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Josie's POV: 

After Hope and I's little chat, I couldn't bare it anymore, I needed help from a powerful person, someone who is just as confused as I am, possibly interested in helping me, and knows an ancient Japanese black magic purge spell... which means I need to head to New Orleans. I leave without so much as a thought to say goodbye, and I head for the bus station. I wait until the bus pulls up, before quickly calling Dad to tell him not to worry about me. I fall asleep, five minutes into the ride to New Orleans. The journey was round about an hour and twenty minutes due to slight traffic. I was dreaming of finally remembering Hope, and kicking her ass, before figuring out my feelings. That is, before I am awoken by a lady, telling me I am now in New Orleans. 

I walk around the town for a bit, taking in the colours, and different cute shops. I ask around for Freya Mikaelson, but no one seems willing to tell me much, that is, until I meet an Irishman by the name of Declan. He greets me, asking why I needed to see her. I tell him it is confidential, and very urgent, so he directs me to Rousseau's, explaining that the best shot I have is at the speak easy. I find the place, filled with the buzz of voices from townspeople and visitors alike, chatting away. I sit down at an unoccupied table, putting down what little I had with me, before going up to get a drink. It is 1:30, so surely it was deemed acceptable. "What can I do for you miss?" The bar tender turns toward me, "Oh, um, might I have a rum coke please?" I squeak, trying to seem older than I am, knowing I look twelve. "Sure thing." The bartender turns around again, making me my drink as I look around. It's quite nice over here in New Orleans, very lively and buzzing. The bartender hands me the drink, "Here you go...." "Oh. Um Josie." I say filling in the blank, "Well have a lovely day Josie." They wink. I head back to my table, sipping away at the drink, feeling quite warm and a bit happy. I like this feeling. 

"How old are you claiming to be?" Says a blonde woman with a smirk. I choke on my drink. "I-Twenty one!" She smiles, knowing I am lying. "Ish." I add, as she hums eyeing me. "Relax kid, it's called a speak easy for a reason. No need to worry. I'm Freya, by the way. And you are?" "Josie. Josie Saltzman. I-I'm from the Salvatore School." "Ah. My wife wants our son, Nik, to go there. We've been trying to see if it's the right fit for him. I've been told you've been asking around the quarter for me. You're a little far from home, don't you think?" I look at her shaking my head, "I need your help. I can't learn about this stuff in school. It's of the utmost importance." She looks me up and down, not saying anything. "I'm trying to reverse engineer this spell... it's a- it's an ancient japanese black magic purge spell..." Her eyes narrow and she lowers herself, bringing her face closer to mine. "Those aren't the kind of spells school kids should be messing with. Go home." God she reminds me of Hope. Fuck. She starts to walk away. "I can't. And I won't Freya. I know you have pictures of someone you don't remember, gaps that don't make sense. You don't recognize them, but it feels like you should know them. But you don't." She walks towards me again, "How did you know that?" "We all forget things sometimes, right? That spell is what will help me- help all of us remember." I say pleading her. She wears an unreadable expression then leaves. I can only pray she'll be back. In the meantime, I think I'll take a walk and get a sandwich, before I head back here, and wait til closing. I leave some money on the table, gathering my things. 

After a bit of shopping, buying  new spell book, a pair of fluffy socks, and a new cassette for my walkman, I prance back to Rousseau's, where I meet Freya, with a large book, some pens, and a journal. "Let's go." She says, and pulls a chair for me, pouring herself a glass of bourbon, and handing me a glass of Coca Cola. We light some candles and get right to it, going through pages of text. It starts to get dark as Freya pieced the incantation together, "This spell demands lots of conviction, I hope you know. Clear of mind and purpose. Be careful, because if not clear of mind, you'll end up solidifying the supernatural influence, permanently." I gulp looking at her, "Meaning, you'd erase the very memories you're trying so hard to bring back." I nod, smiling and sipping from my glass. "If I may, how did you even come to know of such a spell?" I chuckle, "Haha... I siphoned it from an Oni killing sword- to save my sister from an Oni within her." She glances at me, intrigued, "Learnt it all from my ex's journal... Lizzie remembers everything... because of this spell, and I need to know too. We all do. I just want it back." She smirks, turning to me, looking me dead in the eye, "I have a feeling this forgotten person somehow means a lot to you..." I blush, "I-It's confusing. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. All I know is that I've got this Hope sized hole in my life, and I've been stuffing it with my boyfriend Landon. I l-love him... I think? But I- I feel like I need to remember Hope. That there's so much more I'm missing. She fills the void when she's around me, but without her, I feel... empty." She looks at me, a bit flabbergasted, and smiles. "She seems lovely." Her phone rings, and she looks at me, apologetic, before turning to take it. She moves away a moment, "Hey, yup, hi, yeah... yeah I'm still at the bar. I had something I needed to do." I get up slowly, taking the notebook, before going to look at the picture of Hope and her family, who don't even know she exists. I turn around to see Freya, "So.... we've forgotten the same person. Who would have thought. Who is she? I knew you were hiding something. You haven't decided what you're going to do with that spell have you?" I look at her, confident, clearing my head. I utter the incantation, siphoning from Pen's journal, Freya being flung backwards, knocked out. I sigh grabbing everything and running off as fast as I can. I don't look behind me, running off, not wanting to know what will happen to me if I stay, Freya waking up after being knocked out, probably super pissed. 

I wish to remember

with all my being 

the opportunity lingers, like a bright hot ember.

There is no guaranteeing,

of what there is, yet to come,

but I cannot last another minute this numb. 

Every moment fleeting,

I'm balancing, over the void on a tightrope

from our very first meeting,

I knew you were my only hope.

My only, Hope.

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