The Talk

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Hope's POV:

Everything seems a lot more quiet as we enter the kitchen and sit down. I hold Jo's hand as we sit down, Jo squeezing in next to Nik, while I sit in front of Rebekah. I stare her down as I slurp down some tea, squeezing Josie's hand tightly. By the end of breakfast everyone seems much more relaxed, and Nik has gone off to go play. Freya gives me a look, as Josie and I put our dishes away, and clears her throat, "Let's head to the study, shall we?" Jos looks at me, a bit panicked, so I stand on my tippy toes to give her a kiss on the cheek. I hold her close, guiding her over to the study, where we find Freya, Keelin, and Rebekah, sat on the settee, Freya slurping her tea down, clearly nervous. She puts the cup down, taking a deep breath. "Girls, why don't you sit down. F-First, I speak to Josie. If you as much as bring one feeling of upset to my niece, I will personally see to it that you suffer." I make sure to stare her down, nudging her, telling her to quit it. "-In the nicest, most kind, BUT excruciatingly painful way possible." Keelin pokes her, "Don't frighten the fucking kid Freya. We all know you wouldn't do that. Now behave before I make you behave. You aren't exactly a total saint when it comes to not breaking people's hearts, as I recall." Freya shuts up pretty quick, and I send Keelin a quick mouthed 'thank you'. Josie mumbles a quick, "Got it," before snuggling into my side hiding. Bex clears her throat, "Don't think I won't do what Freya said, because I will not hesitate. Klaus may have approved of Josette, yet I am still here to enforce the 'talk'." Josie looks at me, mumbling, "He approved?" I nod, kissing her. "Now. Sex. Freya, would you like to explain?" I look incredulously at Bex, then Freya, internally cringing. Freya stutters a ton, trying to get something out, but to no avail, as if she's had her speech taken away... oh wait- oops. Rebekah raises an eyebrow, "Well, when a person loves someone, they have sex, when consented, and only when consented. Now, when you have sex, you need protection. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HAVE CHILDREN WITH A PERSON, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULDN'T STAY PROTECTED GOT IT? Anyways, when a person and a person love each other they have sex, and it's something between the people who are involved, WHICH MEANS: I do not want to see you two on the verge of getting in each others pants around the house. Keep it for the bedroom. Now, any questions to do with the actual sex will be guided to Keelin, since Freya has lost her tongue." Josie pipes up, sitting up, then scooting closer to me, "What makes you guys think we're having sex anytime soon?" Rebekah stares at her incredulously, as if Josie is supposed to just get in my pants. Keelin interjects, "We're just being safe. Thank god we don't have to worry about the heterosexual sex talk, otherwise we'd be worrying about Hope getting pregnant constantly. We just want you two to have fun, and be safe, ladies." Josie nods scooting into my lap, clinging to me, Bex adding, "Also the fact that I heard Josette was in the back of that car with Hope, while Freya drove them over. That backseat is notorious. I just want to make sure you don't defile my niece," she shudders. I wonder who has had sex in the back of the car... Actually- I really don't want to know. "Are we done? I would like to take a shower..." They all look at me a moment, before Rebekah gives the ok, "Yes, yes. You may go. Don't be too long, I won't hesitate to break the door down." I nod, dragging Josie with me. 

Josie's POV:

I scoot into Hope's lap, wrapping my arms around her, clinging. This talk is awful awkward, and I just want to bury my face in her chest until it's over, but I reckon Rebekah would just as quickly kill me as my head resting on her niece's chest. I kind of block out everything after a while, and I don't come to the realization until after Hope asks if we're done, taking me along with her. I smile to the women in the room before being dragged away by Hope. I mean sure I really really like Hope, but I don't know if we're ready for sex yet. Plus, kissing is really nice, and it makes me feel nice little butterflies...

We make it up to the room, before she turns around and looks at me, "You ok? They were a little tough... sorry... after my brilliant idea of taking a liking to Roman, they're... careful." I look at her, "I'm not Roman. Promise. I won't hurt you. I know why they're being careful. I get it." I look at her, her thinking face scrunched up, before she pouts, walking towards me, cupping my face, kissing me softly, whispering, "Let's close the door ok?" I close it, kissing her, stopping her, "Let's go to the shower like we said, ok love? We'd be feeding into what your aunts said if we had sex right now. Plus, I- is it ok that I want to wait a bit? I like kissing you and holding you close... and I like sleeping with you- n-not that way! You know what I mean. J-JUsT KISS ME, HOPE!" I pout, lifting her chin, bending my knees a bit to kiss her. "I'm fine with kissing you, Jo, I love it a lot. Let's hop in the shower, ok? I need to take you shopping. We'll take Elijah's Bentley."

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