Might Like, might not

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It was a bright and sunny day today. The afternoon air was a little cold, but it was just right. Mike was sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Lisa and the Angels to finish their daily practice.







They finished the last of their routine by doing a tumbling sequence.

"Woo! Good job team! I know as much as you hate doing these daily warm ups, you feel better at the end of them! Ok, now you're all dismissed! Enjoy the rest of your day!"

The Angels were dismissed and Lisa went up to Mike at the top of the bleachers.

"Saw your routine warmup."

"I know, it was terrible."

"It was actually super cool, better than Phoebe would ever make."

"Florence treats me like I'm her kid, but it's way better than being with Phoebe."

"You're not wrong."

Their faces both got red as they looked at each other directly in the eyes for a split second.

"Do you want to take a walk around campus?"


Mike and Lisa got off of the bleachers and started to take a walk around the campus.

"What's it like being the captain of the Angels?"

"It's like being the leader of a subunit. I have the title, I'm just not the main person. Sometimes, Florence takes roles of both the coach and the captain."

"You know, that's actually kind of funny."


Lisa looked at Brad while they were talking,

"Lisa, I'm serious. Do you ever think about things you know, besides cheerleading? I know, I know, it's a stupid question to ask."

"Well, yeah. I think about home and I think about what I will do when I grow up. I'm not going to college or anything like that. Maybe it's too late for me to go. I don't know, my future after the Angel era is uncertain."

"Me too. Some might say that us cheerleaders just focus on cheerleading.."

"But you still have like a year or two until it's "normal" to go to college. People would be like "Oh? She's 20? She should've went when she was 18."

"It doesn't matter what age you go to college, what matters is what you want to do."

"What do you want to be then?"

"Maybe Something in Law Enforcement."

Lisa's mouth dropped. Mike noticed this.

"What were you expecting me to be?"

"An athlete or a sports reporter, something along the lines of that."

"I'm actually playing with you."


"I'm all reality, secretly, I want to be a fashion designer, but I just say law enforcement because people might make fun of me because I'm a guy and I should be doing "guy jobs.""

"Well, you can be honest with me."

"I feel like you out of all people would make fun of my career choice."

"Being a fashion designer would be so cool. But, um.... if you need a model..... unless you're doing like boys clothes or something like that."

Lisa's face blushed, which caused Mike to blush as well. For a second there was some awkward silence between the two, they kept walking around campus.

Mike noticed a small forest opening.

"I think we've been walking in circles for like hours, do you.... want to go through here?"

"I mean sure, I have nothing else to do or go for like the rest of the day."

They slid under the opening of the trees and branches that would bounce back at them if they put too much pressure on them. The forest had a small pathway with some trees that dropped down in front of them.

"I feel like I'm in a maze."

"That only goes straight."

They kept on walking and walking until there was a circle shaped field surrounded by the forest itself. Some flowers were blooming on the trees in shades of yellow, pink, blue, and red.

Lisa spun around the field.

"This is amazing! I love this!"

Mike could only stare at her, how her other side was much more relaxed and fun. He smiled and blushed at the sight of her alone.

'Ok Mike, now's the time. You got this, you can do this. It's all you, now go for it.'

"Hey, Lisa?"

Lisa stopped spinning.


"I..... I-I-I want to tell you something."


Lisa got closer to him by a few steps.

"Well, you see... I......"

Lisa kisses his lips.

"My answer is yes."

"I didn't even...."

"I know what you were going to say. Let's see.."

Lisa intimidated Mike's voice.

"Well, you see..... I wanted to tell you this for a long long time, a while actually. I think everybody knows that when we look at each other we both get red, at least that's what the Angels talk about when you're with them. But, how do I phrase this? I... like.... you.... so so much! I like you, Lisa! I wanted to tell you forever, or at least when our eyes met for the first time."

Mike was shocked because Lisa got it exactly right.

"How did you know?"

"Oh Mike! You're so obvious. I know these types of things, boys are easy to read."

Lisa hugged Mike and Mike squeezed her super tightly, even bringing her up to the sky. This caused Lisa to squeal.

"I never heard you do that before."

"That's the one thing I can't predict."

"What are the others going to think?"

"Who cares about what the others think? I'm just so happy that we could get the awkward stuff out of the way! Now, what's our ship name?"


"That sounds stupid. We don't need a ship name."

"Can I kiss you?"

"You don't need to ask."

Mike kissed Lisa this time, surprising her in more ways than one. Although they are both the captains of their teams, they often put on a mask to hide their true feelings and identities. What the team might see is what they don't really see in them. The match between them is what some would call stereotypical, but they are not the high school dream couple that everyone wishes they were in stories.

Lisa and Mike hugged again, this time their hug was more romantic than friendly. This relationship was always in the making, and this time, they could talk to each other as easily. Yes, it's about love, but they also feel closer than ever because they confessed their true feelings.

Far away from the familiar campus and far away from the familiar faces that they see everyday, this couple is oh so ready to take on the world and even what they media might say about them together.

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