End of Cupid's Arrow

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Another day, the days seemed to be the same everyday. Wake up, breakfast, school, lunch, more school, practice, dinner, homework, sleep. However, today would be a little different, at least for Brad and Elizabeth.

Brad woke up and knew today was the day. He would face all of his fears and tell the girl that he likes her. That girl would be Elizabeth, of course.

The two might seem like they clashed because of their personalities and their vibes, but there might be some hope in this couple, who knows? Today holds the key for that answer.

Getting out of bed, Brad brushed his hair and went downstairs to the dining area, where he and Greg exchanged some words.

"You ready for today?"

"I think I am."

After breakfast, it was time to go to school. Brad left the dorm and took a stroll around to the school building, where the first class was going to begin.

He walked in the class and he took his seat, he was diagonally in back of Elizabeth, and would often stare at her even though he could only see her green straight hair.

After the first class had ended, everyone went to the second class. Brad went to his locker and stood there for a minute, searching for Elizabeth to see if she was going to walk around the hallway or not. She didn't. Brad just walked to second period.

In second period, Brad was right next to Elizabeth. While she was taking notes, he was drawing her face in his notebook again and again and again, instead of taking notes on whatever the teacher was talking about. Nobody really paid attention in any of the classes, it was fake school for reality TV, only the cameramen paid attention.

And so after second period, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, whatever the day was quickly ended. The day went by quicker than a jackrabbit on a muscle farm.

The only part of the day that didn't go by as quickly was lunch.

"How's Mr. Loverboy doing?"

"Nothing happened so I guess it's going good."

"You have the whole day, and not just school day to get her attention and tell her how you really feel. I would recommend doing it after the school day or maybe after practice, it's your call."

"I don't know what to say to her."

"My advice: act natural, be yourself. As long as you are yourself, she'll see you as someone who's honest."

As the rest of the day passed by, Brad started to feel his nerves go bananas. Inside, he was going up and down, his heart thumping to everything, and full of nerves, lots of them.

Brad walked by Elizabeth's locker taking a quick breath. He went closer to her.


Elizabeth didn't know who it was and slammed him into the lockers.

When she realized it was just Brad.

"Oh, sorry, my bad."

She let go of Brad's collar and Brad got red.

"You're Brad, right?"


"What's up? Do you need any help with dancing or stage presence or confidence?"

'I would like your help with my confidence.'

"Uh, well, I don't know."

"So, you just some here to be nice? Strike some small talk with me? Awkward things like that?"

'I came to tell you that I like you'

"I mean you can put it how you want, but actually, I think I need your help with something now that I'm thinking about it."

Elizabeth closed her locker with a book in her hand.

"Let me guess, a guy like you wants help with confidence, I know guys like you. The shy guys, very modest and understated. Introverts more or less."

'How does she know?'

"How did you know?"

"Half of the boys on your team, including you are shy as a hermit crab. But believe me, being as confident as me starts off with being born in the big city. You're probably a small town boy trying to make it big. You get scared at every opportunity that comes your way."

"You got the small town part right."

"Hey, even big city boys can be shy too. It's just not as common in the big city."

"Are you referencing the big city as New York?"

"Duh. But, how can you tell?"

"You have a New York accent, also by the way that you act, you're rough and determined."

"Ok, we're getting off track here, I have to go to practice in a few minutes, just tell me what you need because you're acting super odd."

Brad got even more nervous.

'Now's the time, Brad. You can do this. She'll either accept you or you will die trying.'

"Uh, yeah, there's actually something I want to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Brad took a deep breath.

"Remember when we first met when you interviewed me? Well, after that meeting, I've been thinking about you a lot and I may or may not have developed feelings for you. But the feelings are nothing major. I just wanted to tell you because it might not happen but you might like me back? If you don't, it's ok, I would've expected it."

Elizabeth smirked and went closer to Brad.

She gave him a quick kiss.

"You're a cute guy, but I don't think that'd we be a good couple. I'd probably scare you to death if we actually did date. And, I'm not the right type of girl for you, but I got to admire your confidence, you might not be all insecure after all. If we did have a relationship, more like little brother and big sister if that were us. Trust me, I'm not the right girl for you. We are polar opposites, like north and South Pole."

Brad knew that she would reject him, but a kiss? This was something that he would've but not expected at the same time. Still, that kiss was uncalled for, but Elizabeth knew what he wanted. Safe to say that that was an interesting first kiss for both.

"Anyways, I gotta go. I hope that kiss was enough for you. Just remember, you deserve somebody better than me, somebody who is mellow like you and not a wild card like me. Sorry for scaring you also."

Elizabeth left leaving Brad flustered. Brad got rejected, but hey he got a kiss. Maybe Elizabeth is right about him and her, they're just not meant to be, and that's ok. Some things just don't work out.

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