Flightless Cherub

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Hope's POV:

I sit on Alyssa's bed, running through all the possible things I could do to her, fixating on what would cause her the most pain. A couple doors down, I can hear the tapping of her soles against the flooring, knowing she's now on her way over to the room. I gaze at the ascendant once more, my eyes fluctuating between amber and their normal blue shade. She steps into the room, seeing the look on my face, trying to step back. "Erigo Offoco!" The girl is thrust into the air, pinned to the wall behind her, struggling against me. I step forward, holding the ascendant, "I think it's time we had our talk about boundaries." I press forward, watching her noticeably squirm under my gaze, "What the hell did you do?" 

Josie's POV:
What the fuck is happening? Where are we? Moments ago I was snuggled close to Hope, and Lizzie. Fuck. Where's Lizzie? I feel my way through the darkness, slapping at anywhere I could access, only to get a yelp in return. "My boobs! Josie what the fuck?! Where the fuck are we." I glance at her, my eyes getting used to the lack of light around us, "My thoughts exactly." I take her hand, both of us standing up, and taking a look around. I was with Hope only moments ago, I can still feel her. Lizzie pulls me out of the room, finding Dad. "Where are we?" "Why are we here?" "What the fuck Dad?" Our questions seem to just bounce off of him, while we wait for answers. "We're in a prison world...and certainly not the one you made this evening. It's the one you made when you were little...." It dawns on me, and I can't help but start to panic, wanting to slap him so hard, he finds his way to Malivore. I am beyond angry. He continues, "I think Alyssa Chang is trying to teach me a lesson." He rubs the back of his neck, his eyes widening as we turn to see Sebastian behind us. "So it seems. Hello, Elizabeth. Josette." He nods to me, before looking at Dad, spitting at the floor, "Alaric. Have you come to take me back?" Lizzie and I both turn to him, starting to put the pieces together, the daunting truth appearing before us. 

Hope's POV:

"For the last time, I am not going to tell you shit, you tribrid trollop." Alyssa hisses, turning her back away from me once more. I slam against the holding cell angrily, "You are so fucking lucky you are behind these bars, because if you weren't, I would tear you apart. Now, you're going to tell me where the ascendant is, so I can bring Josie ba- Josie, Lizzie, and Alaric back to our world." She smirks, "My anti charm potion seems to be working me miracles." She gets up, proceeding to do a back bend, keeping the cocky look on her face the entire time. "This isn't fucking yoga class! Enough with the games. Help me bring back the Saltzmans." She scoffs, turning her head towards my general direction, "Why? So you can be the little superhero and save the day? This isn't about you, and if I had known you'd be such a pestering little shit, I would have sent you with them." My eyes flash amber, a feeling deep inside of loathing, and hunger to let everything go. "Tell me where the ascendant is. It'll only benefit you, seeing as I plan to start with your eyelash extensions, and pluck them out one by one. Sounds fun." I flash her a smile, only to be shut down once more, "Sorry, I don't negotiate with a basic witch bitch. Namaste." I nod, beyond fuming, trying not to lose my cool in front of her, slamming against the cells, before storming off. 

I climb up the steps, making my way, opening the door, before slamming it hard. The bang echoes throughout the corridor, students turning towards me. I force a smile at them, before turning and bumping right into a disheveled Landon, holding a struggling cherub looking man. "I thought you'd know what to do with him? He's feisty." I look the creature up and down, knowing I need to let off some steam, also knowing that he'd escape if I didn't get rid of his wings. I hate that festering inside, is the over protective, stressed, ravenous side of me, similar to my father, ready to pounce on the next thing that bugs me. "We're going to cut his wings off, and you, Landon, are going to hold him still." The Cherub squirms, trying to get Landon to loosen his grip, but to no avail, and we tie him to a stool, meanwhile Landon holds onto him for dear life. I turn away, grabbing the dullest pair of scissors, as that was all there was left for me to use. I grab at the wings, yanking a little hard, opening up the scissors, using the dull blade just above the scrapulars, moving it like a saw. Blood starts to seep, covering my hands, and I wipe the sweat from my face as I start to go fast, thinking about Josie, praying she's alright, feeling absolutely helpless and stupid. Fuck! It's all my fucking fault. Why hadn't I noticed it before? I'm such a fucking c- Oh. One wing's done.... Landon looks at me quite terrified, as if I was some demon spawn from hell itself. I start to go for the other one, the Cherub now silent, flinching from the pain. I tear through the muscle and tissues, throwing the wing to the other side of the gym. Oh that's where we are. I hadn't noticed. The Cherub takes me by surprise, shaking me off, and slowly standing up, "You monsters. You don't know how long it took me to grow those." I glare at him, "Next time I'll cut something that won't grow back, sounds like a deal?" He snarls, "How dare you? I serve the highest power of all... love." Landon gets angry, stepping forwrd, only for me to push him back, in no rush for him having to die again. "Hold on. You were running about shooting people! How is that in the name of love?" I choke, holding back a chuckle, whilst the Cherub rolls his eyes. "Every arrow I shoot helps those express the love they already have inside, for another." Landon grabs the quiver, containing the arrows, and once our backs are turned, the creature attempts an escape, only to slam right into the barrier spell I had set up, in the midst of chopping his wings off. "Hahahaha, oh, you're not going anywhere, sweetie." I chuckle, making my way to the door. "What would've happened if you hadn't bumped into me, huh? You'd be roast chicken. And you were TrYInG to FlY?!" He stumbles, trying to tiptoe around my question, "I-I it sounded so much better when I had thought it... less so when you say it." I sigh, "Look, if you keep trying to play hero, I'll have no choice but to decide between saving you and stopping a devastating occurrence, and-" I seethe. "I get it, I'm sorry." I roll my eyes, "Watch the pesky problem, and you! If you want to help, tell me which arrow will melt the bitchiest fucking heart." He points to the green arrow quickly, and I strut out of the gym, storming back down the steps, headed to the containment cells, the green arrow in hand, unlocking the cell. Alyssa pauses her yoga, smirking, "Don't tell me you've had a change in-" Arrow to the side. Brilliant. 

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