The Road to Comet

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And so the long road trip to Comet has begun.

A team of 26 going to the east side for like the 27th time and they still act like it's a new experience, honestly sometimes excitement is a virtue.

This was their first real competition, they have gone to other places only to recruit teammates and win some money, but other than that they have never really won anything.

Today was February 3, 2009, the start of their trip. They would take a day or two depending on what happens and a day or two to practice and compete, although going home might be a one shot, no stop kind of trip.

Only thing left to do was drive there and compete. Everything else was all good. Routine? Check? Spirit? Check? Angel Flair? Check that off the list again.

"How long is the drive?"

"I think 16 hours."


The trip the first hour was super loud and chaotic, the girls had so much energy that they could bring the competition down with them.

After that, it was all quiet. Everyone seemed to go from a group of rowdy best friends to complete introverted strangers that refuse to make a peep at all.

Some of them were sleeping, others were doing something to pass the time that seemed to never moved.

And so the second and the third and the fourth hour passed.

5:00pm had arrived, 5 hours on the road. Florence makes a pit stop.

"How's everyone doing?"

Everyone looked like they were dead inside.

"Oh dear, did any of you guys eat lunch or a meal in general before we left?"


"We're at a gas station, so....."

"What town?"

"Uhhhh, I don't know actually."

Florence got out of a bus and examined a build board in the distance.

"Cedar Lake, Indiana."

Florence jumped back on the bus.

"Is anyone here from Indiana?"


"I think the closest person near here is Tina. We basically just got into Indiana."

"Call it a checkpoint!"

"Alright, who wants to get some food?"


The team got out of the bus and went into the gas station/convenience store. Florence gave the bus a little more gas and dashed into the store to catch up with her team.

Dinner that day was gas station food, and some snacks for the road, and maybe some girls ordered a slushee or a smoothie or a milkshake. They sat on the curbs by the gas stations and after dinner, they felt energized. Ivonne started doing some jumps to warm up.

As soon as everyone had finished dinner, they went back in to the bus again. Unlike the first leg of the trip, it was always lively and there was always some discussion going on.

It was 7:49pm when the team made another stop. Florence got out from the front of the bus.

"We're going to be doing something a little bit different for tonight."

Pamela was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to be staying in a hotel, we have never done that before."

"A hotel?"

"I don't think we could spend another 24 hours in this bus, as much as we all love this bus, it's not the most comfortable and it's kind of cramped."


"So, we're in Bryan, Ohio. We made it into Ohio! And we are staying at the local Days Inn. Nothing special, just a place where you can get an actual bed."

"And our own bathroom."

"Let's go."

Walking into the Days Inn, the receptionist was so surprised at the whole team that she discounted the price and gave the team a whole floor to themselves.

Michelle held a room key in her hand.

"Room 705."

They had also picked partners to share a room with. There were 16 rooms per floor, and each room had two beds. Florence made a list and went to the copier in the hotel to print them.

Room 701: Tina and Ai
Room 702: Jackie and Elizabeth
Room 703: Ronnie and Kate
Room 704: Cecilia and Pamela
Room 705: Michelle and Olivia
Room 706: Sheila and Cristina
Room 707: Anna and Cindy
Room 708: Florence and Lisa
Room 709: Brenda and Diana
Room 710: Frances and Sasha
Room 711: Hannah and Ivonne
Room 712: Georgia and Natalie
Room 713: Victoria and Wendy

"I feel bad for whoever else is near us."

"It will be fun."

"And possibly chaotic."

"Make the most out of tonight, because we have a long day tomorrow, so sleep tight, eat a good breakfast and I'll see you in the morning."


Everyone went to their rooms.

The next day they got out of the hotel after having breakfast, Comet was 3 days away, and they were going to get there today.

"How much longer until we get to Trenton?"

"8-9 hours, we'll make it by tonight."

Getting on the bus yet again to travel hours and hours until they make it to Trenton. The girl who was most excited about going to Trenton was Ai. Trenton is not far from her hometown, and she was the girl that had the most spirit about it.

"What's in New Jersey?"

Whenever anyone asked Ai about New Jersey, she would rave about what Jersey has that most places don't.

"Wawa, Diners, Bagel Shops, you name it."

Ai raved about New Jersey and where the contest was going to be held at.

"It's such a massive arena, it will blow your mind away, I'll tell you that!"

Elizabeth, Jackie, and Michelle were the only ones that could kind of relate to Ai. They were also the only ones that could fully listen to Ai blabber on how New Jersey is the best state.

"But I'd love to go to Wyoming too."

"Oh my god Ai, just shut up for a second please."

"Olivia, no."

Olivia just buried her face in a magazine.

"Entering New Jersey."

Ai shot straight up after almost 9 hours on the road. She had a burst of energy and started running around the bus, causing a chaotic mess.

"Woohooo! Yeah! Woo! We're in my hometown, we're in my hometown."

"More like home state."

"Save your energy, Ai. We have two days left, don't burn it all out, or else, you'll look dead."

"And feel dead too, that's worse."

Florence parked the bus in a bus parking lot. For just a small fee of $90, she could keep the bus there for 3 days max.

She got out from the front.

"Ok, so we are in Trenton right now! It's been a long day traveling, but we are here and we are ready to go! Competition is in 2 days, and I'm determined we will place well. All of us have worked so hard and I can't wait to see the final results! We are going to be flying like a comet!"

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