The final chance

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"And now we are going to reveal the results for the Superteam division!"

This was the moment, this was really it. The final chance to prove. Prove some right and others wrong. Angels can fly, Angels aren't just the creatures with white wings. Angels are something else, and they could stop the world if they wanted to.

"These scores were out of 250 and I have the results in my hand. But first off, who had a good time here today!"


"That's great. We're going to reveal the results right this second so hang on tight to your bows and pom poms!"

"We'll start off with fifth place. Not saying that fifth place is bad, honestly that is good. But to tell you the truth, the team that got this shouldn't doubt themselves. Instead, be proud because of how far they got."

Florence quivered in fear.

"With a score of 210.7 out of a possible 250, give it up for......"

Florence shut her eyes, waiting for the impact.

"Midwest's Best!"

Florence and the team knew they would get last place. They always rank low, and then the coach plots someone's death.

"Fourth place coming right up! This team had a performance that was never boring for a second. You could tell that their energy never died. It may not have placed "well", but it certainly won most energetic."

The team knew that it was the Southern Sweethearts, but they still kept their guard up in case the Angels were to place fourth.

"With a score of 222.3  out of 250, give it up for the Southern Sweethearts!"

Sandra gave her team a massive hug as she ran to the announcer and took the mic from her hands.

"Thank you everyone for everything that we have done! We have made it so far and we are on fire! The Southern Sweethearts have beat the Southern Belles and the Southern Armadillos and the East High School cheerleading team! We promise to give our every last bit of energy as long as we all shall live! Amen!"

Everyone was confused. The Sweethearts were ashamed and the announcer was a little disgusting. Sandra gave the microphone back to the announcer.

"Ah, feels so good getting that off my chest."

Sandra went back to her team.

"Well, ok then. Third place! I actually liked this routine and it was danceable to. Some of you may have caught me dancing in the corner.... Nonetheless, this was such a routine, whoever created it is a genius. Every move went along with the song, and I felt like a kid dancing to this song. If I sang the song, I would've interrupted the routine....."

Either Angels or Oceans.

"Third and second were actually a 1.5 point difference."

Everyone gasped.

"The team that takes third place is..... The East Coast Oceans!"

One of the girls came up and took the bronze trophy from the announcer. Getting a trophy is what the Oceans want at the least. Luís was so proud of his team.

"I forgot! A score of 228."

The Oceans laughed at the Announcers mistake.

"Second place."

This was really the climax of it all. Royals vs Angels again for the top spot. Baron looked at the team with a confident smirk, mouthing 'You know we're going to win this'. Florence mouthed back with a 'yeah right'.

"We have two teams that could get second place. These teams are both major competition, and their mojo is high. Only one could win, and only one could get second place. You know what they say, second place is the first to lose, and I don't think either would want to lose. That said, I have the results in my hand."

The announcer opened the envelope very slowly and examined it even slower.

"1st and 2nd place have a major difference in points. Like the 1st place has an almost perfect score."

Baron grinded his teeth.

"Almost? Perfect?"

"Almost. Perfect."

"The two teams are also both entirely different. Not only from different parts of the country, but different upbringings, different personalities, and different styles. Defiantly these two teams are arguably the most well known super teams because of how they became such big role models in the cheerleading world."

"We're role models? For other cheerleaders?"

Elizabeth and the rest of the team was shocked.

"Needless to say, either winning could cause somebody to lash out at somebody. I mean, both teams have their charms, but only one is able to take the gold. Who knows? This could have been predictable or unpredictable. Both teams had spectacular performances, with endings that wowed the crowd and judges alike. Let's make a prediction."

Florence couldn't handle waiting anymore.

"Oh my god."

Baron started biting his lip, getting a win was never so nerve wracking to him, because the results get fished out in a flash.

"Who wants the Royals to take first place? Scream and wave your hands in the air like you just don't care!"

About half of the stadium screamed at the top of their lungs, some were waving purple banners and some were screaming "ROYALS! ROYALS! ROYALS!"

"What about the Angels? The freshest superteam there is? Scream and go crazy if you want the angels to win!"

The other half went wild and crazier than the Royals. All of the Angels were surprised at the amount of people that were rooting for them. It gave them hope and confidence that they could do this, that they could win.

"I have the results in my hand. The team that is in first place is at my fingertips. First place, with a score of 249.7 out of a possible 250."

She wasn't kidding when she said almost perfect. That was almost perfect.

"And the team is......."

Anticipation and worry went throughout the stadium. Could the Angels really take this win? Or will the Royals take it again? Even the other teams looked around at both teams. Baron and Florence were both scared out of their minds.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Angels!"

Confeti fell around the stadium. Every Angel was blown away from the results. Half of them were crying, some were shocked, and Florence was speechless. They all hugged each other and they all did a huddle together. It had finally happened. The applause was out of this world and Baron was enraged because he didn't win.

The announcer went up to the Angels and gave them the gold trophy.


"Thank you so much."

The announcer gave the microphone to Florence.

"Are there any words that you want to say?"

Florence took the microphone and took a deep breath.

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