Oh MG!~

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Hope's POV:

I look her up and down for changes of any sort, none to be found, when all of a sudden she starts to giggle. Yep. It worked. She continues to hysterically giggle, reaching for my hands, and holding them in her own. "Can I tell you a secret?" She squeals, bouncing on the balls of her feet, squirming like a toddler. "I-I have a crush! A big big crush!" I cock an eyebrow, slightly intrigued. "Who?" "I'll give you hints!" She squeaks, plopping down criss cross applesauce, playing with her hair. "Ok! He's super cute. And a really good friend... but I'm not his friend. He's a bit of a dork, but in a good way." I choke, for a moment thinking she is speaking of Landon. "B-Birdboy? So that's why you're so bitchy-" "NOOooOOo! Not him! Ewww. No! It's- *whispers* Mg." I am taken aback by all of this, realising how much sense her clues made, less so why she had a crush on him, seeing as he is practically her polar opposite. "Mg?? As in... Milton Greasley? You know, the boy who is basically your opposite." I watch her as she covers her face with her hands, "Maybeeee~ I really like him. Oh, Mg!" I gag, wanting to leave this instant. At least I now know her weak spot. If only she would help us bring the twins back. I want Josie back. ".... I'll be back, Alyssa." She pulls me back as I get up from my crouching position near her, "WAIT! Please don't tell MG... not yet. I wanna surprise him." I gag, "Yeah, sure, whatever you say Alyssa."

I run off to go find Kim, who happened to be with Mg, perfect. "Hey Kim! I need you to help me with some research, if you could... it's on our latest monster, Cupid." She springs up gleefully, jumping up and down. "Oh my god!! Cupid, also known as Eros?! Depending on whether or not you're interested in Roman or Greek mythology... which isn't the point. You know what, I'll look into both! You won't regret this Hope. Raincheck Mg?" She holds his hands a moment before running off, Mg unable to say a word. He turns to me, a little peeved, "What was that, Hope? I had a whole little date set up." Brilliant! "Oh that's perfect! Ok, Mg, I need your help as well." He gives me a confused look, "... with Cupid?" I gulp, "Um- worse..." I snatch him away, speedily. "Go get some trunks on." Once he's gone, I run down to the holding cells, finding Alyssa. "It's your lucky day... haha." I rub the back of my neck. God, Mg, please don't hate me. I push Alyssa into a water closet nearby, handing her a bathing suit, and once she is done changing, I grab her, dragging her to the pool, shoving her out the door with a towel, her eyes lighting up as she sees Mg. I watch as she dives in, trying to show off, meanwhile, Mg visibly tenses up, sending me a look, pleading with me. He smiles awkwardly as she looks up at him, pushing the hair out of her face. I chuckle a bit, watching as Mg climbs onto a unicorn floaty, Alyssa following him like an innocent little puppy dog, yet when she speaks, her voice is laced with innuendo that makes both Mg and I shiver. "Hey, scoot over. I'll show you how to ride." Mg splutters, making his little excuse. I really hate that I'm having him do this at all. I make my way to the room quickly, no time to spare."I-uh... this floating craft is uh- only... only safe for o-one person. Sorry. B-But you look thirsty- FOR SOME FrOsé! Mhm. Yup. You can go serve yourself." As soon as she's gone, he turns finnicking with his ear, "H-Hope. Alyssa Chang is horny as hell. I don't like it. I don't want it. She's a thirsty demon." I sigh, "Ok. Stop playing with your ear, I'm getting feedback and you're making yourself noticeable. Only a little longer I promise. As long as you can manage to seduce her- french bulldogs! Perfect! Ok, as long as you can seduce her enough to help us, you'll be out pretty fast. Bring up french bulldogs, she really likes those." He sighs, ready to come at me with a full blown rebuttal, but it seems Alyssa is now speaking to him. His feed starts to cut out, and towards the end, before it cuts out, I hear him say, "Nah, fuck this. If I'm doing this I'm doing this my way. It's messing up my game." It cuts out to radio silence, and I can't help but put my head in my hands. I really pray that Mg knows what he is doing. I just want Josie back, safe, in my arms. I rock back and forth a bit, grabbing my phone quickly. I just want to talk to Jo. Even if she won't respond. 

 Jos 🥰😚 sent 3 days ago

Good night Hope, I love you. 

                                                                               Hope (you) sent 3 days ago

                                                                I love you too, dork <3, sleep well


                                                                         Hope (you) sent moments ago

                                                         Josie, I miss you so much. I know you 

                                                    aren't going to see this, but it's the only 

                                                               thing I can try to control right now.

                                                           I just want you to know I love you so,

                                                so much, and I am doing everything in my

                                                 power to get you back home safely. I hurt                                              

                                           everywhere, and I feel so useless, I just want

                                      you back. I may or may not have been sleeping

                                       in your bed... it still smells like you. Sorry. That 

                                   sounds creepy as fuck. I swear, you're not dating 

                                                                 a creeper. I love you. 


I stare at the phone a moment, before turning it off, resting my head on the bed, wiping runaway tears, before the barrier breaks and everything comes crashing down. The tears pour, sniffles in abundance, and breathing ragged. I pick up the phone, clutching it to my chest.

"Josette Lucas Olivia Saltzman, I will do everything I can to have you back home, safe, and sound."

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