All That And A Bag Of Chips

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Hope's POV:

We run through the forest, escaping the Minotaur, hiding behind a tree. "I think we lost them. We should go find the school, I think." I say quietly, panting, "At least we're out of the lame town square right? That's a good sign." Lizzie tries to catch up to me a bit as I continue to move forward. "No thanks to you anyways, miss I almost stepped on the landmine again." I scowl, "Oh you can talk miss I should use a fucking hairdryer I'm still a little wet. You killed us with a hair dryer. Never forget that. Anyways, the school should be up this way." She looks at me a moment, "Are we going to talk about the fact you haven't told Josie yet? She needs to know, plus it could save her from having 'fun' with hobbit, it's her first time you know." "Oh Lizzie... Josie has been lying to you..." I start laughing, "Penelope was her first. It was a while ago now..." "SHE WHAT? OH SHE IS SO DEAD! I will- forget that, you're getting off topic. Why haven't you told her?" We get closer, and I stop. "I was going to tell everyone- but then I saw everyone was so much more happy without me... and I just- I saw how happy Josie is with Landon. I can;t hurt her Lizzie. She's happy again." "No she isn't, she's got a Hope sized hole she's filling with a less than adequate troll. What is wrong with you, do you really have too much of a martyr complex to see that no one is better without you? Without you, people feel like they're missing something. Something doesn't add up Hope." I look at her, silent, walking forward, tripping a trap, getting darts shot at us. We both are back at the start, and make our way as quick as we can to where we were originally, keeping in mind the traps. 

"Watch it! Bear trap." Lizzie says pointing it out. "I'm not going to tell them. It will not change anything." "Think of the family you have! What about Freya, Keelin and Nik? They still need you." "DO NOT BRINg ThEM Up." I seethe, wiping a tear. "I don't want to talk about it ok, Lizzie? It's better for everyone else- ARROW!" Lizzie looks at me, disappointed. "It could change everything." I shake my head, walking onward. "I'm just going to jump back in and close it, it's why I exist." I hear a large roar behind me and I take her hand sprinting, "RUN!" I trigger a trap to trap the beast and give us some time. We run through some bushes, "The school is right over- WHAT THE FUCK!?" Lizzie screams out in frustration clearly upset. I storm over to the woman, the eighties chick, and I'm about ready to tear her apart, "We're just about to take this-" "MAZE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!" Lizzie finishes my sentence. I look at her, "Actually girls, it's a labyrinth. Ready to take me up on my offer?" "Bitch I swear to god-" "Lizzie go take a walk." I say, patting her shoulder. "As I said before, there's only one way it will end darling, so you ready to throw in the towel?" I stay silent, grabbing Lizzie from a guy she was talking to who looked stoned off his ass. "We take the deal. I'll stay. "What- No." "It has to be me." "Martyr fucking complex Hope." "No one will even know I'm gone." She huffs, pissed off. 

Josie's POV:

I look at myself in the reflection of the mirror, getting ready for the dance. I smile, knowing this is the perfect dress. Dad comes in, "No, I haven't seen Lizzie, she's probably still out buying her Fonda leotard." "You voted for me to leave, Jos." I turn around, "Dad I- You knew you had to. But you couldn't bring yourself to. I did what I felt we all needed to do. We have to move onto the next chapter of our lives. You can have your own life now, don't you see?" I look at him, tears brimming, wanting to hug him tight, "S-start dating. Start letting us go a little." I brush away my tears, "We're fine. Because of you." I pull him into a tight hug, something inside me poking at me. I wasn't fine. I don't know why. I'll figure it out, but for now I need to get ready. "Definitely that one." 

Hope's POV:

Memory is a little hazy. I had been sitting with Lizzie, just for a bit, discussing. My head hurts like hell, fucking hell. I glance at the branch. "Bitch." She knocked me out. So much for not being a martyr like I supposedly am. I hear a snap from behind me, and the Minotaur begins it's chase. All of a sudden it shrieks, as I whip around, and face plants. Lizzie had a bow in hand, thanking Frank, the guy who had bad aim and constantly shot by our heads, accidentally. I look to her, "Hold on." "There's always someone telling women they only exist for one reason, I just happened to find a loophole." She smiles, as I stab the minotaur with a piece of wood. We are transported back to the town square, out of the game. We test it to make sure we're safe, after the eighties woman leaves. We hold hands, crossing the street. We make our way to the dance, in our attire, which was acceptable. She held my hand, "Wanna dance?" I see Josie and smile, "Of course Lizzie." I take her hand and I am being led to the dance floor, while Josie looks ready to kill me. After a bit of dancing, I pause and grab us some drinks, no doubt spiked with tequila. I was wrong. It was vodka. We throw them back giggling. Josie and Landon are dancing, close, which pains me a little. I throw back another one. They make out in plain sight. "Hurry. You can still stop them." Lizzie says, pushing me to them. "N-No. Let them go. L-let them." I hold her hand tight. 

"Hey, if you tell anyone, I will deny it, but- I'm glad to have you back." I smile, giggling a little. I push her shoulder. We start to dance a bit, getting really quite close, grinding, doing our own kind of thing. Josie looks so confused, a bit jealous. She pulls Landon away smiling, heading off to his room no doubt. Lizzie looks at me, "Hey... wanna take your mind off of things? I- um, I acquired some green stuff that makes you feel good." She says goofily, "LIZZIE! I didn't take you for a junky." "Hey! I am not a junky... it makes me calmer... that's all. I acquired it while in the game... you don't have to-" "Let's do it. How bad can it be?" We make our way to the courtyard, and she rolls a joint, lighting it, "Here. Try." I take a puff, and cough a tad, "WoAH! Haha not what I expected." She looks at me smirking, taking it, taking a long drag, forming an O with the smoke. I try to do the same, but the drag is much longer, and hits harder. "DAMN HOPE. You're fun! I never said that, okay?" I nod. "Let's go to your room. I'mma crash there. Can't stop meeeee! Oh god what if everyone knows I'm high." I giggle, looking around, worried a tiny bit. "Chill Hope. You're fine." She drags me back inside, and we head to the twins' room. We giggle on the way there, holding each other close. I slap Lizzie's arm playfully as we enter the room, giggling, faces really close, and we see Josie, looking sexy on the bed. Her face drops. Lizzie jumps on her bed, and I follow. "AH HOPE YOU'RE GONNA CRUSH MEEEE!" "I am flyingggg~" Josie scoffs, jealousy emanating from her. Landon comes back, with a condom and both Lizzie and I sit up, "OH SHIT! WE CRASHED THEIR SEXX!!!" We giggle, and I fall off the bed at Josie's feet, her face unreadable. Landon says goodnight and awkwardly leaves. "Hey. Hey Jo Jo! I'm sorry about Landon- BUT! BUt! wanna say~ you are all that and a bag of chips~" I smile, before passing out on the floor, so bloody tired. 

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