World Tour Leg III

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The last and final leg, and also what will be the most hectic leg of the whole tour, at least that's what Florence predicted. 3 major cities and 5 routines. After this leg the tour would be over, but the team will only get a short break to travel to their next destination.

First up was Las Vegas, this is where most of the girls and families are going to be at. They're going to be the opening act for the new season, as Planet Athlete does a Welcome to the New Season competition every year. Florence decided to do 2 routines. Cmon Ride the Train and Push it to The Limit.

Cristina and Sheila had a little dispute between who was going to perform where, Cristina would have performed in California and Sheila would have performed in Las Vegas. However, Sheila wanted to be on camera in California and she and Cristina eventually made up. Ending up with Cristina performing in Las Vegas and Sheila performing in California.

Kate and Cristina were both going to be the centers for each routine.

First routine was Cmon Ride the Train with Kate.

"I know it's not my strong suit, but I like to try different things, you know?"

On the stage as they performed, Kate really knew how to set the mood. Intense, but not heavy metal intense. She learned moves from Ai, who always gave her pointers and extra lessons after practice. This routine was mostly keeping the beat and being on time. Kate was one of the best out of the whole team.

Next up was Cristina with Push it to The Limit. This routine was pretty fast and requires such an amount of energy that only some could offer. Cristina might seem stoic, but she can bring the energy to any routine that she can, Cristina might be understated, but that doesn't mean that she's not that good of a cheerleader.

After their routines, Kate's family, Cristina's family, Brenda, Diana, and Ivonne were there. Cristina didn't know this.

"You all came!"

She hugged Brenda, Diana, and Ivonne before going to her family, who hugged her so tightly.

Kate's family was looking straight at her, looking like they were disappointed. Until, her father came up and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You did well. We would have never thought you'd make it this far. And although we were against this dream, you have proven to us that you can do whatever you put your mind to."

"Thanks dad."

Kate's family seemed to be against her dreams. They quietly said their goodbyes and the team left to go to the next destination: Los Angeles.

The next spot was National Studios where they would perform on TV. Sheila and Olivia were performing two different routines. Olivia would be doing I'll do Anything and Sheila would be doing It Takes Two. Two different routines, two different vibes and two different girls.

Olivia started to get worried while they were traveling to California. Sheila noticed this.

"Hey what's up?"

"My family, they are coming, and I don't want to face them."

Sheila put her hand on Olivia's shoulder.

"If anyone is causing you a problem, just remember we are all here for each other. I know how tough things were in your old team.
They are all in the past now. Just keep your head up high."

Olivia nodded.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

The team walked in to National Studios, where a man that looked shaggy approached them.

"You must be the Angels?"


"Good. We have a live audience right here right now, and we need you to give your A+ performance because we need good rankings. If this fails, I fail."


Florence read his name tag.


"Whatever. Just get on the mat and perform."

The Angels got on the mat and got ready. I'll do Anything was first up.

Olivia as a center for the routine was majestic, even though she might not be the cutesy type, she can flash a cute smile and dance around like she is full of cheer spirit. Every moment she danced was entertaining and fun, she might have seemed very unlikely as a center, but Florence can challenge them to different concepts.

After I'll do Anything came a full 180 into It Takes Two. This Hip Hop routine was choreographed by Elizabeth and Florence added some touches to it. Sheila as a center was another unexpected choice, but Elizabeth knew Sheila would work with it. At the end, everyone did a split.

Sheila and Olivia's families were there. While Sheila and her mother cuddled each other, Olivia's parents didn't look as impressed.

"These are the Angels?"

"Yes mom."

"Well you better tell me that they put my money into good use."

"We have a gym and a house."

"Well you know, at least you aren't homeless, but I bet it's no mansion."

"Honestly mom, who cares about how much that you have? What matters most is being happy, and I'm happy being an Angel. I may not live in a cheer mansion or have the newest equipment, but I have supportive teammates, and that's all I need."

"Who raised you? Because your mother and I clearly didn't."

"What if I don't want to be a snob?"

"Be grateful that you have money in case your dream fails."

Olivia looked down, Florence watched as her parents left, and Olivia started crying in Florence's arms.

"I knew this was going to happen."

The moment after they left, they booked airplane tickets for the next day to go to their final destination, Hawaii.

The next day they set off on a plane to Hawaii. Anna would be performing in this show with a dance infused routine. They did this one before, and Anna is the member with the best stamina.

On the stage as about a thousand people watched, they performed their routine. Every move was powerfully done by every girl and it was intense. Anna was the most intense, she did the dance everywhere that they went, making her a dance machine. She even sang along to the song while doing it.

Anna's family couldn't make it to the show, but after the show, Anna went down to the beach and found a message bottle. She found a few pieces of crumpled up paper and opened the bottle.

My dear Anna,
We cannot make it to your show but if you do get this, you did amazing! Follow your dreams and stay passionate about them!
Love, Mom

Anna Banana Cabana,
It's Dad. You must be sightseeing around the country with your team. Remember what your dad taught you, yell COCONUTS at someone who is offending you to confuse them.

My Little Sister,
Ok, more like favorite pain. It might be unlikely that you'll get this. But I miss you surfing on the water. I don't understand cheerleading at all, I'll recognize you though.

Anna put them all back in the message bottle and went back to the team.

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