The Angels Learn to Fly

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"Hey everyone! I got a routine for the next competition!"

Florence's high energy entrance scared half of the girls, while the other half were trying the equipment to warm up on.

The girls who were on the equipment got off and ran towards Florence.

"What's up?"

"I got an idea for a routine! I'm super confident in it! I believe we'll take the cake with this one!"

Victoria slightly tilted her head.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that if we get this routine just right, then we'll be able to snag a win or at least get second."

"What is so special about it?"

"The song that I picked has a message to it, a message that all of us can relate to. If I sing a lyric, you will probably understand the song."

Florence started to lightly sing.

"Being grown up, isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart, and eventually you'll finally get it right."

Ronnie lit up.

"In this Diary by The Atrias?"

"Correct! This routine is going to be very different from the ones that we normally do. One, it is going to be super fast, probably the fastest routine we are ever going to do. Two, it will require a lot of emotion, this song has a message that we need to spread. And three, this routine is going to be dance based. No stunts, no flips, nothing fancy."

Elizabeth smiled.


"So, Elizabeth will be the dance assistant with this song, as the official dancer of our team, she will help out with mistakes, remember, the song is very very fast."

Diana raised her hand.

"Who is going to be the center?"

"Ah yes, the center. I put a lot of thought into who is going to be the center, and I decided that it is going to be......."


"Can you at least give us a clue?"

"Somebody who seems cold. That is all I will give."




"Brenda or Diana?"

"Maybe Frances?"

"The center is...... Lisa."

Lisa had a slight smile but still doubted Florence.

"Why me?"

"It's time for you to shine, the vibe and the message got you well, you could master this. You led the team in Jump, so you should led the group as the center of In This Diary."

"What if I mess up?"

"Only doubting yourself will make you less confident as the center."

Florence told all of the girls to spread out.

"Good news about this routine is that you don't have to constantly move around, you just stay in one place the whole time."

Florence thought about the overall layout for a moment.

"Lisa is center, and Ai and Sheila, stand to the opposite sides of her and move up a little bit. Ronnie, go to the right of Ai and Anna go to the left of Sheila. Ronnie and Anna, take a step back."

Florence organized all of the girls into where she wanted them, which took about 10 minutes.

"Ok, I'll go right here. This is the hardest part, at least I hope. Wait, I have to teach the dance, my bad I forgot."

Florence went to the front of the room.

"So everyone follow me, we're going to do this in action first, because trying to teach a fast car is the hardest thing that I can think of. This is going to be like taking a dance class, just let your body move while following me."

She ran to the radio and turned it on.

"Watch and do."

Florence started the routine, in which she had done the moves already in her lobby while remembering the times that She had as a kid, what's it like to be young again. How it could affect every girl on the team regardless of life. It was not just another routine, it had meaning, a theme. So simple and yet so moving at the same time.

Florence lip synced the words to the song while doing it. Soon enough, the team was following Florence in her steps, although taking about a few seconds to get the feel of the song and the dance, the whole team was doing the dance together, as if their thoughts and beings were one.

Some even started to sing along with the song.

When the song was over, almost everybody felt a weird surge, as if they were energized but they were not, like the breath started to feel hollow, but their heart was racing at 750 miles per hour.

Florence turned around to the girls.

"Well? How did you like that? I know it was really different from what we normally do, but how does it makes you feel?"

Some of the girls were tired out from the moves, but Georgia didn't seem that out of shape compared to about half of the team.

"Pretty good, that felt like a workout, it gave me so much energy that I would want to do it again and again and again and again and again until I burn out."

"Don't burn yourself out, Georgia. That is not good for you. Remember everyone, maintaining your level of energy is important. You can't give 0 percent, but you can't go 140. Keep a good level of energy, and let it burst out during the performance!"

Florence went back to the front.

"You have all learned the basics, the moves at least. The next thing is the synchronization. This is all on a 1 2 3 pattern, so Ai and Sheila, you are the only ones who have to do all of them. The first one is a spin."

Florence signaled the groups by one to three and counted.

"Next up is the turn into a drop. 1 and 3 this time are reversed. So 1 and 2 and 3."


"Ai and Sheila, you are the only two that will do the last one. This last one is simple. Take the first chorus, and the last part of the song. Do the move in the chorus before anybody else."

The dance had gone just right. It would only be a while before they would head back to Las Vegas to return to Planet Athlete.

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