Las Vegas..... again

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It was nighttime when they arrived in Las Vegas, the city during the night had a different charm than in the day, it was more vibrant and lovely.

The team only had a day to make final preparations for the competition. It was the next day and everyone was tired. Probably because it was two hours back, and it was currently 9:44pm.

"Can we sleep now?"

"You haven't slept, Cindy?"

"No, I was listening to your monologue in the front of the bus."

"Oh my god you actually heard it."

"It was very heartwarming, actually. Did you know you actually have a nice speaking voice?"

Florence was puzzled.

"Ok, go to sleep."

The next day at exactly 7:00am, the team got off the bus, ready for the competition. Their outfits were still striking, and their glow was Angel like. Why wouldn't it be?

Unlike Trenton, they weren't as intimidated at the place overall. They have been here before, and they were ready. Confident, smug at times, ready to express their emotions through dance. It was kind of a first. Sure, they had done dance based routines while recruiting girls, but nothing like this. Packed with emotion and meaning, it would surely blow everyone away.

They sat in 2 rows of seats as they prepared their belongings down there. The rows weren't as long as in Trenton, so two rows were fine and dandy.

At around 1 was their cue for the beginning of the Superteam category, just hearing superteam caused the audience to almost explode. It made the Angels a little bit nervous, but gave them an adrenaline rush at the same time.

The order for this competition was different. Oceans, Royals, Sweethearts, Angels, Best.

Olivia made a snide comment.

"I know why they put Midwest's Best last, because nobody wants to see them perform."

On the same three practice mats, the Angels watched the Sweethearts stretch.

"They might be competition." Florence whispered.

The Oceans has just finished wrapping up their routine and were ready to perform. This competition, there was no song selection, so Baron could have not "cheated".

The announcer had a familiar voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. To start off this superteam division, I'll be your host."

Everyone cheered.

"Randall Jackson."

Randall Jackson was the announcer for the Superteam division. This had shocked Kate the most and almost made her cry.

"Don't cry Kate."

Ai said while hugging Kate.

"To start off this superteam division, we have a team from the East Coast! A team that is beautiful just like ocean. Ok, who wrote this as a way to describe their team? Anyways, please welcome..... The East Coast Oceans!"

Their song was Born for This by Paramore. A high energy song, with possibly a high energy routine too.

The Angels moved to the first mat to stretch, they could all feel Midwest's Bests eyes on them. Everyone here could possibly be competition, they already are though.

The Oceans has finished, it seemed like their ending had an explosion in it, because everyone was screaming. It scared some girls from other teams because of how well the applause was.

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