Boys Like Girls

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Greg, Mike, Jake, Chris, Pete, and Brad we're outside of the school, hanging out on the football benches looking over an empty field. It was a sunny but a slight breeze was blowing.

Pete looked at Brad who looked tense.

"What's wrong, Brad? Is something up?"

"Oh no no no no, nothing at all."

Brad slightly laughed and nervously scratched his head.

Chris noticed this odd behavior.

"I think I know what he is thinking about."

"No you don't!"

Mike noticed too.

"Brad likes a girl! Brad likes a..."

Brad put his hand over Mike's mouth.

"Shut it!"

Brad crosses his arms and looked away.

"So, tell us. Who's the lucky girl?"

"She's way out of my league. And she's totally different than me."

"How so?"

"She's confident, she's assertive, she's cool as hell. Dang, I go crazy just by thinking about her."

Jake smirked.

"Is she an Angel?"


Chris realized.

"Oh my god, is it Elizabeth?"

Brad turned red and all the guys noticed.

"I knew it! I knew that you would like Elizabeth!"

"We all know who you like, Mike. It's that obvious."

"Don't throw me under the rug, Brad."

"Lisa and Mike sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G."

"You guys are so immature sometimes, I can't with you all."

"At least we are fun and not jerks."

"Or stuck ups."

"I just don't feel confident about asking a girl out. Just because of the way that I look then they would assume that I treat girls terribly and I'm a heartbreaker. I would never break a girl's heart."

"Mike, Lisa deserves a guy like you. And how could she say no to you? You are dependable, loyal, kind, and a born leader."

"All that matters is I would screw up."

"You are overthinking it all."

"If anyone were to do things first, it would be you. And you can tell that she likes you back."

"Her face gets so red when she's around you."

"Bold of you to say that, Pete. We all know that you and Brooke like each other."

"Psst. We're just best friends, we knew each other before the show even started."

"What if you guys became more?"

"More than friends? Never. Brooke would wack me with a hammer."

"So, what are you saying?"

"Brooke would want to confess first."

"Maybe she acts tougher than you because she's hiding a lot. How many times has Brooke jumped on your back or play fought with you?"

"Hundreds probably."

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