Baron Malcomson

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"Well well well, look who is leaving so soon."

The Angels were halted by the voice of Baron and his team, they were outnumbered.

Florence knew a time like this would come sooner or later, and now was her time.

"Who asked you to follow us? Do you stalk people for a living?"

Baron understood her snide comment.

"No, you're just acting like a sore loser, that's all. I wouldn't do something like that."

"Yes you would. You are a sore loser."

"Listen up you, if I could hit you I would."

"But you can't, because I'm a girl."

"You are nothing compared to my teams. Hotshots, Royals, you only have the tiny group of 5. I have over 209 girls. I own mansions, the most elite equipment, anything and everything that even you would dream of."

"So you're calling us poor?"

"I'm calling myself rich more like. And oh, who's this on your team? Olivia? I'm surprised she's still alive after joining your team. Sad that I had to let her go, I didn't want to."

"I WANTED TO LEAVE! You abused my rights as a person! And you treated me like absolute garbage. How can you look at me like a betrayer when I can't even look at myself in the mirror because of you!"

"Because you're ugly?"

Olivia and every Angel was shocked. Florence was enraged.

"How dare you talk about one of my girls like that!"

"Olivia, if you come back, you'll have an actual home and a bed to sleep on. I can offer that while Flora or whatever can't give you."


"Whatever, but you know what? How about you get yourself together before starting a team? Did you ever think about that?"

"Nobody ever has their life together, you don't."

"I don't look like my life is a mess at least. Also, who cheers with their team?"

"You can't because you're a horny man."


"Mr. Snob Brat Cheater Liar Rapist Two Faced Spoiled Idiot Baron Malcomson, that's who you are."

"At least I'm not homeless, living in a bus having a row of seats as a bed. Now Olivia, this is your final chance to become a Hotshot or even a Royal if you want. You just have to say so. Just say yes, that's all you need. I know you're not happy, I've known you ever since you were a wee child."

Olivia clenched her fist.

"You know what? Here, I'm actually treated like a person and not a barbie doll. I'm not a natural Barbie Doll, and I never fit in ever. I was depressed the longer I stayed, and you charge WAY TOO MUCH for me to even exist. As a coach, you were abusive, unfair, outrageous, a horrible man, a snob, a manipulative coach! How can you even live with yourself because of your actions. I know you are having an affair with Ms. Alaska from Cheerleader America, and you probably knocked her up if not traumatized her!"

Every Royal gasped.

"If I tell your mother about this, then she won't let you exist anymore."

"She actually respects my choices, unlike you."

"Olivia and Florence, your team is the messiest team I have ever seen."

"Is it because we are all diverse and not all white?"

"Now your calling me racist?"

Cristina got out of the crowd.

"You are, Mr. Baron. You don't let people of other color even get a chance to join your team. You never let me, and you never let Brenda or Diana. Because they aren't the Arian type that you like. Who do you think you are? Hitler?"

"Listen up you stupid girl, I'm better looking than Hitler ever was."

Sheila pushed through the crowd.

"What about me? You called me ugly and a disgusting waste of a cheerleader. Talentless and a waste of space. What if I said that to you? How would you feel?"

"I don't like girls with tacky spray tans, that's it."

"It's my natural skin color!"

"You'll probably die of skin cancer. I would have took you in if you weren't so ugly and dark."

All of the Angels gasped.

Cristina pulled back.

"How do you Royals even live with him as a coach? He is racist! He is disgusting!"

"I also don't let my girls dye my hair ugly or bright colors, you see."

Ai, Cecilia, and Elizabeth heard and were ready to almost punch him in the face.

"What do you know about looks?" Ai erupted.

"How about you tell some of your girls to put some bleach in their hair because it's not your blonde?" Cecilia followed.

"Not everybody is a cookie cutter that you want. If everybody was the same, then there would be no flavor in the world!" Elizabeth followed.

"You know, I don't want them making stupid decisions."


"Florence, how do you even live with them as a coach?"

"At least my team is appealing to the eye. Yours is like looking at deja vu: the same skinny blond girl over and over and over."

"It's called being an aesthetic."

"It's called being racist and unfair to other girls!"

"Honey, It's every girls dream to join my team, and you know, I can't take everyone. Thousands of girls audition every year, and I only take in like 200."

"You focus more on looks than skills!"

"They might have to learn a few things...."

"Are you aware that you are forcing a terrible standard on your girls? You force a standard that is deemed impossible! Girls are traumatized after experiencing what being a coach under Baron Malcomson is like!"

"What am I doing wrong?"

Olivia barged in.

"Coming from a former Hotshot, you did everything wrong! You forced girls into always having a smile on their face 24/7, you force girls to constantly diet, and sometimes the diets are extreme. You force your favorite girls to bully your least favorite girls! You favor girls and then you have relationships with them! You are truly disgusting, and I can't believe you almost forced me into a relationship with you."

Everyone gasped.


"Come on team, let's go before they follow us again."

"You are so pathetic as a team, no wonder you guys can never win, you are all sore losers, you can't stand up without running away! Run along now, we hate you too! Bye bye!"

The Angels were outraged at the way that Baron was as a coach.

The bus ride back home was dead silent, some of the girls were so mad that they couldn't speak, others were upset because of how Baron was an abusive coach. Some felt bad for the Royals and Hotshots.

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