Mistlehoes (part II)

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Hope's POV:

Intruding upon my thoughts was Kaleb, carrying a bowl of egg nog. "Woah, woah, woah! Looks like someone could use some help getting into the spirit." He sets the bowl down intently, and though awful of me, I roll my eyes, "Want to help? Get me an axe." Christmas just isn't my thing anymore, it makes me bitter. I can't help the feelings pouring out of me, they're just there, ready to lash out. "So that's a neg on the nog, huh?" He sits down next to me, the bowl now in his lap. "I need to figure out what monster is making everyone so fucking merry. And I need to put an end to it. Now." He looks at me, shocked, "That's naughty ass hell, Hope." "Yeah? Well maybe for once I want to be naughty. I am constantly the saviour for this school, the loophole. Alaric keeps me under wraps, but this time, I'm going to do it my way. Maybe I am on the fucking naughty list, I DON'T CARE." There's a silence. After a while, Kaleb takes a sip from his ladle of egg nog, breaking the silence. "Aww hell yeah. You sure you don't wanna hit this, Hope?" I sigh, "God if I started hitting things now, I wouldn't ever stop." With that, I get up, marching towards the library exit, and to the basement. As I make my way over, Josie stops me, grinning like she's been gifted the most incredible thing possible. "What's up Josie? I need to head to the basement. To c;ear my head." She looks up, my eyes following, to find some mistletoe. "Oh Josie, now's not the best time. Plus, remember our plan to sneak about?" She pouts a moment, mumbling, "Pleaseeeeeeeee Hope. You promised earlier, remember?" I sigh, giving her a smile and cupping her face, kissing her sweetly a moment, cut off by Alyssa Chang. "Oh my god you're such mistlehoes. Fuck all of this, this is so ridiculous. Now move! Thank you Hope, for clearing the space from those shrieking hobgoblins and their caroling. I can now finally grovel in peace." She shoves past us both, headed for a chair, slumping down into her seat.

"So I take it you're miserable as well? Must be why we both aren't affected by this cheeriness. So why should I help you? Better yet, answer me this: Why are you miserable, Hope? What makes you grovel so, when you could be so merry? Me? I'm in a vessel due to expire, and my father will now make it his priority to torture me til the end of time for trying to betray him. what about you?" I don't need to think to even answer such a question, but he catches me off guard for some reason. "I-I used to love the holidays. Lost a lot of my family, and everything changed. I don't let my walls down. Don't want people to see me, my pain. Meanwhile everyone's running about here, all thankful for what they have-" "And you realise what you're missing." I stay silent for a bit after that. Maybe I should try to talk to Josie about this and get her input later, instead of always relying on Emma. "If anyone can relate to feeling alone, it's me. I've never even had a Christmas. Want help with that monster of yours? Let me eat, drink and be merry for once in my life. Lord knows it'll be my last." He smiles, facing me, raising an eyebrow, awaiting my response. I unlock the cell, sneaking him up to the festivities, watching as the others write down wishes on their ribbons, burning them afterwards. I keep a close eye on Jo and Clarke, who is currently snarfing down spotted dick, potato mash, asparagus, chicken, and a bread roll. "Truly the son of a bottomless pit." He hands his plate to someone, turning me round and using my back as a flat surface to write down his wish. "What the hell." "Patience, Mikaelson. I have a feeling that this monster is the Krampus." Josie side eyes us, catching Clarke touching me, a furious look looming. For a moment, I think I saw fire in her eyes. "What's a Krampus?" "Anti Santa. Santa treats the good girls and boys, while Krampus seeks out the hatred and anger in people's heart and mind. There won't be much cheeriness for long, don't you worry Miss Hope." I glare at him grabbing his arm, "What did you do?" He chuckles, "Well Hope, I thought you might be proud of me," he throws his wish in the fire, "Seeing as I took a page out of your book. I made myself a loophole. Genius, right?" He smirks, walking off, but not before I get to him, shoving him in a room. "Claustrum!" The door shuts abruptly, and I proceed to corner him, "You're spelled in. What did you wish for? What did you write." He smiles, laughing, "Well you'll see in good time, Hope. I've been a very bad boy this year~" I snarl, grossed out by his drawl. I make him shut up in the only way I know to be truly effective, with my rage, anger and magic, choking him out like the character 'Darth Vader' would've. God Landon really rubbed off on me. "Unpleasant consequences. Now tell me. What did you wish for?" He finally chokes out, "A saviour! With these giddy children drunk on Christmas spirit, my saviour will come to rescue me, Krampus, that is, and kill anyone in it's way." He smiles like the maniacal asshat he is. "I'll be ready for it." "What? A one woman army? Pathetic." I sigh, walking off, "Leave it all to me."

Well fuck me. Now I have to go be Ebenezer Scrooge and bust this popsicle stand. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Why am I always the saviour?

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