at her before turning around red in the face. I turn back around, crouching beside her to wake her up. I poke her arm, but she doesn't budge. 

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson wake uP!" I squeak, stab poking her. I hear a groan and I look at her trying to keep my eyes on her face and nothing else. "You like something you see?" She says softly, grinning. "I-What-I- HOPE!" I scream, red in the face. "Get dressed!" She smirks, and gets up looking around for her clothes, and I turn around, a shade of red that you'd think I was a ripe tomato.

I remembered that Dad was probably looking for us both, so I turned around, just as Hope was coming behind me to surprise me with a hug, and I bump into her. She giggles, wrapping her arms around me, "We should probably head back. Lizzie is probably wondering where her dear sister is, and why Hope Mikaelson is missing," she smirks. I scowl, blushing, taking her hand and dragging her back to school.

Hope's POV

After Josie brought us back into the school, she went her separate way, probably to see Lizzie, and I decide to head to Dr. Saltzman's office. I pause at the door before knocking, hearing a tense monologue into the phone from Dr. Saltzman. "You're telling me you have found absolutely nothing? Not one clue? We're getting closer and closer to the merge Caroline, and you have been gone for months. The girls miss you. Come home. If you haven't found anything now, there's nothing over there to find." I step in, without knocking. "The merge?" I ask. He jumps, hanging up the phone. "You weren't supposed to hear any of that." "Well I have, so spill." "Hope I can't right now." "If this has to do with Josie- or Lizzie, you are going to tell me right now, before I go ask myself if they know of this 'merge.'" He looks at me, and having given up, tells me the general idea. 

"On their 22nd birthday, the girls will have to merge, a part of the curse of the gemini coven. They will have to siphon until the one merges with the other, and absorbs them." His voice breaks.  I stared at him in disbelief. "So let me get this right, the twins have no idea, about any of this?! Are you kidding me Alaric? How could you do that to them! I'm going to find Jo-"  He grabs my arm. "Please don't." "Listen, if you won't tell them, I will." I pulled away from him, running off to find Josie, looking in Penelope's room, then hers, nowhere to be seen. I run to the library to see is she might be there, but I am told that she left with five books. I go to my room sighing, "God what am I going to do with myself. I need to tell Josie- J-JOSIE?!" Josie is sitting on my bed, her hair tied up in a bun, and her nose in a book, writing things down on a notepad very quickly. She looks up.

"Tell me what Hope? About the merge? Just found out reading through the journal Penelope kept. Or is it about the secret you wrote in your diary? I-I didn't mean to read it, I just did...." My face blanched immediately and I stay silent a moment, "I-I only just found out about the merge Jo. I-I can help! I can call Aunt Freya. She could help?" I said, trying to keep my mind off the fact that Josie had read my diary. I gulped. She nodded and we sat down getting to work to try and find as much information as we could, scrambling. Later, Dr. Saltzman had the twins and I called down and he explained everything, Lizzie panicking, breaking everything in her way, which also happened to be Josie and I. I pushed Jo out of the way and caught a knife that headed for my chest. We all ran to a safer area and tried to calm her down from the safe zone, and when she finally did, she passed out. 

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