Pulling the Pouting Card

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"Nice book, Hope, I've read that one. Very *ahem* sexy." My eyes widen and I turn to Josie, who is blushing and hiding away. I hand her a pair of headphones and her ipod with the dual connector, so we could both listen in. I push her in the car, Freya winking at me, and getting in. "Buckle up girls. Josie, it's time for you to meet the family. No sex in the back of the car. That's my rule. Don't break it."

"When did you read this?" I whisper to Josie, as she snuggles into my side for warmth. "I-It doesn't matter! Are you going to tease me about this the whole ride Hope?" I grin, "You bet I am! You heard the woman. No sex in the back of the car. So that means book reading, and poking fun, sweetie." "Sweetie? That's new-" "Sorry. It was an accident." "No. I like it." She nuzzles against my shoulder, resting her head there, as shuffles her sexy music. I smirk, wrapping an arm around her, opening the book up and starting to read.

The book started off with a bang. Literally. This girl is pushed up and slammed against a wall in a heavy make out session. HAHA! Even better! It's written in the view of the reader. Oh Josie is so getting teased for this. She squirms about, dreaming, and I look to Freya who's smiling kindly, and I give her a quick, barely noticeable kiss on the forehead. I continue reading onward about the raunchy conquests the character goes on, turning more and more red, feeling extremely hot, and as if having read my mind, my aunt opens the window a touch. I sigh, laying Josie down so she could sleep comfortably in the car, wrapping my arms around her, her head burying itself in my chest. I doze off to god knows what song, and when I finally wake up, Josie is braiding my hair, and has the book in one hand, taking little notes that she had in there, out. "You hiding the love notes you wrote? Lemme see 'em! They must be juicy. Who are they about? Penelope? some mystery lover I never knew about?" I make grabby hands, snatching one. I read it a bit, but not before she snatches it back. "My heart has a little crush on you. So immature but these butterflies they keep me laughing. My heart wrote a little song for you- HEY! I didn't get to finish that!" She sticks out her tongue, "It's not yours Hope." I sigh loudly, turning away, pouting. She groans, whining, "You're pulling the pouting card?! On me? Oh come on!" I don't budge, staying turned around. "Hope-" She places a hand on my thigh, shivers running up and down my spine. I give Freya a quick look, before she says, "Remember girls, no fucking in the back of the car. I am not letting you have at it back there, do you hear me?" Josie shoots her a glance, her hand still ever present on my leg, it inches up a bit. I want to whine and squeal, but instead, I bite my tongue, before saying quickly, "Aren't you supposed to be mad at me?" She stays silent for a moment, leaning into me, and bringing her lips close to my ear, "And I thought you wanted to give me space, miss 'lemme just kiss your forehead'." I stare at her in disbelief, "You were awake?!" She giggles as I turn to face her, "I've been awake the whole trip so far, the only reason I was being quiet was because I was focusing on my music." I feel extremely hot and embarrassed, not saying anything for the rest of the trip home. 

I pull the suitcase out the boot, carrying it up, Josie following behind. We both barely get in, before we're bombarded by Keelin and Nik. Keelin squeezes me tight, and Nik just stands there waiting for his hug. I smile picking him up, giving him a big hug. "Hopeeeee! I'm not small anymore!" "You're still small to me Niklaus." The boy was a child, but he was just as stubborn as Freya and Keelin could be sometimes, I swear. Keelin sees Josie and goes, "Ah is this the girl Freya was talking about? The one that launched her in the air and knocked her out?" "Josie. YOU. DID. WHAT?" I look at Josie, who gives me a nervous giggle. "Um- haha funny thing-" "You knocked out my aunt?! How the fuck? Why?" Josie gave me a small smile before Freya interjected, "Hey now don't fight over me. She did the right thing. It's been a while since I've been knocked off my feet, good job kid. Now. Will you be sleeping with Hope?" "I-Um. We haven't discussed-" "Yeah she can sleep with me if she wants. My rooms open." Josie nods, catching my smirk. She turns bright red. "Any ways. So Keelin told me momentarily before leaving after being knocked out that you two are girlfriends. How adorable. No funny business in the back of the car, I hope?" "No Keelin." Josie says quickly, before I could interject that we aren't dating. "Come on babe, let's go to bed." She says, smiling and taking my hand. Freya giggles, "Oh Josie, by the way, I saw your hand on Hope's thigh in the car. Defile my niece, and we're going to have a chat, got it?" She squeaks, running up the stairs with me, as I lead her to the room. "That squeak was so adorable." I grin, sitting her down on my bed. I start to unpack while she sits back and watches. When I'm all finished with unpacking, I lay down next to her, "So are we going to talk about how you were even folding my bottoms earlier? Or the fact that you were teasing me, with your hand inching close up my thigh?" "I have no clue what you're talking about Hope Andrea Mikaelson." I smirk, "Oh really? Would you like me to jog your memory?" My eyes are staring into her own, her's seeing my soul. "Hmm... maybe?" I giggle, putting my hand on her knee, far enough away, keeping it there, so she could tell me to stop. She didn't but I didn't move it forward. Instead, she moved my hand to be where mine had been earlier. "Oh I think I remember now! You were pouting, weren't you?" I smile, nodding. I felt a little awkward, sitting by her, my hand on her thigh. I take it off, and she whines in protest. She climbs on top of me, laying on me, nuzzling into me. "You sure you want me sleeping with you?" "Definitely. I get to have someone to snuggle with, I'm not turning that down. Just don't have anymore sex dreams about me. I'm pretty sure my aunts would never let you live that down." I smirk, winking, as she sighs loudly, "Shut up!!" She whines loudly slapping me playfully in the chest. I bite my lip, "Make me, Jo." She doesn't hesitate to smash her lips against my own, my arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close, both our breathing changing a bit. 


We both separate, Freya opening the door. "I wanted to say goodnight, Hope. You too Josie. I also wanted to let you know that Bex is getting a flight back in the week. She misses you. That's it. Wait no- I almost forgot. The walls aren't super thick. So y'all better not get up to anything too late." I nod, red in the face, Josie, wiping her lips, realizing it was obvious we had been kissing. "Let's get ready for bed, Josie. Goodnight Freya." I get up from the bed, hugging Freya tightly, kissing her cheek. She leaves, and the door shuts quietly behind her.  

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