Why is SHE here? Part 2

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Hope's POV:

"I'm looking for Rafael." "Raf? What do you know about Raf?" I look at him, "That he is still in wolf form, and I'm going to get him out of it." All of a sudden, we both hear screaming, a call out for help, and we run towards the sound, to bump into a monster. Fuck. A werewolf eating son of a bitch. "INCENDIA!" Fire is brought to face the monster, but doesn't end up doing much. "Plan B. You've got a plan B right?!" "Yes, Landon. Turn around." "Why would I-" "Because it involves me getting naked." He shuts up and turns around about to ask why, but I am already naked, then letting the transition take me. I nod to him to go, then I run off, in hopes of the beast following me. 

The rest is a blur, really. Raf was able to turn back, he saves me and Landon. I leave as fast as I can, leaving the two alone when the Shunka had been stopped. I run as fast as I can to an Alaric Saltzman, waiting by the car for me.

Josie's POV:

I feel disgusting. Headmaster Vardemus told me to use my magic, and I hurt a boy. I didn't mean it... I don't think. I broke his arm. He won't be able to play again after what I'd done. I feel awful. I was so caught up in Landon's disappearance and wanting to win, while Lizzie was aloof as anything, as if she's high. She just ran off! What was she doing? I run off after the game. I want to be alone, so I go to the mill for a bit, and as it gets darker, I go to the gates of the school. I want to go home. Dad looked so disappointed in me. I want to sleep in my bed, and be in the comfort of the house, so that's where I head to.

Hope's POV

I hear from Alaric that Ethan had been injured, and because the game is long over he came back to drive me home. Josie had broken Ethan's arm. Ethan's scholarship is ruined now. He won't be able to get it after this. He has worked hard for it- Oh Josie. As the sun sets, he drops me off at the hospital, where I give my condolences to the family, and Maya gives me a bone crushing hug. As it starts getting darker, I decide I'll run back to the Saltzman house, via some wolf time. I like being in my wolf form, and yes, while it never does cease, the pain, I mean, the exhilaration kicks in. It's a breath of fresh air. I make my way to my new home, running in and hopping into the shower. I use the ipod in the twins' room to play music in the shower, picking the most intriguing playlist title: Hot and humid ;p It is truly an interesting mix of songs. I hop in the shower, my fingers running over my body. The Shunka had taken a bit of a toll on me today. I sigh, getting right to lathering up, and once I was sparkly clean, I jump out, grabbing the towel closest. I hear a thud by the room, and coming out of the bathroom I'm surprised to see Josie, dropping the towel. "Oh- FUcK! Shit um... hi." I mumble. "What the fuck are you doing in my towel, with my ipod, in my room?!" Josie shrieks, Alaric rushing in, before quickly turning around, seeing the dropped towel. "HOPE PICK THE TOWEL UP AND COVER UP! Josie what are you doing here?" "DAD WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE? HAVE YOU BEEN HAVING SEX WITH HER?!" I jump in, "God NO!! Josie- I- I lost my home... Dr. Saltzman has been letting me lay low here because it has been what was seen as best for the time being..." She doesn't look like she bought it, but I tried... "Have you been sleeping in my bed, milkshake girl?" She says trying to be a little more calm. "I- My name is Hope, Josie, and I think so?" "Well you're going to have to share tonight. I'm staying and I am not sleeping in Lizzie's bed." "I-um... ok???"

Josie's POV: 

Hope? As in Hope in my journal? The one I know nothing about? I can't believe I told her I was going to sleep with her- god. Milkshake girl. Maybe that was a little mean... oh well. She's kind of cute- BUT THAT ISN'T THE POINT JOSIE! FOCUS! 

To be continued~

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