Cheerleader School

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The first day of filming has begun, as the cameras started to roll, the Angels got out of the bus. Some of them were shy around the cameras, Olivia loved the cameras on her.

Behind the cameras, there was someone leading them to the gym, where they would be introduced to the new team.

Florence looked over at the team.

"I wonder what the team is going to be like..."

Lisa looked at her.

"I hear that they are a very diverse team."



The campus was huge with a boarding dorm, a gym building, some other buildings, and the main school.

"Are you sure that we're not going to college?"

"No Cecilia, we're not."

They entered the gym building. There was a team practicing their routine. The door slamming got the coach's attention.


She had dark brown hair in a bun and looked like a high schooler.

"Please do have a seat! We were just putting finishing touches on our routine! There are benches right over there, please do have a seat."

They sat on the benches.

Olivia looked at Sheila.

"She seems like a nervous wreck."

"We probably scared her."



The team got into position to start their routine.

Florence took notes in her head. She was next to Ai.

"They are very diverse, they even have boys."

"I never thought many boys would cheer. 6 of them actually, and 10 girls."

The center of the routine was a gentle faced blonde with a slight demure feel to her.

When the music started, they instantly started to do a ripple effect in their moves. Florence instantly noticed something strange about the dance.

She had on an expression that was perplexed.

The routine seemed to be going smoothly, Florence thought something about it was off. She could feel that some of the girls were uncomfortable while performing.

Up until the final stunts, everything seemed to be going well. When the stunts finally came, that's when the girls that looked uncomfortable really were uncomfortable.

The first stunts were three girls doing a basket toss, the flyer for the middle stunt could be seen biting her lip.

Next set of stunts, the girl from the middle and a blue haired girl on the right end we're not ready. The blue haired girl ended up falling out of her stunt. And the coach was fuming, she could've almost yelled at her. However, the middle girl stayed up and looked at the blue haired girl.

"Oh my god Maya! Zoe! Look straight!"

The coach was super angry, the Angels were shocked.

"What are you guys doing? Finish the routine!"

To finish the routine, they were going to do a pyramid. The girl in the middle was still uncomfortable, the blue haired girl and another girl back handsprung into the pyramid. To finish it off, the pyramid stayed up.

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