Bonus: Ask The Angels

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*Bonus Chapter :)))))

Q: "Would you ever dye your hair or put your hair in pigtails 10 years from now?"

Ai: Maybe if I'm alone or I don't know, I do what I want.

Q: "How chaotic are the Angels on a scale of 1 to 10?"

Lisa: Probably an 8. I'd call them chaotic good.

Q: "What is your advice to girls who are insecure about themselves?"

Sheila: You are you, so don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's not like they have the rights to your name.

Q: "Coke or Pepsi?"

Ronnie: I prefer Sprite.

Q: "If a boy was bullying a girl, would you hit him?"

Cristina: Yeah, if the bullying gets worse, I will hurt him more.

Q: "What's one place that you would love to take a photo shoot at?"

Brenda: Quebec in Canada. The architecture? Super underrated.

Q: "How many days can you last without a phone?"

Diana: 10 days max, that's how my parents punish me.

Q: "Do you mind being the tinest?"

Frances: Being small has it perks.

Q: "How do you feel about lasagna?"

Georgia: Lasagna is food for Garfield, and I love Garfield.

Q: "Give us a punchline."

Hannah: This guy walks into a bar and he asks the waiter, where's the beer? The bartender says, we have punch instead. And he points to the punch line saying 'That's the punch line.'

Q: "Which guy would you love to draw?"

Ivonne: Leonardo DiCaprio.

Q: "Is your hair naturally red?"

Sasha: Yeah, but it looks like I dyed it because this color is normally NOT natural at all.

Q: "Could you give up bread for a week?"

Victoria: I never liked bread, so yeah.

Q: "How do you feel about diets?"

Wendy: Some are too crazy, but if you want to go on a diet, make it just for you,

Q: "Do you like gossip girl?"

Jackie: I love gossip, girl.

Q: "Is art underrated?"

Tina: My Art is underrated, but yeah, types of art are underrated.

Q: "What do you think on a net worth of 4 million?"

Olivia: I could top that.

Q: "Best pizza to get in the city?"

Elizabeth: Grandma Pizza or Brooklyn style.

Q: "Would you ever teach yourself how to swim?"

Cecilia: I could, but I was never in the mood to.

Q: "What's the most you've ever slept in one sitting?"

Cindy: 30 hours, and a half.

Q: "The one quality that makes you stand out the most is?"

Florence: My gut, no I'm kidding. It's actually my determination. I'm known for being a very determined and sometimes stubborn person. I can be your dream or your worst nightmare, depends all on you.

Q: "Which island do you love the most in Hawaii?"

Anna: I'm originally from Hilo, but I love Lanai. It's just so peaceful there and the air is a little sweet too.

Q: "If Cecilia was drowning, what would you do?"

Pamela: I'm no good swimmer, but I can try and save her. She's my bestest friend in the whole wide world, what else would I do?

Q: "Is it true that as a child, you got hit by a car?"

Michelle: I was like 7 and the car was going 15 miles per hour.

Q: "Give is your thoughts on breaks?"

Kate: Breaks are like reading a good book. It won't be long until you get sucked in.

Q: "So, you're not from New England?"

Tracy: I'm actually from Tennessee, but I look like I'm from New England.

Q: "What do you think is one toxic trait that every antagonist has in common?"

Emma: An unstable persona.

Q: "Give one piece of advice to the girl that is lovestruck."

Vicky: Love is like a rollercoaster, and even your stomach feels like it's in a loop.

Q: "Do you think money equals happiness?"

Ling: Money won't make you happy forever.

Q: "Name one embarrassing moment in your life?"

Zoe: Middle School.

Q: "If you were stuck on a desert island, do you think you would survive?"

Maya: I go camping, so I think I could survive.

Q: "Raspberry or Blue Raspberry?"

Nadia: Raspberry all the way.

Q: "Would you ever act in a school show?"

Rachelle: If It's on Nickelodeon, then yes.

Q: "You look Italian, are you Italian?"

Brooke: No, I'm Chilean and Czech.

Q: "What's it like to be the only Angel from Canada?"

Iris: I take pride in that because I'm different Heh

Q: "For Mike, Pete, and Jake, what's it like having an Angel as your girlfriend?"

Mike: Lisa is a little shy, but can be quite daring too.

Pete: Brooke is my best friend, and other than dating, we're still like friends.

Jake: Rachelle is a sweetheart, and she deeply cares about everything.

Q: "How social are you?"

Chris: Depends who I'm with, but I classify as an ambivert.

Q: "Would you call yourself the best male Angel?"

Greg: Don't tell the boys this but yeah, 100%.

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