Why Is SHE Here? Part 1

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Hope's POV:

We head back to Alaric's house, somewhat near the Salvatore school, and once we are in the drive he turns to me, and looks at me a moment. "The only bedroom available right now is the twins' bedroom. Is that ok? They don't normally tend to come home much, so you should be in the clear for a bit." I nod, opening the door and getting out, taking in the house. I smile, following Alaric to the door. It won't take long for me to settle in I'm sure, I just hope Josie won't mindm me sleeping in her bed.

*a couple days later*

I've been settling in quite nicely. I used some of my money to buy some clothes for school, not that it mattered what I wore much, but I'm sure Freya would approve. I miss her so much. Today after school we have our game against Salvatore, and I am quite nervous. I'm scared to see Jo, Landon, Mg, Lizzie. They won't remember me at all, but I wish at least one of them did. Ethan and Maya are the sweetest, my first friends at the school. As I get dressed for school, I think of them all, putting a smile on, also mentally preparing myself for things to go down. I head out the door with Dr. Saltzman, and we drive off to school. I meet Maya, our hands clasping together as we walk together to class. 

The day has gone by so fast, and now I'm in the locker room with Maya and the rest, getting ready for the game. We get onto the bus and I am having major butterflies. Alaric gives me a small smile, and I feel uneasy all of a sudden. Once we arrive, and get off the bus, I catch Landon's eye immediately. I gulp, hard. Josie is glaring at me hard, and my legs shake for a moment. I smile at her, but now she's glaring at Landon. Are they- they're together aren't they? I stand stock still a moment, looking at Alaric, wanting to leave. I am jealous. I just want to wolf out right now and get the hell out of here. Maya pulls me to the pitch.

Josie's POV

"Landon who is she?" "I-Um. I've met her before. A milkshake. Just once." I watch him look at her. I am so jealous right now, jesus. I can't tell if it's because HE had a milkshake with her, or because he had a milkshake with HER. Fuck. This can't be happening right now. I instruct Landon quickly, and we get into position. "What are you scared of hitting her?" I mutter. The ball snaps, and Landon is still standing still. "LANDON!" He gets into action running towards the milkshake girl, and as she throws it, she is pinned down. She stays there, on him, and I just watch, jealous. She fake winces, complaining of a twisted ankle, and Landon tells her where the nurse is. I don't trust her. "What was that all about?" I say pointedly to Landon, "Oh it's just-Josie I hurt her." "She was clearly faking!" "Why would she fake something like that?" "Why are you taking her side?" Landon goes silent. I watch her walk off, and I get back into the game, not noticing that Landon had gone til much later.

Hope's POV

I grab the bag once I have gone off with my 'twisted ankle', but I feel like someone is following me. I take a deep inhale. Landon. "Landon come out." I growl, and he comes out. "How did you know I was following you?" "Keen instinct." "Hm. I see."

To be continued. This will probably be three parts total but we'll see. 

Please comment and don't be shy! 

~ Author :p

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