TV director's studio

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Inside of a trailer, there were 2 guys talking and planning what will happen next in the show. Both guys were overweight and wearing messy ties and one had a cigar in his mouth.

The guy without the cigar passed a paper to the guy with a cigar.

"How's this look, boss?"

The boss picked up the paper and examined it.

"You know, with two weeks until this program stops filming, i think this is what we need to pick the show back up."

"It's actually ok? You're not refusing my ideas?"

"Oh Sheldon, at this rate, anything new or interesting will help bring this show up."

Sheldon but his lip nervously.

"Don't you think that the idea is a little too much? I mean, I thought of it a lot more wha bam, but writing it on paper and it fizzled out,"

"It's reality TV, people will watch anything that happens."

"Are you sure? I don't think it seems too realistic or accurate."

"The only reason I'm the boss to this show is because I want to see some nice girls- I mean this is a nice gig to get. It's easy and I could just sit back and eat some McDonald's."

Sheldon became suspicious.

"But sir, you have to make sure that all goes well, if this show flops, everyone will lose money. The studio, the crew, the teams."

"Sheldon, this show has already flopped, your idea is useless and I'm Mr. Broke."

The boss used his natural sarcasm and devilishly stared at Sheldon.

"People love the show, mainly because the Angels are on here. Everyone knows the Angels because of their charisma and performances. That's why, cheerleader shows have been the hot issue of this decade, and why not make a cheerleading show right now? It's business, Sheldon, strike the iron when it's hot. I didn't get no business degree for nothing."

"And I'm just your average high school dropout with an internship here."

"Hey, you get a free ride to college if you do this."

The boss took his cigar out of his mouth.

"And maybe one day, you'll be like me. Relaxing, making money because everybody else is doing the hard work. It's how businesses work."

Sheldon only nodded.

"And you wanted to talk about the plan?"

"Oh yeah, right."

The boss read over the paper.

"To give the show a bang, I suggest an all out brawl between the two teams. Who doesn't love a little bit of fighting? It's the fights that bring people in to watch the shows. Getting the two teams to fight will be hard, as the teams are both peaceful and mature, stupid lies wouldn't work."

The boss nodded at Sheldon.

"You should probably make your own TV show one day, dude, this is genius. It would be the perfect season finale, and there would soon be another season, with more fighting. Cheerleader school fight club."

The boss got up and went into a supply closet, getting a chalkboard.

"Ok, Shel, what do we know that could be drama Rama topics?"

"Ok, so Mike is the quote on quote 'Heartthrob' and has 3 admirers. Lisa, Ling, and Tracy."

The boss wrote that down.

"And Ling likes Mike the most."

"Keep on going."

"But Mike likes Lisa."


"And don't forget Tracy too."


The boss looked at Sheldon.

"So, how do we start an all out brawl?"

"Have Mike and Lisa kiss, and then have Ling come and then Tracy."

The boss turned around and wrote that down.

"Ling is head over heels for Mike, and she is so jealous too. This will cause her to explode and she will attack Lisa. I'm not sure how, but any way is fine. Then, Tracy will come and she might get in on the fighting too. Slowly bring out both teams, and bam! A huge fight will happen all in the courtyard. It's like a domino effect, one thing has to happen so that everything else will fall apart too. And that's what makes a season finale."

The boss was impressed with Sheldon's ideas.

"How do you like this?"

He went around, revealing what looked like a graph with a domino effect.


"Next step?"

"Dry run."

"Dry run?"

"I think there are some wigs in the supply closet. Go check."

The boss groaned and then went into the supply closet.

"I found a blonde wig."

"Throw it to me."

Sheldon caught the blonde wig and put it on his head.

He then started to imitate Lisa.

"Hi, my name's Lisa. I dyed my hair very terribly and I'm Apparently the captain of the Angels. I'm a man stealer and I can make a girl jealous."

The boss found a faded blue wig with pigtails. He then stretched his eyes out, making him look Asian.

"Ni hao! My name's Ling and I'm always jealous! This is why nobody likes me!"

The two laughed.

"Are you ready?"

"Let's do this."

Sheldon got a mop and pretended it was Mike.

"I love you baby."

"Ling" started to run and attacked "Lisa"


"Ling" started punching "Lisa"

"What do you mean he's yours? We're dating after all, didn't you know that?"

That only made the punches harder.

"Ow! You're hurting my complexion!"

Sheldon got the mop and pretended it was Tracy.

"Mike is mine, you dumb dumbs!"

What looked like a practice fight was actually two guys on the floor with a mop.


The boss and Sheldon stopped what they were doing. They cleaned up and pretended like nothing happened.

"When this episode airs, we're going to be millionaires and we will go down in Reality TV history!"

"You deserve a promotion, how about you become my permanent right hand man? I'll fire Mr. Stell because that old fart doesn't understand a thing."

"I would love that sir."

The two did a hand shake and fist bump.

"You and I, Sheldon, we're going to make a pretty good team."

"Tell me about it!"

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