Coach against Coach

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The end of the day was fast approaching and it school just ended.

Florence was in the gym taking a breath when Phoebe came in, storming in as usual.

"Well, well, Well, look who I found all alone, and vulnerable."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you."

Phoebe stepped closer to Florence.

"Come on, Florence, aren't we buddies?"

"First off, I don't even know you that well, and second off, don't you have any respect for someone your senior?"

"Eh, whatever. You know why I'm here. To discuss the finale."

"We both know that they would come to my team because you can't coach!"

"You pamper and spoil you team too much, I give them reality!"

"Well, you know, at least I treat my team like actual human beings unlike you! You yell at your team because they breathe incorrectly according to you!"

"My team's not perfect, but they don't belong to you!"

"They would want to be with me."

"And that is why nobody likes your coaching style."

Florence and Phoebe started to get enraged at each other.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Better than you and your stupid Angels!"

"At least I have a team name unlike your team! You just call your team "the team". COME ON! You can do better than that!"

"I don't want my team to be called the Flaming Pizza Rolls because they'd name it something like that!"

"Well a team name is better than nothing! Have you ever heard of self promoting?!"

"This is reality TV! Nobody cares about those details!"

"At least let them in the know! The name "The Angels" is pathetic and weak, it sounds like the name a team of third graders would try and propose to their coach who would pretend that it's ok and then go with the Hornets!"

Florence stopped right in her tracks.

"What did you say about my team's name?"

"It's weak and childish and...."

Florence put her hand over Phoebe's mouth.

"Do you understand what the meaning of that name is?! Do you?! My team is very dear and the name is no exception! It has a meaning that your ignorant self could never understand! You aren't smart enough to make a team name and treat your team right!"

"You know that life isn't leisurely, you know?"

"Who even let you be a coach? You are 19 years old, you are immature, a snob, mean spirited, ignorant of others, and you hurt people on purpose and won't hesitate to make them uncomfortable."

"Honey, it's called show business. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, you can't always do what you want."

"I know that, I'm not stupid. But, it's like telling a circus clown to devote his life making pastries instead of being in the circus."

"So, you're calling me a clown?"

"Depends what context I put it in."

"And you say that I'm a bad coach? You have quite the smart mouth and I'm surprised your team doesn't hate YOU."

"At least I know how to treat people right, you treat people like you're a spoiled kid playing with your dolls, making sure everything is perfect and when something goes wrong, you lash your anger out on your poor team. What did they do to you?"

"They don't know how to act."

"I want you to try and teach some senior citizens to cheer. See how far you get before you lose all of your patience."

"Oh, I'll do BETTER than you. I'm always better than you, always was, always will be."

"You literally became a coach this year."

"There's only one way to see who's best."

"A tumbling feat?"

Phoebe fake giggled and then looked away because she didn't know how to tumble.

"I guess that you never learned how to tumble?"

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! You know what? Watch me!"

Phoebe attempted to do a round off but fell on her face.

"D-don't look at me like that! The floor's just slippery! Let me do it again!"

Phoebe tried again, instead, she did a handstand and collapsed.

"Maybe you're made for either baby cheerleaders or sideline cheerleading."

Phoebe got enraged.



Florence put her hand over Phoebe.

"Watch, and maybe you'll learn."

Florence started with a running start. Starting from a front walkover into a back handspring going into a back tuck.

"Simple as that."

"Well you know, I COULD DO THAT."

"You can't even do a round off."

"I didn't stretch today."

"Even without stretching, I could do a round off. You know, it's not good to lie to others about what you can and cannot do. In the end, you'll just make a fool out of yourself."

Florence faked sympathy in her voice.

She started to walk out of the gym.

"Where are YOU going?"

Florence looked back at her.

"I've seen all that I can see. And I've done all that I can do. You're not made to be a cheerleader, unless you practice, but with you, you're probably not going to make it very far in the cheerleading world. Take it from a pro, I would encourage you, but you're a monster. That's all I can say to you."

Florence walked out.

"Why you little...."

The slamming of the doors stopped Phoebe's voice from reaching Florence's ears.


The screams of the cameraman at the camera scared Phoebe. She turned around and glared at him.

"Did you record the whole thing?"

"I did. Safe to say that you got burned and the fact that she is right makes it even more wild."

"Do you want me to punch you?"

"I don't think you'll affect me that much."

Phoebe got so mad.

"I dare you to record me."


The cameramen pulled out his phone.

"Hey, Roger, I have a juicy moment that you need to record ASAP. Come to the gym, pronto."

Roger came around with his camera just as the fight with Phoebe got worse.


Roger recorded the whole thing.

"This is going to go so viral when this airs!"

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