Entertain me (part I)

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Hope's POV:

Josie takes my hand, leading me to my bathroom, as if I were her child. I pout, "You can't do this~ It's not fair!" She looks at me, a tad confused, "What are you on about, Hopie?" I cringe at the nickname, pouting even more, "It's not fair that you get to look so cute, and then on top of that coddle me. Just not fair. It's adorable." She grins, sitting me on the ledge of the tub, "Speak for yourself," Jo murmurs, sitting in my lap. I chuckle, kissing her softly, her arms snaking around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to her, no space left. I lean my forehead against her own, sighing a bit, a small smile on my face. "As much as I love this, and trust me, I do. 100%. I think that maybe I'll shower in the guest shower. Don't get me wrong, this isn't your fault, I just want to make sure we go slow like you said you wanted before, remember?" She looks at me sighing, and I reach for Josie's small, warm hand, "I promise I'll make it up to you later. I'll do whatever you'd like-" "Entertain me." I am silenced by those words, trying to form words of my own but to no avail. Instead, I sit there like a dumbass who didn't understand a word she'd said. I stand up, my face bright red and I kiss her on the cheek, finally finding my words, "I'll do my absolute best, Josette, have a lovely shower." I then take my leave, running out of our room, navigating through the corridors to find the guest bathroom, stumbling upon Freya who had a big box. I grin at her, motioning to the guest bathroom, and she smirks, "Ouch, did someone decide showering was too much for her own good, Hope?" I punch her in the arm, asking what the big box was for. She handed it to me, "Some cute little onesies I thought you might like, along with extra blankets, just in case. Let me know if you need anything special, ok?" I take the box thanking her, heading to the shower. I step inside the large bathroom, keeping the lights off, lighting some candles, discarding the box for a moment. I strip the clothes I have on, stepping in under the water, letting it rain down on me. 

Josie's POV:

Why did I say I wanted to go slow? Why??? I mean... I do- BUT I DON'T! My mind says it's best to hold off, but my body is screaming at me to get even closer, to want to touch her. She's so alluring, and she just makes my heart melt, it's not fair. I want to steal all her clothing and wear it all, and have her scent on me forever, clinging to me. I wish for her to be protective of me. I just want her to hold me close and enjoy everything, bit by bit. 

Hope's POV: 

I wrap a towel around me securely, opening up the box to see the cute onesies Freya had gotten. A little silver-ish wolf onesie sticks out to me, and I take it out, slipping into it comfortably. I look to the looking glass, pleased, picking up Josie's baby otter onesie. It's just so precious. I wander back towards the room, box in hand, and when my eyes meet Josie's, I watch her gaze soften, as she leans back onto the bed. "So, Mikaelson. What do you have in store for me tonight?" 

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