Chicago, Illinois

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"Welcome to Chicago!"

The team got off of the bus and viewed the city.
Chicago was a city filled with new experiences, and of course, Sunshine Field and the Chicago Cubs.

The field was going to host a cheer competition, and Florence had two routines ready. One was a fun one, and the other one was competitive, with a hint of fun in it. Florence decided last minute that they were going to do the one that was more fun.

At the end of the day, it's literally a baseball game. They host a competition during halftime, where like nobody attends, unlike Angel Star Arena. Maybe three teams at most, but instead of awards, whoever gets the most applause wins a prize of $20,000.

A few days later.

"Is it September 20 yet?"

Hannah woke up. Cristina was there, standing by her on the bus.

"Uh, yeah, you are going to be late."

"What? What time does the game start?"


"And what time is it?"


"Shoot! Cristina, we're going!"

Hannah and Cristina ran to the field where the game was taking place.

"You just made it, they just finished the pledge."

"Oh my god, I'm tired."

"Angels! Huddle!"

All of the angels huddled.

"We are doing C'mon ride the train for the show, and there are three teams, us, Chicago's Finest Cheer, and Detroit Deltas."

"Detroit Deltas?"

"I know, it's so weird, right?"


"Hey guys, I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"Don't be too long, we are currently on the third frame. Halftime will come soon."


Ai went to the bathroom when she suddenly bumped into a girl, the girl was wearing a pink and red uniform and had blue-green eyes and a drawing pad in her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"No, it's good."

The girl stared at Ai for a moment.

"Ok, this is super weird, but I love to draw, and you look like a good example, can I draw you?"

"Uh, sure."

She drew on her drawing pad.


What was that?

It looked like shapes, and scribbles.

"Wait a second, are you participating in the halftime contest?"


"I'm not, but I'm wearing my school's uniform to show support for North Chicago. And your team is?"

"We call ourselves the cheer angels."

"Angels, I like that!"

"Well, halftime looks like it's going to start soon, and you should get going."

"Ok, I'll see you!"


Ai ran to her team.

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