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It was January 2010 now, the snow was falling through the window and Florence was putting her idea into motion: bring Brenda, Diana, Frances, Georgia, Hannah, Ivonne, Natalie, Sasha, Victoria, and Wendy back for at least one more performance.

"Hey Brenda! It's me, Florence! How are you doing? Look, I know this is all so sudden, but can you come back to the team? We have some new members and I also want you to rally up every girl that left. It's going to be very special and very intense. Great! I'll see you Tuesday!"

Florence turned off her phone and looked at the calendar.

'Only 3 days left, huh. Until I can pick them up from the airport. This time, it will be a hello and not a goodbye.'

The three days passed faster than the speed of light.

At the airport, Florence waited for each girl one by one to come around.

And when they stepped off of the plane, Florence almost cried.

"They all grew up so well."

Ok, maybe Florence shed a few tears, but that's because all of the old memories started coming back to her. The very beginning, when at the most, there were 26 of them, having parties, living in the bus, practice and competition.

When they got home, Ai, Lisa, Sheila, Ronnie, Cristina, Jackie, Tina, Olivia, Elizabeth, Cecilia, Cindy, Anna, Pamela, Michelle and Kate notices them and ran over to them.

"I missed you all so much!"

Ai's words caused her to cry.

Georgia and Frances comforted her.

"Don't cry, we missed you too."

The next day, everyone was in the same familiar studio.

"Feels like forever since I last stepped foot in here."

"I know, right?"

Florence got everyone's attention.

"We have an important show in 3 weeks, and we have a lot of members. Some are old friends that we had from the start, and others are new friends and new teammates. We even have some guys!"

The girls ooed at the guys, who slightly looked away and blushed.

"Other than that, we have a lot of practice to do, and the day will come faster than we'll expect it to come. So, we got to practice, learn, and rehearse. I know, it will seem like a lot at first, but you'll get used to it. Competition season is right now, and you gotta strike when the iron is hot."

Florence turned on the radio and showed the team the routine. It was just like the first time, when the 15 other girls watched. Except, there were more of them.

Florence performed jumps and flips and dance moves that blended in with each other. For the stunt parts, she pretended to be the flyer.

The music was finished as Florence looked at the team.

"How's that?"

Some of them clapped, some nodded, and some were stunned.

"I'm surprised that you still have your spunk, Florence."

"That spunk will never die out, Sasha. It's like a spark, and I'm just a little firecracker."

Practice kicked up as the team was ready to learn the first steps. First steps led into learning the first stunts and the tumbling sequence and into the pyramid.

Every number Florence counted from 1 to 8 and back again.

They spent hours and hours and hours turned into days. They would practice for an hour until they got a 10 minute break and then practicing kicked back up again.

Florence made sure to not overwork her team and give them time to rest and hydrate because the last thing that she ever wanted to happen was somebody overworking themselves because they were exhausted.

"Give it your all, but remember that you have boundaries too."

And soon enough, the day came around. At the American Princess Theater where they took the title as the supreme superteam. Proving that anybody can do anything if they put their mind and their effort into it.

All of them peaked behind the curtain. This time, they were more nervous than usual.

"What's wrong, Hannah?"

"It's just that I haven't done this in a while. It seems so scary now. All those people, supporting us. It's crazy to think that a year ago from now, we were practicing and competing to become the best. And now, we are the best."

"Just remember, we are here for each other, we practiced hard, we have been through rockier roads than this."

Florence hugged Hannah.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We now have a special performance for all of you! A performance that will shake your whole body. This team is known around the country for their story and their determination, started by a girl in a small town with dreams as big as her heart. Now, they're back in their home state and they brought their old and new members together to perform! Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing! The Angels!"

The Angels ran on the familiar blue mat with energy, getting into their positions to start the routine.

Florence whispered.

"1...... 2.......... 3."

And the music started hot.

Starting with a little dance and 5 stunts in the back.

The bass was hard and the beat was fast.

The beginning ended with the start of the jumps. A ripple effect used by Florence made it seem like the eyes were playing an illusion on you. Toe touch, toe touch, pike, toe touch, split in midair.

Jumps finished and the tumbling kicked in.

Back handsprings, flips, a sight to the eye.

With all 42 on the floor, it made you wonder how Florence managed to Choreograph the whole thing. How she gave a part to everyone, and how well they applied it.

The main attraction was the pyramid, an 11 stunt wonder. Cindy was the center of it all, being held by just Florence. The 11 stunt pyramid was like no other. Some went up, some flipped, and some were doing jumps in midair.

Another stunt sequence came after the pyramid. 4 stunts made a line and one by one, the flyers shot up. It ended with one by one going down in the same order they came up.

The final part of the routine was here, the dance. Everybody got into the dance routine as the same intense moves that Florence had shown to them were done with precision and grace. They were sharp and flowed right along.


The final scream from the song finished the routine, and confeti in shades of white, aqua, and pink fell from the ceiling.

This was the moment that Florence has dreamed of, ever since she was little, this is what she wanted. She looked over to her team and she smiled at them. They all got into a big hug and they all smiled and laughed at the sky.

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