Hopie? Maybe- OH! HOSIE!

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Josie's POV:

On the drive home, I constantly have the urge to sit in her lap and hold her close. What she did was incredibly difficult, letting someone in like that, and she took a chance on me. I take the talisman out of my pocket putting it around my neck once more. I don't know why it was taken off, but it had been. As we start to get close to the house, the urge is still there, barely under wraps, and my hand shoots out to find her hand, holding it rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. She looks at me, confused, a smirk creeping to her lips. I keep hold of her warm hand, as we start to pull in, Hope parking the car, and stopping to look at me a moment. "Hey Jo? You ok there, love?" I mumble a quick, "Mhm," scooting towards her. She smiles, "What are you up to Josette Saltzman?" I whine at the full name, pouting. She gives me a look, before pulling me in her lap, "Is this what you wanted?" I nod, smiling wide, "What are you psychic?" She chuckles, holding me close to her, as I squirm to face her, leaning my forehead against her own. She holds me close, her arm wrapping around my waist, bringing me close. I move to kiss her, smiling, giving her a small peck, then a longer, nicer kiss. She kisses back, biting my bottom lip a tad, pausing to ask if that was alright. I giggle, kissing her, answering her afterwards with a 'yes'. This goes on for a bit, the teasing, the breaths, little touches, before I pull away, "As much as I love this," I point to us both, "Shouldn't we go inside now? Your aunts may worry?" She giggles, "Sure, let's go inside." I scoot, opening the door, stepping out, followed by Hope, who grabs the basket of beignets and quiche, and we start to head for the house, being quiet, and sneaky. I cling to her as she opens the door quietly, and I hear some voices coming from the living room. 

"Ok, ok, so what these ships, that Nik talks about, they're a formation of names. Right? So if we put Hope and Josie together, it would OBVIOUSLY be HOPIE. Ok? It just makes sense." Freya says, Keelin's chuckle ringing in the house, Rebekah replying, "Well no, of course not! It would have to be Hosie, it's just right. Don't you reckon?" The ladies giggle about, "Fine, have it your way, Bex. I liked Hopie because Hope hates that nickname." I look at Hope, trying to pull off my best smirk. We make our presence known, and I finally let out a giggle, "We're back. And we have extra beignets!" I take the basket from Hope and pass it to the women. "We're off to bed, bye!" I yank Hope away, while she says a quick goodnight, "So Hopie, bed time? Or do you wanna play a game or...?" She groans, "Hopie? Really? Please don't do this to me, Jos." I giggle, "You know you love me." I stick out my tongue, giggling, and she follows me to her room. When we get to her- I mean- our room, I sit on the bed, yawning, "I need to go shower." I stretch out on the bed, Hope sitting next to me, "So do I." I sit up scooting into her lap, "Would you like to go first? Or we can go together again. Sorry I was awkward this morning... it's all a little new. I mean- I've seen you naked a lot because of the school showers but... still new. I don't want to mess up." Hope looks at me incredulously, picking my face up with her finger, under my chin, "One, only do it if you're comfortable, and two, you can't mess up. You're wonderful, and mistakes are what make us who we are. Mess ups are ok. I like all of you, ok? The pretty and wonderful, and the less pretty things that you might feel, want, etc. No matter what." She smiles, kissing me, "Do you want to go first?" I shake my head, "Let's go together. Saves water." 

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