Say Hello To My Little Friend

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Hope's POV:

I decide to get some air in the morning, taking my walk from the house to the town square, where I sit, to watch the pit. After a while, I decide to warm my body up, as if getting ready to start training with Alaric. Not going to lie, I kind of miss his constant questions and lectures during our trainings. I start doing so squats, when I hear some footsteps, ten feet or so, away from me. I wait for the person to strike, ready to defend myself. "Hope. Andrea. Mikaelson." I turn around. "W-what? Lizzie?" "It's official: I remember everything. Like an acid flashback. Anyways. This reunion is going to have to wait, we have much bigger drama. Josie and Landon are having sex." Ow. That was a hard blow to take. I can't tell if I'm jealous that Josie is having sex with Landon, or that Landon is having sex with Josie. "It's tonight. There's a decade dance." "How do you even- just because it's a dance doesn't mean-" "She asked me to find an excuse to stay with dad tonight. So you need to spill your beans and tell your tale. Tell her. Tell her who you are." "Lizzie, I can't." "You're the one who has to break her heart." "I-I-I." I hear the pit behind me bubble, steam pouring from it, and I take a step back, towards Lizzie. "Not a good time," she says,  rolling her eyes. This woman who looked like she'd just come out of the eighties climbs out the pit, smacking away at her bubble gum, looking at us both. "I'm the keeper," she says with a smirk, sighing, "this is going to be easy. Or at least a lot easier than I thought, haha. Welcome to the game." She lifts her arm, and poof she's fucking gone. We both look at her. "That was anticlimactic." We both go out by the street, saying at the same time, "We need to go protect Josie."  "A-and Landon." I add, with a small smile. "Screw the hobbit." We step into the street for barely a moment, and a car pops up, out of thin air, and barrels us over. For a brief moment, I feel pain, but then it is gone again, and we are standing right where we started. She scoffs. "Ok. Let's try this again." I take her hand bringing us to the curb once more, looking both ways. "So are we going to talk about how you're failing to tell anyone who you really are? More importantly, Josie?" "Sorry not right now, busy keeping us from being roadkill, Lizzie," I scoff, looking about trying to cast a spell, no sign of anything being there, and we step out into the road. "Fuck." We land right back to square one. "I don't think we have magic here." I look at her, sighing, feeling a hand on my arm, "Nice siphoning Lizzie, are you feeling fulfilled yet?" "I-I think we're in a game similar to frogger." "What on earth is that? I'm not supposed to know what were the going ons of the time of my grandparents." I roll my eyes, "Let's try this again." 

I step out onto the tarmac then step right back as the same car whizzes right by us, covering us with the water on the road, by the sewage drains. We're covered from head to toe now, and we cross carefully, going into the clothes shop. We go into the shop, where we find assortments of clothing. We pick some stuff fairly quickly, but some idiots were hoarding the other dressing room, so we shared, Lizzie asking me constantly which thing looked good with which. "You look fine. Now turn around." She turns around huffing, as I strip. "Um Hope... there's a mirror..." "UGH! Fine do whatever you want." I turn myself around, stripping quick as I can, stumbling about. I hold onto her as I pull the stockings and skirt on, picked by Lizzie herself.  "Girl you look cuteeee!" I look at Lizzie, bewildered. We step out, "Acid was is clearly your thing." "Why thank you, I dig your stockings, madame." "Well obviously you do, you picked them out." I shake my head smiling at this banter. She grabs for the hairdryer, smiling, but only briefly. I feel electricity course through both of us, before we're back at the start. "Should've seen that coming." "Ugh this is pointless, we're going around in circles. If only there was a-a clue shop or a cheat shop or something." Lizzie turns around, pointing at a building. "Something like that?"  I look to where she is pointing, and I nod, looking around, taking her hand, and going towards it. As we cross the street we are careful, and then I step on a landmine. Fantastic. "Who decided to put a landmine there? WHo? I get that it's the age of rec cocaine and all that jazz, but come on!" We make our way towards the shop, a lot more careful this time, pushing the doors wide open, the hinges barely holding them up. "Heyyyyyy," the eighties woman says, "looking for something? what can I do ya for?" Lizzie looks at her incredulously, then at me. "Yeah. How do we get out of here?" "AND- why are we in our grandparents decade?" Lizzie jumps in, only to be ignored by the woman. "As far as getting out of here goes, you don't sweetie. You play the game until my pet feeds on you and then you die. For reals. Simple as. Cool beans?" "No. No. Not cool beans-" "This game was specifically designed to kill beautiful maidens so..." We head towards the door, done with this woman. We'll find our own way out. "T-There is one way out... one of you takes my place, the other one is freed." She smiles, blinking a bit. "Thanks. No thanks. We'll be on our way now." She cuts in, stepping in front of me. Lizzie takes my hand, pulling me back a bit. "I'm afraid there is no other option." She grins. "Take the deal, or my little pet kills you, darling." There's a roar in the background, getting closer and closer, "Speak of the devil. OOoooH! This is my favourite part! Say hello to my little friend, girls!" We don't stay for long, the beast tearing into the shop, and we sprint off, trying our best to avoid obstacles. 

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