Out of the Loop

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Hope's POV:

After Josie and I's little cuddle session, we decided it was probably time to  get ready for the day ahead of us both. First thing on the agenda is to move into my room that I'd be sharing, who happened to be Alyssa, of all people. Next is to get my schedule once more, find my classes and make it through the school day, so that I am able to talk to Josie and help find a solution for the sand clock, which was mentioned to me during our stay in New Orleans, Freya and I discreetly went over possible long time solutions, which all turned out to have big repercussions that we just couldn't risk. Josie gets dressed first, with the clothes left in the wardrobe, while I look through the clothes that we brought with us. As planned, Josie would leave first and head to breakfast, leaving me a couple minutes before I would leave, the idea being that we aren't exactly perfectly alright with the whole Landon ordeal. We need to be able to sell that we're still a little sore, maybe even tense. She leaves, giving me a small smile before stepping out. Once she's gone, I collect myself looking back on all that had gone on earlier in the morning. 

I really want her so desperately, I want to be able to make her happy, have the time we have between the two of us pleasurable but I'm not sure what might make her happy, and if I might be doing something wrong. I haven't ever gotten so close to someone, not without them dying on me of course. Landon was my fail safe, I just couldn't fail nor falter with him, as he was phoenix, that was just about the only good thing about him. His kisses were sloppy, and he was a little eager with me at times, as if I was candy, and he a child, in need of getting his hands all over me. I used to think that was what I wanted, for someone to want me so much they can't keep their eyes off of me, and I, to keep away from them, to keep them safe. That's not what I want, and Josie has helped me see that. I glance at my phone, seven minutes having passed, and I glance to the door, getting up and reaching for the handle, just as a disheveled Lizzie storms in, yelping at the sight of me. Her shirt is over her shoulder, hair a mess, neck and chest littered with hickeys and marks. 

"H-Hope. Hi. Um. I got distracted... please don't tell daddy." "I won't, I'm just heading out, I was going to try and talk to Josie, but she wasn't here. It's become touchy between us since we're back at school with a boy giving us problems." I say quickly, glad my lie seems to have convinced her, before slipping out with my bag of clothes and belongings. I make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bag, filling it with granola bars and three apples, rushing to get my schedule. Once I grab my schedule, I head to my new room, which is my old one, apart for the new furnishings and girl in my room. I cough at the amount of perfume coming from the room. I push the door open further, greeted by a grumpy Alyssa, who gives me back 20% of my room, leaving me with a single sized bed, and the wall it faces. Brilliant. Bitch. I throw my things on the bed, pulling a granola bar from my bag, and chomping onto it as I step out into the hall with my schedule. Next thing on the schedule is spell lab... and I'm late. I sprint out the room, dropping the wrapper into the bin outside the room, bumping into an Alaric, who was trying to look like he knew where the hell he was going. I swear if this man is to ever be my father and law- you know what? I'm not even going to finish that thought. 

"Late for class, Mikaelson?" I glare, "Just as confused with the halls as I am, Saltzman?" He stops, "touché." We small talk for a while until I finally find my way to the spell lab... which happened to be on the other side of the school. It seems I'm truly out of the loop. We parted ways, and I used Alaric as my excused tardiness. I sat myself down by MG, sighing, having nothing in my possession to be able to take my class. I glance down at my phone sending a text over to Freya, asking if she might be able to send some stuff over to me. "Attention please, Miss Mikaelson." My head snaps up, as I roll my eyes, looking back down at my phone, getting an ok from Freya, a parcel to arrive hopefully in a couple hours. The rest of the day is honestly a blur, everything around me moving so quickly, Josie glancing at me before giving me her signature pout, then a glare. As the day comes to a close, I go find Josie before dinner, who  happened to be in the library. I pull from my pocket a spell I had gotten a hold of that would be a temporary fix for the sandclock, at least until we are able to disarm it. I walk past her as if I don't see her, looking over her shoulder to see she's researching the object. Dorian pops in questioning Josie's motive for researching the sandclock, for me to hop in and say it'd do some good if I were to help. She walks out the library with me, eyeing the spell in my hand, walking off to get to her room. Near her room was the girls' showers, so when no one was looking, I grabbed her hand pulling her into a shower, closing the curtain behind us. I press her up against the wall, grinning. "It's been such a long, boring day. I've missed you." I give her a kiss, biting on her lip a little, tugging at it. She giggles, smiling back at me, "I missed you too. I hate having to be so moody and tense with you. Sneaking around is fun, though." I lean into her standing up on my tippy toes to kiss her cheek. "We should probably get this spell done. We can be sneaky ninjas afterwards, right? Right now, I want to keep you safe." 


I watched as the spell took effect, staring deep into the dark substance in the sandclock, mesmerized. "It's really quite beautiful, although grim." I smile, watching every twist and turn the dark energy made. "It's terrifying to think that it could break and I could hurt so many people, but for now, we're safe." I smile, scooting forward and leaning into her for a kiss. "Let's go to your room, there's a little surprise there for you. Landon helped... but I did most of the work. Don't let him make you think otherwise." I smirk, "Ooooh is someone jealous?" I kiss her forehead, reaching. "What? Of course not." "Mhm." I bring myself to stand, pulling her up with me. She leads me to my room, and I open the door to find Landon stringing up some little lights, pictures of Josie and I strung up on the wall, along with pictures of Freya, Keelin, Bex, Nik, and a group picture of Josie, Lizzie and I. I wipe a small tear from my cheek, smiling wide. On my bed was a trunk with our things from New Orleans, along with some bags of school supplies, uniform, and cute things for Josie and I. Josie and Landon stand in front of me, "So what do you think? It isn't the same, but we thought a little switch up might be nice?" I bring them both into a hug, smiling, kissing Josie on the cheek sneakily. "Friends?" Landon murmurs, "Sure, Landon. Friends." I say chuckling, rolling my eyes a little. He leaves, and Josie pretends to do so as well, running back in moments later and jumping on me. "Babeeeee! I can't have people over past ten. And you missed dinner for me. Go eat something, I'm going to go for a run, ok? I l-love you." I kiss her softly, and she skips to the door, waving, "Goodnight Hope!"

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