Trenton, New Jersey

34 1 0

The team walked into the Sun Bank Center. This was a legit competition, not like any of the recruiting events, no no. This was the real deal. A month of practice resulted in a fabulous routine and a stronger bond between the team. If it wasn't for the mistakes that they have made, they wouldn't be as confident as they were today. And believe it or not, most teams would not have been confident if their routine made a single mistake in practicing.

"I have a good feeling about today."

"What place are you wishing to get?"

"First, I'm kidding. At least third place, get the bronze at least. If we get first, I'll be surprised, but I'll be happy if we get a trophy."

"I like that Lisa."

"I only make realistic expectations, Coach."

The team took a row where they placed all of their belongings and sat down. It was currently 7:05am, and they were going on at 2:00pm.

"Why are we even here so early?"

"We still need to prepare, add some touches."

"And they are going to take 7 hours?"

"It's not like we're going to add piles of makeup on our faces, just for now, I got breakfast."

Florence unboxed halves of bagels and some tiny water bottles. Everyone had half a bagel each and one water bottle each.

"Don't be shy, have some more."

Some girls took another half, and that was it.

The announcement came through at 2:00 sharp.

"Attention! All super teams will start their competition right now, so if you are a superteam, make your way down to the practice mats. Thank you."

All of the teams made their way down to the mats.

"What's the order?"

"Sweethearts, Best, Oceans, Royals, and us."

There were only 3 practice mats, so the Angels had to wait in the wings, that meant being near the Royals. Compared to the other teams, the Angels were a tiny team, everybody else had 50 something girls.

The Sweethearts were first.

"I know they are competition, they have a lot of energy and are unique with their dances."

Every team had to pick one of the five songs on the list and then submit it to the judges. Sweethearts picked Star, Angels picked Jump, Best picked Perfect Day, Oceans picked Come Clean, and it was assumed that the Royals took the last song.

The Sweethearts started their routine. They had used the theme of Star to their advantage. Their routine was very playful with a stunt at the end. Their uniforms were red, blue, and black. Indicating that they were a traditional team with a twist.

There was some applause, and the Angels went on Practice Mat 1. Practicing their routine before the show. Their jumps were powerful, and they even would scream Jump whenever it appeared in the song.

Next up was Midwest's Best.

"I've never seen Tina in action, but I think she could make a good routine, she seems quiet and aloof at times, she might throw a surprise in, who knows?"

Midwest's best wore Orange, Yellow, and White. Other than their color scheme, it seemed that they lacked energy and were probably the team that was the most forgettable.

On Practice Mat 2, Florence heard the mild cheers of the fans.

"Guess they weren't so hot after all, at least that's one team that we'll be able to beat."

Moving to Practice Mat 3 now, Florence looked over at the Oceans. Luís could possibly be competition, with his fun personality, he could make a routine that was a showstopper. Although, Come Clean was a difficult song to make a dance out of. Florence believed that Luís could make it work.

The Oceans had a water like color scheme. With Blue, Aqua, and White, two of the colors that the Angels have, but the White isn't so visible in their outfits.

Their applause was above average getting on the mat, but everyone heard a huge thud at the end of the routine. One of the flyers had fallen out of her stunt, and it sounded pretty bad. It started to make all of the Angels worry. Florence didn't want to take the situation to their advantage, but she slightly bit her lip and thought that maybe Luís wouldn't be much of a competition anymore. Because of the flyer falling, the whole competition was halted for 10 minutes. Baron was enraged about this, he wanted to go now and we wanted to win. Of course, a girl falling out of her stunt doesn't mean that the other girls win.

Baron seemed to be talking so loud to his team that the Angels could hear him.

"I swear to God if that happens during our routine, I will force the whole team into doing the extreme workouts. Honestly, you all need to lose a little weight Anyways."

Florence was disgusted by his words and looked over at the team, his team consisted of underweight looking girls.

"That is just disgusting."

After the 10 minute break, the Royals were able to go on, Baron knew what he was doing with their uniforms and opted for purple, pink and white as their color scheme.

When the Angels heard the Royals song, they all got confused.

"This wasn't on the song list."

Unbelievable by EMF started playing.

"Isn't that technically cheating? Switching up the song so they could have a better routine?"

"I don't know."

Their routine had a catchy dance and a stunt in the middle of the routine.

It could be a winner, but the judges seemed to forget about the song list thing.

When their routine was over, there was tons of applause.

"Competition, definitely competition."

"All right everybody! To wrap up the Superteam category, I would like to introduce a fabulous team! You might have heard them as the newest superteam in this category. The team with the highlights, introducing.... The Angels!"

There was lots of applause and some screeching,

"Take it away girls."

The song started.


An intense beginning of the routine to truly wake everybody up. The screams of all the girls was probably the most unique thing out of all the other teams routines.



With a finale that was just as powerful as the beginning and the rest of the song. Anna as a center truly went above and beyond to captivate the world.

There was as much applause as the Royals had received. When they had finished, they felt as if they were on top of the world.

Florence mumbles.

"I think we're going to win this."

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