Hometown Advantage

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Exactly a month has passed and now was time for the final competition. This competition was extremely dire to win, and if they can't win, they'll still be ridiculed by the other teams. This was to prove them wrong, that with hard work and effort, you can truly make it anywhere.

This competition was only a 15 minute drive into Des Moines. At the American Princess Theater, anything could happen. It was the most prestige arena around the country and today it is being used for a cheer competition. Florence had always dreamed about competing at the American Princess Theater, and today was her lucky day.

Getting off the bus after the shortest drive that they would ever take, the Angels felt prepared, confident, and they were never going to let their heads down today, not even for a second.

The theater was wide and spacious, with the lobby having pillars and pillars of fancy patterns.

"Are you ready team? Because this is the final chance, and we have made it a long way to stand in here today, I am grateful for everyone and all of the efforts that you all had put in. We are going to do amazing today!"


The competition started at 1, so the team had a lot of time to themselves. This place had a lot of food vendors around, more than Comet or Planet Athlete. The team ate breakfast earlier, but they might get lunch or dinner later.

Florence received a paper from one of the judges who just happened to be walking by. The paper read the order of the competition.


Ai looked over at the paper after the judge left.

"We're last again?"

"That doesn't mean that we can't blow them out of the water, nice guys finish last."

"That's not what the quote means......"

"I'm just trying to prove a point."

The arena was even more massive in the actual arena area. Over a hundred rows, facing both directions, and teams were on the floor, teams were practicing, and teams were on the other side, hanging out.

"It's just like the other competitions, don't stress about it."

They had about 4 hours to themselves before the Superteam division, that was always last. For the time being, there was elementary school teams performing. Kindergarteners basically, they must have been tired because they had to wake up so early and get all dolled up to perform early in the morning.

The team cooed as the bitty cheerleaders did cute little stunts.

"I can't believe that was me as a child, I must have been so adorable."

As the day went on, so did the age categories. From kindergarten to fourth-fifth grade to middle schoolers and then high schoolers.

"There's actually a lot of teams here, there was like nobody in the lobbies."

"I know, right?"

It was around noon when the high school division started. Florence started to feel a little bit hungry and looked around at her team.

"Is anybody hungry?"

Most of the team was too nervous to even eat, the ones who were nervous were slightly shaking with fear.

"Maybe after the Superteam category then we'll eat. I don't want anybody starving themselves."

It was quarter to one when the announcement for all super teams to come down to the floor surfaced down. The Angels were full of nerve. Their fear seemed to quiver, and Florence noticed this almost easily. But didn't say anything about it because she was scared she might scare the girls even more with that comment.

The time to practice was now before the finale of it all. Just like watching a good show and the season finale is today. This was going to be their last fighting chance, and although they are nervous, they have the same confidence as a warrior.

First up was the Royals. They had a routine that seemed at first like it was going to explode in charisma. Even Baron knew that their routine was going to fall short. Huddle Formation by the Go! Team seemed like a good song to do a routine to, however...... whoever choreographed the dance made it as boring as possible. It became such a drag to watch that Baron had poppers and sparklers come at the end.

Next up was Midwest's Best. A routine with all dance, just like the Royals. Their song was completely different and a song that everyone knew. I want Candy! It's not that Midwest's Beat aren't good, it's just they have little to no energy when performing. And they all have little stage presence. If any at all. Their routine was pretty offbeat, and their dance moves did not look professional. There was a part where they looked like they attempted to do a worm with their arms.

Next up was the Sweethearts with a change of pace. They had a song with much more energy and they were filled with energy to their toes. Their song was The Power is On by The Go! Team. They almost had the same dominant vibe as the Angels while performing, but not the same energy. In general, they had lots of energy. But not really technique or detail. They don't point their toes or have their arms as straight as they could be. It could be better, but it was a total wake up.

Fourth up was the Oceans. They had a cheery song and a fun energy with them. They had chose Walking on Sunshine by Aly and AJ. The whole routine was very cheery and cute. Even Luís was in the corner dancing and singing along to the song. Luís is competition in terms of routine, he has a very diverse personality. He can set the mood just right, and probably the nicest coach. He had never won against the Angels, but is a fair guy. After the Oceans routine had ended, he gave a massive round of applause.

"Are you ready for this?"

"It's now or never."

The Angels were called up to perform their song. They had worked so hard to make this just right, and the second the song started, they set the stage on fire. Florence as a center was just like a hidden gem, and who she put close to her was just right. Every second flowed by like a miracle, and every move felt like a puzzle piece fitting in together. When the routine ended, there was so much applause, that it felt like the room was going to shake on it's own.

The Angels felt a sense of accomplishment as all of their hard work fell into place. Confeti fell on them as they savored the feeling of success. Even if they don't win, they felt proud that they had finished the routine.

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