Dallas, Texas

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September has passed, and October has begun. A new month, a new opportunity or opportunities. The team was now in Dallas, after a 14 hour drive from Chicago.

In Dallas, there was the famous Toy Park, the hotspot for spring and summer, but because Texas is so warm, Toy Park is the hotspot all year.

Dallas was a new sight for most of the girls, even though all of the competitions were in big cities, they all had their charms. Brenda had brought her camera all of the journey and had been taking photos of everything.

The team was scheduled to go to Toy Park on October 4, and they had a new routine up their sleeves. A fun song, fun moves, and competitive stunts. Toy Park was going to be fun, and a new girl might join their team.

At the park, every afternoon, there is a daily show, used to show off talents and such. Not necessarily a competition, but you can be the talk of the town for the day depending on how good (or bad in some cases) you are.

To start the day off, the team decided to go on some rollercoasters to kill some time. The show wasn't until 1:00, and they got there at the break of dawn.

After having lunch and walking around, a man in a suit starts frantically running around. He notices the team is wearing their cheer uniforms and approaches them.

"Hey um, excuse me ladies? But can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, I don't have anybody scheduled for today's afternoon performance, and I need somebody fast, like right now. Do you guys mind if you perform for this afternoon's show? I'll pay you $3,000 if you do it."


"We'll do it."

"Good, follow me."

They were walking and talking at the same time, closer to the performance area.

"You see, this is very important, oh god, I don't think I can think straight, this has never happened in my life before. But also, my step daughter is here with me right now, she's a cheerleader herself, and her team didn't show up, and now she is sleepy, which she always is because I swear my stepdaughter is a cat. I think a good performance will wake her up."

"Oh yeah, we have something prepared."

"Here you go, good luck all of you, I'll hand you over to that guy with the headset."

The owner ran into the audience with his stepdaughter.

Music started playing, and the man with the headset asked the girls a few questions, such as who are they and what song are they doing for there routine, he ran to the DJ backstage and told him their song before running out onto the stage.

"How is everybody doing today?"

Screams were erupting.

"That's good, today we have a special performance, now I know you don't really see these a lot here at Toy Park, but nonetheless, they are the most iconic performances, you know what I'm talking about, right?"

More screams of applause.

"That's right! Coming from the state of Iowa to Dallas, Texas, here at Toy Park on October 4, 2008, please welcome The Cheer Angels!"

The Angels ran into the floor as the announcer left to watch. Getting into position to start their big shabang.

The music started, Bodyrock by Moby played.

Bodyrock was a routine that could be competitive, but it's used for an amusement park, the rolls, the stunts, the kicks, it was made for a sunny day in an amusement park. It was the right mix of work and play, learning it was super fun too, the song was majorly catchy as well.

Everyone in the crowd loved Bodyrock, and so did the owner's stepdaughter, who was jamming along to the song. She finally woke up and became alive with energy.

The big finish of the song ended with half of the team in stunts and half doing a dance in the front. The team rejoiced that the routine was done, and everybody suddenly wanted an encore.

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

Florence got the team to do one of their backup routines, it was about 15 seconds, but it made the crowd go wild.

The announcer came back on the stage again.

"How did you all like that routine?"

The crowd cheered the loudest that the Angels have heard so far.

"I actually liked that routine! I'm no professional cheerleading coach or anything, but are all of your routines like that?"

Florence grabbed a microphone.

"I like to add my own unique flair to my routines, make them competitive and make them fun. I have been cheerleading ever since I was two."

"Wow! That's long! Anyways, thank you for coming out to Toy Park, as they say here, a good day here is everyday here!"

A huge round of applause as they went off the stage.

The owner went up to Florence and gave her the cash.

"Thank you for doing this last minute, you know, if you ever want to come here again, you can. Everyone loved you guys, and my stepdaughter did too."

"Thank you!"

The owner left and the stepdaughter ran up to the Angels.

"Honestly, that was the best routine I've ever seen! You guys had so much energy and I would love to learn your routines! Maybe, with you guys too, you seem like a good team."

"You want to become an Angel?"

"Yes! I really do! Oh, by the way, my name is Cindy, I'm the stepdaughter of the owner of Toy Park, I'm here everyday, and being here too much is boring."

"You're the stepdaughter. Woah."

"Anyways, Cindy, welcome to the team! You are now an official Angel! How do you feel?"

"I have never been so awake in my life, I can't wait to be in a team with all of you."

"We travel by bus everywhere, and you get a row of seats all to yourself."

"We learn such fun routines, and we talk about absolutely everything."

"Our team has many differences, and such diverse personalities. We have bubbly girls like Hannah and Ai, stoic girls like Brenda, Diana, and Cristina. Everyone here is from a different state, believe it or not."

"Your team now has a Texas Belle."

"Oh, what position are you?"

"I'm a flyer."

"Oh thank god, we need flyers, I can't fly no more. I'm a base, not a flyer."

"Let's go to our quarters, also known as the bus, we kind of live here, and I know it's beat up looking, but it works."

They got on the bus.

"Pick your row."

"I'll go here."

Tina got Cindy a board that she could customize with her name on it, and when Cindy was done, she hung it under the window.

"What day are you leaving?"

"October 11, so take the time to go with your family and pack your things, also bring your passport, we're going to an airport to go to our next destination."

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