Oh for god's-

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Hope's POV

I knew it would happen eventually. I didn't want it to happen, but in spite of it all I did, and I was being driven mad in the darkness. I was clutching my locket, trying to block out the darkness, which sounds awfully silly now I think about it. I am diving upwards, plunging into the vat of goo. Below the goo, where I had been, there was nothing, just emptiness, and beyond the goo, above, was life, light, people, Josie. At this point, I let malivore spit me out, and the fresh air kisses me, in god knows how long. 

I suddenly have feeling in my body, I feel everything, my senses seem so heightened, and that when I feel the goo. I groan frustratedly, "Oh for god's- Ugh! This is everywhere! Jesus. I need a shower. Now!" I look around, never looking back at the pit. I sprint out, feeling icky. This goo was finding every crevice it possibly could, and I was not going to stand for it. I finally get to a road, and start walking, getting all types of stares from passers by. After a while, I find a motel, and I steal some keys, going into a room, and as soon as I'd locked the door, I strip, walking towards the bathroom, turning on the shower, to a nice temperature. I immediately jump in, scrubbing the goo from my body, trying to find every crevice it seeped into. The goo shouldn't have even been in certain places, I DON'T GET IT!? 

Once I have completely washed off, and feel a lot less dirty, I realize I don't have clothes other than the one outfit that has goo all over it. I sneak out the room in a towel, going to find some staff and steal clothes. I come back successful, in a pair of stolen clothes from someone's room, though the staff hadn't been very useful. Once I have acquired the clothes, I pull them on, then head out the door, for Mystic Falls. I don't have cash, I have nothing but the clothes on my back, so when I make it into town, I head to the square, where I had secretly hidden some money if I ever felt I would need to use it, which now I did. I only have enough for a couple nights at the inn, but it would be enough. I have a plan to go see Alaric, and try to get back to Salvatore, either that, or go to public school. I pick up a newspaper, and a face I'd recognize anywhere is on the front page. Alaric was headmaster of MSHS? Since when? That's when I decide not to stay at the inn, but rather, I run to MSHS, as fast as I can, stopping only to ask someone what day it was. It's a Friday, and school has only just started. Perfect. 

I run through the doors, going straight to the office, where I bump into Alaric. "I need to talk to you now! Please." "I'm sorry who are you?" 

"Please , Alaric- I-I'm Klaus and Hayley's daughter, Hope. Hope Mikaelson. *voice breaking* And I know you don't remember this-" He gets up slowly moving towards me, bringing me into his office, "But um- you're the closest thing I have to a father now." I let a tear fall, sniffling, something I hadn't done in a while, "And the entire world has forgotten I exist. So- I have absolutely no idea what to do next." He looks at me, his face not quite readable, "It's okay... we'll figure it out together." He gives me a small smile, and I throw myself into his arms, shaking, tears falling. He holds me close, and I shake in his arms for a couple minutes. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asks, pulling away from me, to which I shake my head, and he nods. The bell rings, and he tells me to come with him, and I follow him to his car, "You can stay at the house for now. Until we properly figure out what needs to be done, there isn't anywhere else you should be staying. I'll have to enroll you at MSHS, and then our course of action will go from there."

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