Dover, Delaware

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Pamela and Cecilia were singing a random song that they just made up.

"I wanna drive a race car! To Kentucky! Get me a nice hot guy named Bucky! Fried Chicken, on a platter! Kentucky Fried Chicken, it doesn't matter!"

The team was asked to Dover, Delaware to perform before the race at Dover Speedway. Pamela and Cecilia decided to make a song about race cars. And, ever since they met, they have become best friends and are inseparable.

"If I hear you guys sing one more dumb song, I am going to rip my ears out!"

"Be quiet, Olivia, I don't think it's that bad. You know, we are cheerleaders, we have to have mojo!"

"Yeah, but, I'm trying to relax."

The two were annoying, but at least there wasn't any awkward silence on the bus.

When the Team arrived in Dover, they all stretched their legs out.

"Fresh Air!"

The Dover Race was the 13th, and the team arrived on the 10th.

Florence had prepared a routine that was "nothing fancy" as she had said, it was a hip hop infused cheer, and Elizabeth helped her choreograph it on the bus.

"We have 3 days to learn the dance, and it doesn't require soft ground."

"No stunts?"

"No flips?"

"Just synchronization."

"Ok, maybe a high kick, that's the hardest part."

"We don't have much time, so we'll teach you the dance so you can be quiet."

Day in and night out, they practiced the routine. The first day was learning the steps, the second day was putting it all together, and the third day was practicing the whole thing.

December 13 had arrived, and the team was waiting for the race to start. They were the performance that would start the race, and although some girls complained about the routine being too easy, Elizabeth snapped back and said
'Are you trying to impress the race cars?'

There was another girl in a cheer uniform at the field too. She had light blonde hair and a serious look on her face. Approaching the Angels without a sweat.

"You are the Angels, right?"


"And you guys are really performing here? In Dover? On a racetrack?"


"You guys look cute."

"Is that a compliment?"

"No, you guys look like you would cry if somebody said your hair looked ugly."

"I would punch them in the face."

"I don't like the cutesy cheerleaders with their Pom poms waving around in the air, doing the traditional routines that I have seen a thousand times."

"And you can do better?"

"More mature, I would phrase it. But, I bet you guys have a "really mature" routine up your sleeves."

The tone in her voice was sarcastic, if they recruit her, she and Elizabeth would make the sarcastic sisters.

"Oh by the way, I better get going now, if you need me, the name's Michelle Morozov."

Michelle left.

"What a serious girl."

"More like sarcastic."

The Angels were called on the field to start the race with their cheer, it would blow Michelle away, it's not the cute cheer that she thinks that they do on a regular.

"Party Peopleeeeeeeee! Yeeeeeeeah!"

The song kicked on. Whoomp! There it is! was their hip hop infused routine with a cheer touch. It was a great routine to hype people up for, and Michelle would be impressed.

Screams from the crowd came almost every second of the routine, the crowd loved it, Michelle did too, probably, who knows? She could have had a puss on her face watching them.

Ever since Key West, Florence has decided to join in the routines instead of being off to the side like a regular coach would. The girls felt bad for Florence being on the side, not having fun with the routine, as cheerleading was her passion.

"Whoomp! There it is!"

The song concluded with massive applause.

"Let's get this race started!"

More applause from the comment that Florence had made.

Michelle was hanging out by a pole after the Angels finished their routine.

"Not bad, you guys actually surprised me."

"See? We don't do cutesy routines."

"I thought you were going to do a cutesy song with a cutesy dance with cutesy members, and I was wrong."

"We do a little bit of everything."

"And we all have our strengths and weaknesses."

"Your team is unique. It's like a collection of herbal tea. There is a little bit of everything. A little cute, a little mature, a little chic. A bit of everything, which I have never really seen."

"We don't do the same thing over and over, we spice things up."

"What I like about your team is that you have superb synchronization, most routines I see, somebody is off, even by a millisecond. I am a little bit of a perfectionist, and I could see things."

"We practice our stamina too, and also teamwork."

"Also your teamwork is sublime. No wonder your synchronization is better than most."

"Teamwork is important to have in a team. You can't make Work without the Team. I actually created this team because we all have our strengths, weaknesses, and skills that are useful."

"So, what does the name Angels really mean?"

"Have you ever watched Cheerleader America?"

"Wait a second, you have girls from Cheerleader America on your team?"

"15 to be exact."


"The name Angels is not like a pretty, dainty angel, it's more like a fallen angel, we might have fell from heaven, but we rise and make the best out of things."

"You make me interested about your team."

"Do you want to join?"

Michelle looked away and smirked.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"If you become an Angel, then you get a whole row of seats to yourself!"

"You meet so many girls who treat you right!"

"And you can be yourself here!"

"So I could talk about NASCAR for hours on end?"


"By the way, does your team need a backspot? Because, I'm a backspot. And they say I am the "stereotypical backspot". Because I seem cold and aloof and stuff like that."

"We need another backspot."

"Also, can you handle being in a bus for hours on end?"

"I can endure anything."

"Welcome to the team Michelle."

"Thank you."

Michelle took out her flip phone and called her dad.

"Hey dad, could you come to Dover Speedway and pack up all of my clothes in a suitcase and all my money and everything that I pack for trips? Ok dad, see you in 5, bye."

Her dad came with a suitcase.

Florence took the team to the bus and Michelle chose her seat. Everyone got on the bus and they drove away to their next destination.

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