BORED Games part 3

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Josie's POV

"Truth or Dare bitch." "Truth." "Are you the person who wrote in my journal? Are you the Hope who said loved me, but then crossed it out? Are you her? WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER YOU?! I SHOULD REMEMBER YOU. I feel confused and wrong and it isn't fair." "I can only answer one, so I'll answer the first one. Yes. I did write that." I stare at her, wracking my brains as to where I may have known her from before hand. I NEED TO KNOW WHY MY BODY FEELS LIKE I'M MISSING SOMETHING I CAN'T REMEMBER, AND IS ONLY COMPLETE WHEN I'M WITH HER."Truth." I say. "Okay. Um. What were you dreaming about last night?" She says, wiggling her eyebrows. "School. Just school stuff." "You're not being honest." "Fine. Dare!" "Tsk tsk. I dare you to go into vivid detail about the sex dream you had last night about me." I gulp. That is so not fair. "No fair." "Oh but it is darling."

I hesitate, but knew that she wouldn't give up until I told her. I take a deep breath, "I had a sex dream. It- It wasn't about Landon. I was in the library with-with you. And... You'd waken me up from my sleep on some library books. You were in the school uniform, and my heart felt weird, and my stomach twisted. You picked my chin up with one finger, asking if I was alright, to which i decided to reply cheesily, saying I was so much better in that moment now that you had come along. You grinned, stepping closer to me, and I moved, pulling you close to me, you stepping in between my legs. I stood ever so slowly, taking your hand.I-I wanted to kiss you... so I asked. You were so chill and calm and just hummed a yes in response. You pulled me towards the corner of the shelves, a hand on my waist. I had cupped your adorable little face, and pressed my lips against your own, our lips moving ever so quickly. I pressed you back up against the bookshelf, leaning into her, pinning you like I had done earlier, as your hands traveled, grazing my skin, drifting up my shirt. You t-t-touched me. I wanted more so I leaned closer... I brought my hand to your thigh, the edge of your skirt, drawing little things on your thigh, barely touching the skin. I asked to- to touch you. And you s-said yes. My hand had started to drift up your thigh, closer and closer and you let out a loud whine. I couldn't help but smile at the hitch in your breathing, and I dipped my hands into your bottoms, already feeling the heat coming from you..." I realize that all of this spilled from my lips and I look down in shame. "I-I can sleep in Lizzie's bed tonight if you want." I say quietly. She does the same as she did before, she picks up my chin with her pointer finger, smiling. "Dare." She says quietly. I look at her a moment, and I didn't mean it it just slips out. "Kiss me." "As you wish." I feel her cup my face smiling, as she pushes me against the side of the backboard of the bed, moving my hair. She kisses me, her lips, soft and light. Not like Landon's. I loved it and let her press on with the kiss, kissing back. Why had this mysterious girl, who I don't know, nor remembered, captured my attention?

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