Pen's Journal

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Josie's POV

I hear a noise I was continuously trying to get used to, scratching of a pen, from Penelope's diary. But this type of scratching is different, this person is taking their time and writing down thought out  ideas, making me want to take a quick peek. The writing beckons me, and I just couldn't help myself, opening up the book to Hope's writing, her beautiful penmanship across the page. I blush remembering the last thing she wrote, thinking I should probably not read what she writes, but I can't help myself reading it quickly as she wrote.

Dear diary,

Hey Jos. It's me. Hope. I know you'll probably read this. I count on it. I'm going to do something, you will not forgive me, but you will forget me. I will find my way back to you. I promise. Please don't get into trouble, and take care of yourself, ok? Remember that taking care of yourself isn't selfish, and don't let Lizzie drag you down cutie. I̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶. I'll miss you Jos.

I jump to my feet with the book in hand, running to her room, a tear slipping, "H-HOpE!" I stop at her room, opening the door. She's gone. I run to Dad, crying hard, "Dad! Hope. She-" "I know. We need to get everyone together." Everyone was called to the study and we started forming a plan quickly to stop Hope from jumping. Landon looks ghostly pale, glaring at me. 

Wait. Who is this Hope we're going to find? "Dad do you know this Hope?" "Who?" "I don't know... I thought we were going to do something... but I can't remember at all..." Everyone looks at each other.  "What about Malivore?" I pipe up, the name still fresh in my mind, "Josie, Landon defeated Malivore, don't you remember?" I tense up. I don't remember. Something is missing. I look back to the journal, rereading it. 

Dear diary,

Hey Jos. It's me. Hope. I know you'll probably read this. I count on it. I'm going to do something, you won't forgive me, but you will forget me. I will find my way back to you. I promise. Please don't get into trouble, and take care of yourself, ok? Remember that taking care of yourself isn't selfish, and don't let Lizzie drag you down cutie. I̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶. I'll miss you Jos.

Who is this Hope? And why does she love me?? Do I know her? WHY AM I MISSING SOMETHING?! 

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