Hoe Hoe Hoe

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Hope's POV:

Josie was curled up fetus position, snuffling in her sleep, her head pressed against my chest, as I lay there playing with her hair. I had gone out for a run earlier in the morning, at around four, and although she had been asleep, her body seemed to creep to my spot, searching for me. It is now just about 7:30, and she's as cute as ever, mumbling a bit in her slumber, squirming a touch, burying her face deeper into my chest, blush spreading across my face more and more, each second she lays there. Freya creeps in with some tea, smirking and handing me the mug. She kisses me on the forehead, leaving us. I try to move from her slightly, but her arm immediately latches onto me, pulling me in. I whine, waking her accidentally. Jos groans, smooshing her face into my chest, patting her hands on the sides of my ribcage by my chest, squeaking, realising I'm not her pillow. 

She took a quick peek at me, whispering, "I thought you were my pillow, Hopie." I groan at the nickname, trying to scoot away, only to be held closer, my breath caught in my throat, as she inhales, her head still buried in my chest. "You smell nice." My head is reeling. Someone stop her. Someone help me. She makes me feel so warm and happy, like I'm floating. I move to kiss her forehead, but as I move she moves, and we both kiss one another. I pull back, looking like an absolute tomato, Josie making grabby hands. My phone rings a moment, and I look to Josie, then at my phone. I sigh, going to reach it, despite her whines. "Hope. Why isn't Josie answering her phone?!" "Morning Ric, it's currently 8:11, and we've just woken up. How can we be of service?" I glance to Josie, who's scowling, scooting down, still clinging close to me. She lays her head on my stomach, as Alaric rambles on, "It's snowing. In October. It may be the end of October, but October no less. I am just at the gate of the school. Kaleb and Landon locked up Clarke? And Vardemus was imitated by Clarke, so there is need for a replacement. I'm on the grounds now. Haha! Watch the snowballs kids!" 

I am in shock not only by his change in demeanor, but also by his mischievous daughter, who startled me by lifting my shirt and kissing my stomach. I squeak, muting the phone as fast as I can, whining, poking at Josie. I hear Alaric laughing and throwing snowballs, before he pauses asking for Josie. I hand over the phone, telling her to behave, and she greets her father. He starts off serious again, but his voice strained as if there's a friendliness that wants to take over his serious angry facade. "Josette Saltzman. Why on earth hadn't you picked up your phone? I called you three times. I was worried. I want you home. Now. It's Christmas, and you should be celebrating with family. Come home." She glances at me, seriously confused, "Dad, it's October. Christmas is in two months. You said so yourself? Are you alright?" "I'm just fine, but I want you home. There's more than enough cocoa to go around." She sighs, a bit annoyed at her father's bullshit. "Dad I'm staying with Hope remember? You can have your fun-" "No, JOsie. You will come home at once. Hope isn't family. Hope is just a friend. Family is above ALL." Josie ends the call, pissed off. He calls again, apologising profusely for his un-cheery spirit, begging for us to come down to Mystic Falls. 

I don't feel good about this, surely there must be another monster at the Salvatore School. I prepare us a bag to go, running out of the room to let the family know, grabbing one of Elijah's many car keys, this time, it being the Jag. Josie is upstairs, sulking, still in her pjs, when I hoist her over my shoulder, carrying her downstairs with the bag in the other hand. I grab us some toast, say goodbye to everyone, promising to be back soon, then I run us out the door and to the car. As soon as we both have our seat belts on, I'm speeding down the road, navigation set for the Salvatore school. It could just be a prank played by the witches, but we can't be sure. 

Josie is sitting in the seat pouting, munching on her toast, mumbling. "What's up Jos? Hey, we're going to school, it's no biggie." She lets out a loud sigh, "He interrupted me kissing your tummy. He interrupted cuddling. Why does he always interrupt us?! Are we just Hoe Hoe Hoeing about so much that we're inseparable." I start giggling, "Hoe Hoe Hoeing?" "Yes. Because I'm a hoe." I give her a look, "Babe, no you're not." She grabs my hand and holds it to her heart, leaving me to drive with one hand on the wheel. She sticks out her tongue, "I am." "Whatever you say Jos."

*sidenote* Do you like how the story is going so far? Any changes you'd have me make? I'm trying to make it the best I can, and it's a tad difficult at the moment.

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